
出版時間:2011-7  出版社:中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社  作者:胡建和,杭柏林,王麗榮 主編  




 1 History of Microbiology
 2 Fields of Microbiology
 3 Benefits of Microbiology
I. Bacteriology
 Chapter 1 Morphology and Structure of Bacteria
  1 Cell Morphology
  2 Cell Size
  3 Structures of Bacteria
  4 Gram Staining
 Chapter 2 Physiology and Ecology of Bacteria
  1 Metabolism
  2 Source of Nutrition for Growth
  3 Growths and Reproduction
  4 Medium
  5 Environmental factors affecting growth
  6 Biofilm
  7 Animal Flora
 Chapter 3 Disinfection and Sterilisation
  1 Term
  2 Physical Methods of Sterilization and Disinfection
  3 Chemical Methods of Sterilization and Disinfection
  4 Antibiotics and Bacteriocin
  5 Laboratory Safeties
 Chapter 4 Bacterial Infection and Pathogenesis
  1 Basic Terminology of Infectionology
  2 Determinants of Bacterial Pathogenicity and Virulence
  3 Clinical Diseases
  4 Regulation of Bacterial Virulence
  5 The Genetics of Bacterial Pathogenicity
 Chapter 5 Bacterial Heredity and Variation
  1 The Molecular Basis of Bacterial Genetics
  2 The Genetic Variability of Bacteria
  3 Intercellular Mechanisms of Genetic Variability
 Chapter 6 Classifications and Nomenclature of Bacteria
  1 Definition
  2 Criteria for Classification of Bacteria
  3 Identification and Classification Systems
  4 Descriptions of the Major Categories and Groups of
  5 Subtyping
  6 Noncuhure Methods for the Identification of Pathogenic
 Chapter 7 Coccus of Gram positive
  1 Staphylococcus
  2 Streptococci
 Chapter 8 Family Enterobacteriaceae
  1 Features of Family Enterobacteriaceae
  2 Escherichia
  3 Salmonella
 Chapter 9 Pasteuriaceae
  1 Pasteurella multocida
  2 Riemerella
  3 Haemophilus
 Chapter 10 Gram-negative Aerobes
  1 Overview
  2 Brucella
 Chapter 11 Gram-positive Asporogenous Rod
  1 Listeria
  2 Erysipelothrix
 Chapter 12 Gram Positive, Spore-Forming Bacilli
  1 Bacillus anthracis
  2 Clostridium
 Chapter 13 Mycobacterium
  1 Overview
  2 Tubercle Bacilli
 Chapter 14 Spirochaeta,Mycoplasma,Rickettsia and Chlamydia
  1 Spirochaeta
  2 Mycoplasma
  3 Rickettsia
  4 Chlamydia
II. Mycology
 Chapter 15 Mycology
  1 General Properties of Fungi
  2 Fungal Diseases



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