
出版時(shí)間:2012-4  出版社:中央編譯出版社  作者:格林  




作者:(德國(guó))格林(Grimm W.),(德國(guó))格林(Grimm J.)


The Wild Swans
What the Old Man Does Is Always Right
The Old House
The Storm Shifts the Signboards
The Shepherdess and the Chimney-sweep
Daddy Dustman (Ole Lucie)
Little Claus and Big Claus
The Slur Collar
The Little M mermaid
It's Quite True
The Little Match Girl
Twelve by the Mail
The Garden of Paradise
The Wind Tells About Vladimir Data and His Daughters
The Gallant Tin Soldier
The Story of a Mother
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Snow Man
"Everything in Its Proper Place"
The Happy Family
The Shadow
The Princess on the Pea
The Nightingale
The Jumpers
The Travelling Companion
The M money pig
The Galoshes of Fortune
Aunty Toothache
The Tinder Box
Little Ida's Flowers
Elder-Tree Mother,
The Brownie at the Butter man's
The Snow Queen
The Swineherd
The Sweethearts
The Pine-tree
"The Will-o'-the-wisps Are in Town," Said the Woman from the
The Ugly Duckling
The Flying Trunk
The Storks
Silly Harts


版權(quán)頁(yè):   插圖:      1 The Frog-King,or Iron Henry In old times when wishing still helped one,there lived a kingwhose daughters were all beautiful,but the youngest was sobeautiful that the sun itself,which has seen SO much,Was astonishedwhenever it shone in her face.Close by the King's castle lay a greatdark forest,and under an old lime-tree in the forest Was a well,andwhen the day Was very warm,the King's child went out into the forestand sat down by the side of the cool fountain,and when she Was dullshe took a golden ball,and threw it up on high and caught it,and thisball Was her favorite plaything. Now it so happened that on one occasion the princess's golden balldid not fall into the little hand which she Was holding up for it,but onto the ground beyond,and rolled straight into the water.The King'sdaughter followed it with her eyes,but it vanished,and the well Wasdeep,so deep that the bottom could not be seen.On this she began tocry,and cried louder and louder,and could not be comforted.And asshe thus lamented someone said to her,"What ails you,King'sdaughter?You weep so that even a stone would show pity."Shelooked round to the side from whence the voice came,and saw a frogstretching forth its thick,ugly head from the water."Ah!old water-splasher,is it you?"said she,"I am weeping for my golden ball,which has fallen into the well.





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