
出版時間:2012-4  出版社:中央編譯出版社  作者:安徒生  


  Such an original species of writing as that in which Andersen
excelled does not burst full-blown upon the world. It is the result
of many experiments, many accidents, even, perhaps, of some
blunderings.Andersen did not set out deliberately to be a teller of
fairy stories, much less did he expect or desire to be mainly known
as the composer of these srnaating, as he called them, of these
trifles or bagatelles. He set out in life intending to be a serious
poet, a writer of five-act dramas, a novelist of passion and


作者:(丹麥)安徒生(Andersen H.C.)


The Wild Swans
What the Old Man Does Is Always Right
The Old House
The Storm Shifts the Signboards
The Shepherdess and the Chimney-sweep
Daddy Dustman (Ole Luktiie)
Little Claus and Big Claus
The Shirt Collar
The Little Mermaid
It's Quite True!
The Little Match Girl
Twelve by the Mail
The Garden of Paradise
The Wind Tells About Valdemar Daa and His Daughters
The Gallant Tin Soldier
The Story of a Mother
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Snow Man
"Everything in Its Proper Place"
The Happy Family
The Shadow
The Princess on the Pea
The Nightingale
The Jumpers
The Travelling Companion
The Money-pig
The Galoshes of Fortune
Aunty Toothache
The Tinder Box
Little Ida's Flowers
Elder-Tree Mother
The Brownie at the Butterman's
The Snow Queen
The Swineherd
The Sweethearts
The Pine-tree
"The Will-o'-the-wisps Are in Town," Said the Woman from the
The Ugly Duckling
The Flying Trtmk
The Storks
Silly Hans


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:      gar away from here,in the land where the swallws fly to whenwe have winter,lived a king,who had eleven sons and onedaughter,whose name was Elisa.The eleven brothers,who were allprinces,went to school with a star on their breast and a sabre by theirside;they wrote on golden slates with diamond pencils,and knew theirlessons by heart just as well as if they had read them from a book.Onecould see at once that they were princes.Elisa,the sister,sat on a smallfootstool of plate glass and had a picture book which cost as much ashalf the kingdom. Yes,those children led indeed a happy life,but it Was not always tobe so. Their father,who Was king of the whole country,married a wickedqueen,who was not at all kind to the poor children.On the very firstday this became apparent to them.There were great festivities all overthe palace,and the children were playing at"having company,"butinstead of their getting as usual all the cakes and roasted apples thatcould be had,the queen only gave them sand in a teacup and said theymight pretend it Was something nice.






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  •   書很好,就是紙張好奇怪啊
  •   很全的一本書,很好!?。。。?!
  •   ////////////
  •   書還是不錯的,唯一的缺點就是紙質(zhì)的問題,不是很好,但是內(nèi)容還是不錯,所以這一點就忽略過去了,但是價格還是有點小貴- -
  •   滿意滿意,綠色的,外紙都是綠的。
  •   這個綠色
  •   整本書的外圈都是綠色的,讓人有一種耳目一新的感覺。
  •   買來準備讀給女兒聽的,不過發(fā)現(xiàn)每個故事的篇幅都很長,完全不是想象中的幼兒啟蒙英語的水平。(應(yīng)該是需要高中英文的詞匯量了)不推薦用這個做睡前讀物--跟我一樣想法的同學可以直接去買插畫版的英文童話書了,就超市常見的那種,很適合讀給學說話的小孩子聽。印刷什么的都沒有問題,內(nèi)頁紙的邊緣是綠色的。所以整本書合上,從旁邊看來就是“一本綠色的書”。
  •   書的外觀挺好 就是紙質(zhì)真的一般 不過插圖很好看 還有 快遞真心給力 第二天就到了?。?!
  •   紙質(zhì)一般,內(nèi)容很豐富的
  •   給媳婦買的……據(jù)她說是給我們還不知何時降臨的小baby準備的……話說以我的英文水平也看不來這書好壞,反正這個紙張裝訂什么的還不錯,紙張稍嫌粗,不過沒反光看起來相對比較柔和,也還ok了。書頁邊緣也是綠色,被我媳婦一頓吐槽,說讀起來怪怪的,這個我覺得還好吧……
  •   蠻喜歡的 紙感也好 手感也好 字體也好 一看就是正版
  •   書的邊緣是綠色的,整體看起來很特別,像一塊厚厚的綠石頭。當然,內(nèi)容是值得肯定的。
  •   封皮的顏色比圖片綠。。。不大賞心悅目。。。紙質(zhì)只能讓我呵呵了。。。
  •   書外有塑料膜 書頁干凈整齊 很好

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