
出版時(shí)間:2010-5  出版社:中國(guó)石化出版社  作者:圣才考研網(wǎng) 編  頁(yè)數(shù):412  


  目前我國(guó)博士生入學(xué)英語(yǔ)考試沒(méi)有采取全國(guó)統(tǒng)考的方式,沒(méi)有統(tǒng)一的考試大綱,而是采取各招生院校自行命題、自行組織考試的辦法,但是各校的考試要求、命題特點(diǎn)大同小異,一些學(xué)校的試題類型、內(nèi)容難易程度都非常相似,因此,研究一些學(xué)校的考博試題非常有價(jià)值。我們參照一些名校博士生入學(xué)英語(yǔ)考試大綱,認(rèn)真研究了30多所高校200多份歷年考博英語(yǔ)真題,精心挑選部分試題和相關(guān)資料,編著了考博英語(yǔ)輔導(dǎo)系列?!  犊疾┯⒄Z(yǔ)全國(guó)名校真題詳解》是一本詳解全國(guó)名??疾┯⒄Z(yǔ)真題的復(fù)習(xí)資料。第一版出版后,深受廣大讀者的歡迎,此次修訂收集整理了最新試題(含2008年、2009年)及相關(guān)資料,以滿足讀者需要。它是根據(jù)眾多名校的英語(yǔ)考試大綱和歷年考博試題的結(jié)構(gòu)和難易程度,從全國(guó)各個(gè)院校歷年考博試題中挑選了32個(gè)院校最近幾年36套考博英語(yǔ)試題,并提供了詳細(xì)的參考答案??梢哉f(shuō),本書(shū)體現(xiàn)了全國(guó)名??疾┯⒄Z(yǔ)的最高水平,也基本反映了各個(gè)院校考博英語(yǔ)的出題思路。對(duì)于準(zhǔn)備參加博士研究生入學(xué)考試的考生來(lái)說(shuō),本書(shū)是一本不可多得的輔導(dǎo)資料。


  《考博英語(yǔ)全國(guó)名校真題詳解(第4版)》是全國(guó)名??疾┯⒄Z(yǔ)真題詳解的復(fù)習(xí)資料。它根據(jù)眾多名校的考博英語(yǔ)大綱和歷年考博試題的結(jié)構(gòu)和難易程度,從全國(guó)各院校歷年考博試題中挑選了32所院校最近幾年36套考博英詔試題,并提供詳細(xì)的參考答案?! ∈ゲ艑W(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)/中華英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)提供英語(yǔ)類考試名師網(wǎng)絡(luò)班及面授班(隨書(shū)配有圣才學(xué)習(xí)卡,網(wǎng)絡(luò)班與面授班的詳細(xì)介紹參見(jiàn)《考博英語(yǔ)全國(guó)名校真題詳解(第4版)》最后內(nèi)頁(yè))?!犊疾┯⒄Z(yǔ)全國(guó)名校真題詳解(第4版)》和配套網(wǎng)絡(luò)課程特別適用于參加全國(guó)博士英語(yǔ)入學(xué)考試的考生,對(duì)于參加考研英語(yǔ)、職稱英語(yǔ)以及出國(guó)考試等其他考試的考生而言,《考博英語(yǔ)全國(guó)名校真題詳解(第4版)》也具有較好的參考價(jià)值。




  How to do fewer, better animal eperiments  For a nation of pet lovers, Britain conducts a surprising number of experiments on animals: some 3m a year. A-merica appears to use fewer animals——just 1. lm a year, according to official statistics——but that is an illusion. Un-like Britain s government, America s does not think rats and mice worth counting. Japan and China have even lesscomprehensive data than America, and animals used in research in those two countries are not protected to the sameextent that they are in the West. Even so, academic centers supporting alternatives to animal testing have emerged inboth places in recent years. In July China issued its first set of guidelines governing the use of animals in research.  In an ideal world, there would be no animal testing, it is expensive and can be of dubious scientific value,since different species often react differently to the same procedure. That is why many researchers are working on ways of reducing the number of animal experiments needed and of making those that still happen more effective.However, the transition is proving easier for some types of experiment than for others, as a group of researchers in the field discussed at the sixth World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, held last week in Tokyo.  The most important message from the congress was that things are going in the right direction. The number of animals used in experiments has fallen by half in the past 30 years, at least in those countries that record suchthings. There has also been a shift in the sort of animal used. Most of those employed today are rodents rather than do gs, cats, rabbits and monkeys.(That public opinion generally welcomes this is, however, a good example of"cutist" prejudice for one species over another: there is no reason to believe that rodents suffer less than other mam-mals.)Also, of the experiments that are still conducted, the majority are now concerned with developing and testing medicine rather than, say, checking how toxic cosmetics are. Of the 11 m animals involved each year in experiments that have to be reported to the European Commission, about 45% are used for medical and veterinary purposes and another 35% for basic biomedical research.



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