出版時間:2011-5 出版社:中央編譯出版社 作者:周艷輝 編 頁數(shù):263
The Myth Behind China's Miracle George J. Gilboy、China at the
Crossroads Peter Nolan、Rebalancing Growth in China: A Three-Handed
Approach、Olivier Blanchard and Francesco Giavazzi、China: Toward a
Consumption-Driven Growth Path、Nicholas R. Lardy、Three Poverties in
Urban China、John Knight and Li Shi、Environmental Stressors and Food
Security in China、Jerry McBeath and Jenifer Huang McBeath.
The Myth Behind China's Miracle George J. Gilboy
China at the Crossroads Peter Nolan
Rebalancing Growth in China: A Three-Handed Approach
Olivier Blanchard and Francesco Giavazzi
China: Toward a Consumption-Driven Growth Path
Nicholas R. Lardy
Three Poverties in Urban China
John Knight and Li Shi
Environmental Stressors and Food Security in China
Jerry McBeath and Jenifer Huang McBeath
China R&D: A High-Tech Field of Dreams
Kathleen A. Walsh
The Energy Factor in China's Foreign Policy
Charles E. Ziegler
Knowledge and Innovation in China: Historical Legacies and
Emerging Institutions
Erik Baark
版權頁:插圖:Thanks to this appetite for imports, powerful domestic coalitionsparticularly China's growing ranks of urban consumers and its mostcompetitive firms, will continue to favor trade openness. Chinese consumerspride themselves on driving foreign-brand cars and using mobile phones andcomputers with circuits that were designed and manufactured abroad.Many Chinese firms resist protectionism, because they need to importcritical components for their domestic operations and fear retaliation againsttheir exports. For example, in the 1990s, China's machine tool and aircraftindustries failed to secure effective state protection in the face of oppositionfrom domestic firms that preferred imports, and they suffered significantdecline as a resuk.