
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:中國石化出版社  作者:劉仕美,張艷霜 編  頁數(shù):324  


  根據(jù)《中華人民共和國學(xué)位條例》的規(guī)定,具有研究生畢業(yè)同等學(xué)力的人員,都可以按照《國務(wù)院學(xué)位委員會關(guān)于授予具有研究生畢業(yè)同等學(xué)力人員碩士、博士學(xué)位的規(guī)定》的要求與辦法,向?qū)W位授予單位提出申請。授予同等學(xué)力人員碩士學(xué)位是國家為同等學(xué)力人員開辟的獲得學(xué)位的渠道。這對于在職人員業(yè)務(wù)素質(zhì)的提高和干部隊伍建設(shè)都能起到積極的作用。申請人通過學(xué)位授予單位及國家組織的全部考試、并通過學(xué)位論文答辯后,經(jīng)審查達(dá)到碩士學(xué)位學(xué)術(shù)水平者,可以獲得碩士學(xué)位?! ‰S著參加同等學(xué)力人員申請碩士學(xué)位外國語全國統(tǒng)一考試人數(shù)的不斷增長,以及為了更好地檢測考生的英語實際水平,國務(wù)院學(xué)位委員會辦公室于2008年再次修訂了《同等學(xué)力人員申請碩士學(xué)位英語水平全國統(tǒng)一考試大綱》(第四版),經(jīng)過修訂的新大綱(第五版)將是今后幾年同等學(xué)力人員申請碩士學(xué)位英語水平考試統(tǒng)一命題的依據(jù)。  第五版新大綱與第四版相比,主要有以下方面的變化:一是詞匯的變化,詞匯總量由5500個增加到6220個,要求掌握的詞組從550個增加到600個;二是語法的變化,舊大綱規(guī)定“掌握英語基本語法結(jié)構(gòu)”,新大綱規(guī)定“掌握英語基本語法知識”;三是閱讀仍然是五篇文章,但每篇文章的問題由5道變?yōu)?道,閱讀量和難度有所增加;四是新大綱去掉了“識別和改正語法錯誤”這一題型?! ¢喿x理解是英語考試中的“重中之重”,該部分在整個試卷中的分值最高,而且閱讀理解能力也是做好其他部分的基礎(chǔ)。在復(fù)習(xí)英語時,把閱讀理解作為考試的切入點對于提高考生的整體英語水平具有重要的意義。為此,我們傾力推出這本快速提高閱讀理解能力的輔導(dǎo)用書?! ”緯到y(tǒng)、全面,與考試大綱緊密相連。其編寫嚴(yán)格按照考試大綱的要求,突出同等學(xué)力英語考試的特點。在選編文章題材、體裁方面盡可能拓展空間,廣泛涉獵,包括社會科學(xué)、自然科學(xué)等各個領(lǐng)域的知識,可以讓考生熟知同等學(xué)力英語考試閱讀理解材料,強(qiáng)化英語背景知識,輕取閱讀理解考試高分。  廣泛的閱讀可以提高考生的閱讀理解能力,也可以鞏固和提高語言應(yīng)用能力,達(dá)到事半功倍的目的??忌趥淇茧A段應(yīng)該熟記相關(guān)詞匯、透徹理解文章,對題目解析和長難句分析應(yīng)該細(xì)心揣摩,領(lǐng)悟閱讀理解的出題思路和解題技巧?! 【幾藭某踔跃褪橇η筇岣呖忌膽?yīng)試水平和閱讀理解能力,不辜負(fù)考生的期望和對知識追求的摯誠。本書從選題、編寫到完稿歷時一年多,幾易其稿,由于作者才疏學(xué)淺、紕漏之處敬請同行和讀者批評指正。


