出版時(shí)間:2012-4 出版社:中央編譯出版社 作者:卡耐基 頁數(shù):244
Seven Ways to Peace and Happiness
1 Find Yourself and Be YourselfRemember,There Is No One Else on
Earth like You
2 Four Good Working Habits That Will Help Prevent Fatigue and
3 What Makes You Tired--and What You Can Do About It
4 How to Banish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue,Worry, and
5 Would You Take a Million Dollars forWhat You Have?
6 Remember That No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog
7 Do This -and Criticism Can't Hurt You
EXCERPTS FROM How to Win Friends and Influence People
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
8 If You Want to Gather Honey, Don't Kick Over the
9 The Big Secret of Dealing with People
10 The Who Can Do This.Has the Whole World with Him. He Who
Cannot Walks a Lonely Way"
11 Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere
12 How to Make People Like You Instantly
Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
13 A Sure Way of Making Enemiesand How to Avoid. It
14 The High Road to ReasOn
15 The Secret of Socrates
16 How to Get Cooperation
17 An Appeal That Everybody Likes
Ways to Change People Without Giving Offense of Arousing
HOW TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE AND YOUR JOB You are something new in this world. Never before, since the beginning of time, has there ever been anybody exactly like you; and never again throughout all the ages to come will there ever be anybody exactly like you again. The science of genetics informs us thatyou are what you are largely as a result of twenty three chromosomes contributed by your father and twenty-three chromosomes contributed by your mother. These forty-six chromosomes comprise everything that determines what you inherit. In each chromosome there may be, says Amram Scheinfeld, " anywhere from scores to hundreds of genes-with a single gene, in some cases, able to change the whole life of an individual. Truly,We are "fearfully and wonderfullymade.Even after your mother and father met and mated, there was only one chance in 300,000 billion that the .person who is specifically you would be born! In other words, if you had 300,000 billion brothers and sisters, they might all have been different from you. Is all this guesswork? No.lt is a scientific fact. If you would like 'to read more about it, consult You and Heredity, by Amram Scheinfeld. I can talk with conviction about this subject of being yourself because I feel deeply about it. I know what I am talking about.l know from bitter and costly experience.To illustrate:When I first came to New York from the cornfields of Missouri, I enrolled in the American SEVEN WAYS TO PEACE AND HAPPINESS Academy of Dramatic Arts. I aspired to be an actor. I had what I thought was a brilliant idea, a shortcut to success, an idea so simple, so foolproof, that I couldn't understand why thousands of ambitious people hadn't already discovered it.lt was this:l would study how the famous actors of that day-John 'Drew, Walter Hampden, and Otis Skinner-got their effects. Then I would imitate the best points of each one of them and make myself into a shining, triumphant combination of all of them. How silly! How absurd! I had to wasteyears of my life inutating other people before it penetrated through my thick Missouri skull that I had to be myself, and that I couldn't possibly be anyone else.That distressing experience ought to have taught me a lasting lesson. But it didn't. Not me. I was too dumb. I had to learn it all over again. Several years later, I set out to write what I hoped would be the best book onpublic speaking for businessmen that had ever been written.l had the same foolish idea about writing this book that I had formerly had about acting:l was going to borrow the ideas of a lot of other writers and put them all in one book-a book that would have everytlung. So I got scores of books on public speaking and spent a year incorporating their ideas into my manuscript. But it finally dawned on me once again that I was playing the fool. This hodgepodge of other men's ideas that I had written was so synthetic, so dull, that no businessman. ……