
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:中國石化  作者:朱偉剛 編  頁數(shù):133  


對于小學(xué)六年級學(xué)生來說,最后一個學(xué)期是非常重要的時期,他們不僅要以優(yōu)異的成績對小學(xué)階段的學(xué)習(xí)畫一個圓滿的句號,還要為順利升人理想的中學(xué)做好充分的準(zhǔn)備。為此,編寫了《小升初英語專項沖刺訓(xùn)練》,目的是幫助學(xué)生查缺補漏,夯實基礎(chǔ),全面提升小學(xué)畢業(yè)生的英語綜合運用水平。    本書具有以下特點:    一、分題型講解,全面覆蓋,更具針對性    本書包括詞語運用、單項選擇、句型轉(zhuǎn)換、完成句子、交際英語、完形填空、閱讀理解和書面表達等,涵蓋了小升初測試中出現(xiàn)的所有題型。        二、各題型講解透徹,練習(xí)充分    每章既有該題型的解題步驟,又有典型例題剖析,還有必備的語言知識。此外還精選了專項訓(xùn)練題,目的是幫助學(xué)生梳理知識結(jié)構(gòu),了解常考題型,掌握相應(yīng)的做題技巧,從容應(yīng)對各種測試。


第1講 詞語運用 題型概述  解題方法與步驟  專題訓(xùn)練第2講 單項選擇 題型概述  解題方法與步驟  專題訓(xùn)練 真題精選 真題精選第3講 句型轉(zhuǎn)換 題型概述  解題方法與步驟  專題訓(xùn)練第4講 完成句子 題型概述  解題方法與步驟  解題步驟  專題訓(xùn)練 


  New York is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move  about the city on their way to work and school so, we should know something about its  transport.  In New York you can travel about the city by subway, bus, taxi and car. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city at different points and goes to  all parts of the city. Travelling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.  The second way to travel around the city is going by public bus. Its a slower way totravel. This is because the bus moves in road traffic which is often heavy.  You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is the most expensive way, but the  taxi will take you to the place you wish to go to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow.  During the mornings and afternoons, there is the "rush hour". This is the time when the  traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work.  The last way to get around New York is using your own car. However, its not easy  for you to drive, especially when you are driving in the "rush hour". If there is an accident  on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.



    小升初英語專項沖刺訓(xùn)練 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計12條)


  •   內(nèi)容全面覆蓋小學(xué)階段全部課程
  •   是一本針對性極強練習(xí)冊,每一節(jié)都有語法講解。對于小孩學(xué)習(xí)語法很有幫助。
  •   分項訓(xùn)練不錯,題量也很適合
  •   孩子課外英語老師推薦買的,分門別類進行聯(lián)系,個人感覺挺好的。
  •   性價比較高,但是怪自己沒有考核內(nèi)容,對于學(xué)生的針對性不太強,地域性不強。
  •   內(nèi)容較豐富,但讓濟南市的六年級小朋友做,有些難的,平均得分85左右
  •   紙張不怎么樣,不建議買
  •   同事家小孩的老師指定要買的書籍
  •   適合提優(yōu)
  •   這書總結(jié)的很好本
  •   沖刺階段應(yīng)用不錯
  •   44444444

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