出版時間:2011-1 出版社:中國石化 作者:圣才考研網(wǎng) 編 頁數(shù):199
國內外經(jīng)典教材輔導系列是一套全面解析當前國內外各大院校權威教科書的輔導資料。我國各大院校一般都把國內外通用的權威教科書作為本科生和研究生學習專業(yè)課程的參考教材,這些教材甚至被很多考試(特別是碩士和博士入學考試)和培訓項目作為指定參考書。這些國內外優(yōu)秀教材的內容一般有一定的廣度和深度,這給許多讀者在學習專業(yè)教材時帶來了一定的困難。為了幫助讀者更好地學習專業(yè)課,我們有針對性地編著了一套與國內外教材配套的復習資料,整理了各章的筆記,精選了部分名??佳姓骖}和典型習題,并提供了詳細的參考答案?! 墩Z言學教程》(第3版)(胡壯麟主編,北京大學出版社)一直被用作高等院校英語專業(yè)語言學教材,被絕大多數(shù)院校指定為英語專業(yè)考研必讀書和學術研究參考書。作為該教材的學習輔導書,本書具有以下幾個方面的特點: 1.梳理章節(jié)脈絡,濃縮內容精華。每章的復習筆記以該教材為主并結合其他教材對本章的重難點知識進行了整理,并參考了國內名校名師講授該教材的課堂筆記,因此,本書的內容幾乎濃縮了經(jīng)典教材的知識精華?! ?.中英雙語對照,突顯難點要點。本書章節(jié)筆記采用了中英文對照的形式,強化對重要難點知識的理解和運用?! ?.精選考研真題,補充難點習題。本書精選名校近年考研真題及相關習題,并提供答案和詳解。所選真題和習題基本體現(xiàn)了各個章節(jié)的考點和難點,但又不完全局限于教材內容,是對教材內容極好的補充。 需要特別說明的是:我們深深感謝胡壯麟教授和北京大學出版社為我們提供了這樣一本優(yōu)秀的語言學教材。
第1章 語言學導論 1.1 復習筆記 1.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第2章 語音 2.1 復習筆記 2.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第3章 詞匯 3.1 復習筆記 3.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第4章 句法:從語詞到篇章 4.1 復習筆記 4.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第5章 意義 5.1 復習筆記 5.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第6章 語言與認知 6.1 復習筆記 6.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第7章 語言文化社會 7.1 復習筆記 7.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第8章 語言的使用 8.1 復習筆記 8.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第9章 語言與文學 9.1 復習筆記 9.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第10章 語言和計算機 10.1 復習筆記 10.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第11章 語言學與語言教學 11.1 復習筆記 11.2 考研真題與典型題詳解第12章 現(xiàn)代語言學理論與流派 12.1 復習筆記 12.2考研真題與典型題詳解
The lines said above show that the relationship between the form (sounds) and meaning (con-cept) of a word in spoken language is arbitrary in nature. That means there is no logical connec-tion between forms (sounds) and meaning (concept). Different sounds are used to refer to thesame object in different languages. Sounds are just symbols; they are associated with objects, actions, ideas, etc. by conven-tion. In this example, the rose can be called by many names in different languages but its smellnever changes. Another example, different languages have different forms for referring to doginEnglish, such as Chinese "(gou)" , French "chien (n. m. )". While language is arbitraryby nature, there are some exceptions as well. The best examples in English are the onomatopoet-ic words and compound words. For example, some onomatopoetic words "rumble", " crash","crackle bang" are uttered like the sounds they describe, thus seem to have a natural basis.Besides, some compound words are also not entirely arbitrary. For example while "photo" and"copy" are both arbitrary, the compound word "photocopy" is not entirely arbitrary, thus seemto be motivated. Anyhow, non-arbitrary words make up only a small percentage of the vocabularyof a language.Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative; a conventionality of language makes a lan-guage be passed from generation to generation, and makes learning a language laborious. Thelink between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention. The terms motivation and constraint describe the extent to which the signified determines thesignifier. The form of the signifier of a generalized car or a traffic sign is determined by the con-vention that is accepted by the users of the code.
適用教程: 《語言學教程》(第3版)(胡壯麟主編,北京大學出版社) 贈140元大禮包