
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:中國石化  作者:考博英語命題研究委員會 編  頁數(shù):347  




  《考博英語速成勝經(jīng)》是專門為報考博士研究生的讀者而編寫的復(fù)習(xí)資料,參照了一些名校博士生的入學(xué)英語考試大綱以及歷年真題而精心編著。全書共分為三部分:第一部分為考博英語政策解讀,對考博英語的性質(zhì)、難度及試卷結(jié)構(gòu)等進行介紹;第二部分是復(fù)習(xí)指南與真題解析,對考博英語各部分試題的測試形式、命題特點、復(fù)習(xí)方法等進行分析,同時對近年考博真題進行解析;第三部分為全真模擬試題。《新東方名師英語系列叢書:考博英語速成勝經(jīng)》對考博英語主要題型進行了命題分析和解題方法的介紹,對考點進行了強化訓(xùn)練。因此,《新東方名師英語系列叢書:考博英語速成勝經(jīng)》是值得考生信賴并作為檢驗復(fù)習(xí)效果的理想輔導(dǎo)用書?!  缎聳|方名師英語系列叢書:考博英語速成勝經(jīng)》特別適合報考博士研究生的考生,對于參加博士研究生英語學(xué)位課程考試的考生而言也.具有很好的參考價值。


第一部分 詞匯第一章 考博詞匯選擇填空題制勝攻略第二章 考博英語詞匯同義替換題制勝方略第三章 詞匯練習(xí)第二部分 語法第三部分 聽力理解第一章 對話題型制勝方略第二章 短文及獨白題型制勝方略第三章 模擬試題第四部分 完型填空第一章 完型填空制勝方略第二章 完型填空例題精析第三章 完型填空專項練習(xí)第五部分 閱讀理解第一章 閱讀理解題型及解題技巧第二章 考博閱讀理解專項練習(xí)第六部分 寫作第一章 短文寫作題型第二章 考博寫作專項練習(xí)第七部分 改錯第八部分 翻譯第一章 考博翻譯制勝方略第二章 考博翻譯專項練習(xí)第九部分 無題完型第十部分 歷年真題


Even the first century of the industrial revolution produced more "improvements" than "revolutions" in standards of living. With the railroad and the spinning and weaving of textiles as important exceptions, most innovations of that period were innovations in how goods were produced and transported, and in new kinds of capital, but not in consumer goods. Standards of living improved, but styles to life remained much the same. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries saw a faster and different kind of change. For the first time, technological capability outran population growth and natural resource scarcity. By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the typical inhabitant of the leading economies-a Briton, a Belgian, an American, or an Australian-had perhaps three times the standard of living of someone in a preindustrial economy.Still, so slow was the pace of change that people, or at least aristocratic intellectuals, could think of their predecessors of some two thousand years before as effectively their contemporaries. Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman aristocrat and politician, might have felt more or less at home in the company of Thomas Jefferson. The plows were better in Jefferson's time. Sailing ships were much improved. However, these might have been insufficient to create a sense of a qualitative change in the order of life for the elite. Moreover, being a slave of Jefferson was probably a lot like being a slave of Cicero.So slow was the pace of change that intellectuals in the early nineteenth century debated whether the industrial revolution was worthwhile, whether it was an improvement or a degeneration in the standard of living. Opinions were genuinely divided, with as optimistic a liberal as John Stuart Mill coming down on the "pessimist" side as late as the end of the 1840s.In the twentieth century, however, standards of living exploded. In the twentieth century, the magnitude of the growth in material wealth has been so great as to make it nearly impossible to measure. Consider a sample of consumer goods available through Montgomery Ward in 1895-when a onespeed bicycle cost $ 65. Since then, the price of a bicycle measured in "nominal" dollars has more than doubled (as a result of inflation). Today, the bicycle in much less expensive in terms of the measure that truly counts, its "real" price: the work and sweat needed to earn its cost. In 1895, it took perhaps 260 hours' worth of the average American worker's production to amass enough money to buy a one speed bicycle, today an average American worker can buy one-and of higher quality-for less than 8 hours worth of production.On the bicycle standard (measuring wealth by counting up how many bicycles the labor can buy) the average American worker today is 36 times richer than his or her counterpart was in 1895. Other commodities would tell a different story. An office chair has become 12.5 times cheaper in terms of the time it takes the average worker to produce enough to pay for it. A Steinway piano or an accordion is only twice as cheap. A silver teaspoon is 25 percent more expensive.





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