  閱讀理解是英語考試中的“重中之重”,該部分在整個試卷中的分值最高,而且閱讀理解能力也是做好其他部分的基礎(chǔ)。在復(fù)習(xí)英語時,把閱讀理解作為考試的切入點對于提高考生的整體英語水平具有重要的意義。為此,我們傾力推出這本快速提高閱讀理解能力的輔導(dǎo)用書?!  锻葘W(xué)力申請碩士學(xué)位英語考試閱讀理解高分突破》系統(tǒng)、全面,與考試大綱緊密相連。其編寫嚴(yán)格按照考試大綱的要求,突出同等學(xué)力英語考試的特點。在選編文章題材、體裁方面盡可能拓展空間,廣泛涉獵,包括社會科學(xué)、自然科學(xué)等各個領(lǐng)域的知識,可以讓考生熟知同等學(xué)力英語考試閱讀理解材料,強(qiáng)化英語背景知識,輕取閱讀理解考試高分。  廣泛的閱讀可以提高考生的閱讀理解能力,也可以鞏固和提高語言應(yīng)用能力,達(dá)到事半功倍的目的。考生在備考階段應(yīng)該熟記相關(guān)詞匯、透徹理解文章,對題目解析和長難句分析應(yīng)該細(xì)心揣摩,領(lǐng)悟閱讀理解的出題思路和解題技巧。


第一章 考試要點與解題技巧點撥第二章 精講精練120篇第一節(jié) 經(jīng)濟(jì)管理類一、基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練篇二、模擬提高篇第二節(jié) 科學(xué)技術(shù)類一、基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練篇二、模擬提高篇第三節(jié) 教育文化類一、基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練篇二、模擬提高篇第四節(jié) 社會生活類一、基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練篇二、模擬提高篇第五節(jié) 政治歷史類一、基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練篇二、模擬提高篇第六節(jié) 醫(yī)學(xué)保健類一、基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練篇二、模擬提高篇


  Even once global standards are assured, however, a further obstacle lies in wait. The Internet is plagued by long, erratic response times because it is a pull-technology, driven by patterns of user demands. Push technology, on the other hand, reverses the relationship. Servers simply send information to passive users, as in television and radio. But if some form of combination between one-way television flow and interactive Internet is to be the ba-sis of our future media, it is hard to see how it could be operated. Moreover, the problem of fusing Internet with television is also one of defining the services offered. Information, entertainment and relaxation appear at first to be quite different needs. Serious doubts remain over whether consumers will be interested in having to make the sort of mental effort associated with computing while also settling down in front of a sitcom.  Besides the issue of consumer habits, infrastructure costs are set to be immense, and will have to be met by national states or the private sector before being passed on to users. Plat forms do not necessarily have to be expensive. The mobile phone is a good example of how something that is technologically sophisticated can almost be given away, with its cost recovered through service charges. Users are then coerced through clever marketing to up-grade to newer phones with more features to reinforce their dependence.  Whatever the outcome, it is obvious that technology will play an increasing part in our every day lives. Beyond technology, digital convergence embraces the services, industrial practices and social behavior that form modern society. We have in our hands the technology to construct the most sophisticated machines ever built, but if they are unusable, simply be-cause of their operating instructions, then recent lessons have taught us they will not survive. Whatever we design must be simple, reliable and useful. Perhaps this is where artificial intelligence will come in.  1. By digital convergence, the writer means____.  A. diversification of communication systems  B. integrating a wide range of means of media  C. adaptation of global standards to consumer habits  D. detaching entertainment from communications  2. In pointing out the problems faced in digital convergence, the author mainly em-ploys the technique of____.  A. cause and effect analysis  B. argumentation and comments  C. contrast and comparison  D. enumeration and elaboration  3. By referring to the mobile phone, the author intends to show____.  A. A solution to costs involved in the technology  B. The importance of catering to customersneeds  C. A trick imposed on users by telephone companies  D. The necessity of adding more features to phones  4. The author asserts that the success of digital convergence will ultimately dependupon____.


  根據(jù)最新考試大綱編寫  同等學(xué)力申請碩士學(xué)位英語考試輔導(dǎo)叢書  匯集同等學(xué)力英語考試閱讀理解120篇試題精華,從易到難分級編排  核心詞匯注釋、長難句精解、全文翻譯緊密結(jié)合,全方位多角度分析  精編仿真試題,提供模擬實戰(zhàn)機(jī)會,供考生在最后階段沖刺演練



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