
出版時間:2011-5  出版社:光明日報出版社  作者:劉德,林旭 主編  頁數(shù):312  字?jǐn)?shù):290000  


《學(xué)習(xí)高手》是中國第一套以“學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)化”為核心理念編著的助學(xué)讀物。她按新課標(biāo)要求,以遞進透徹的解析、實用高效的方法,把零散孤立的學(xué)習(xí)步驟提煉成一套完整的技術(shù)流程,從理解記憶到檢測應(yīng)用,步步體現(xiàn)學(xué)習(xí)的技術(shù)性,實現(xiàn)了對知識的輕松理解、全面掌握、刻錄記憶和靈活運用。    《學(xué)習(xí)高手》緊扣教材,易于掌握,使你不知不覺堅持到底;她教給你的是技術(shù)性的思維方式,舉一反三,極易復(fù)制:她科學(xué)實用的流程,無須強行灌輸,就像一條生產(chǎn)線,輕松獲取知識要點,充分節(jié)省時間,實現(xiàn)對知識的輕松理解和掌握。    使用《學(xué)習(xí)高手》,如同進入狀元塑造車間。天天用“高手”,年年奪狀元。


Unit 1 Great scientists   聽歌學(xué)英語 推開這扇窗 課標(biāo)一覽通 Warming up&Reading(熱身與閱讀)    Step 1 閱讀方略    Step 2 教材研習(xí)      Step 3 即學(xué)即練  Grammar(語法)    Step 1 語法圖解    Step 2 典題探究    Step 3 即學(xué)即練 Listening&Speaking(聽與說)    Step 1 聽力指南    Step 2 交際運用  Writing(寫作)    Step 1 寫作指導(dǎo)    Step 2 高手原創(chuàng)  單元測試  影視同期聲Unit 2 The United Kingdom 聽歌學(xué)英語 推開這扇窗 課標(biāo)一覽通 Warming up&Reading(熱身與閱讀)    Step 1 閱讀方略    Step 2 教材研習(xí)      Step 3 即學(xué)即練  Grammar(語法)    Step 1 語法圖解    Step 2 典題探究    Step 3 即學(xué)即練 Listening&Speaking(聽與說)    Step 1 聽力指南    Step 2 交際運用  Writing(寫作)    Step 1 寫作指導(dǎo)    Step 2 高手原創(chuàng)  單元測試  影視同期聲Unit 3 Life in the future 聽歌學(xué)英語 推開這扇窗 課標(biāo)一覽通 Warming up&Reading(熱身與閱讀)    Step 1 閱讀方略    Step 2 教材研習(xí)      Step 3 即學(xué)即練  Grammar(語法)    Step 1 語法圖解    Step 2 典題探究    Step 3 即學(xué)即練 Listening&Speaking(聽與說)    Step 1 聽力指南    Step 2 交際運用  Writing(寫作)    Step 1 寫作指導(dǎo)    Step 2 高手原創(chuàng)  單元測試  影視同期聲Unit 4 Making the news 聽歌學(xué)英語 推開這扇窗 課標(biāo)一覽通 Warming up&Reading(熱身與閱讀)    Step 1 閱讀方略    Step 2 教材研習(xí)      Step 3 即學(xué)即練  Grammar(語法)    Step 1 語法圖解    Step 2 典題探究    Step 3 即學(xué)即練 Listening&Speaking(聽與說)    Step 1 聽力指南    Step 2 交際運用  Writing(寫作)    Step 1 寫作指導(dǎo)    Step 2 高手原創(chuàng)  單元測試  影視同期聲Unit 5 First aid 聽歌學(xué)英語 推開這扇窗 課標(biāo)一覽通 Warming up&Reading(熱身與閱讀)    Step 1 閱讀方略    Step 2 教材研習(xí)      Step 3 即學(xué)即練  Grammar(語法)    Step 1 語法圖解    Step 2 典題探究    Step 3 即學(xué)即練 Listening&Speaking(聽與說)    Step 1 聽力指南    Step 2 交際運用  Writing(寫作)    Step 1 寫作指導(dǎo)    Step 2 高手原創(chuàng)  單元測試  影視同期聲附錄:教材習(xí)題解答


  A nosebleed can be firghtening to get or see, but try to stay calm. Most nosebleeds look much worse than they really are. Almost all nosebleeds Can be treated at home.  If you get a nosebleed, sit down and lean slightly forward. Keeping your head above your heart will make your nose bleed less. Leanforwards so that the blood will flow Out of yournose instead of down the back of your throat. Ifyou lean back,you may swallow the blood. Thiscan make you uncomfortable.  Use your thumb and index fingers to presstogether the soft part of your nose. Keep holdingyour nose until the bleeding stops. Don't let gofor at leas5 minutes. If it's still bleeding afterthat,hold it again for 10 minutes straight. Youcan also place an ice pack across the toe of yournose. onee the bleeding stops, don't doanything that may make it start again, such asbending over or blowing your nose.  The most common causes of nosebleedsare dryness(often caused by indoor heat in thewinter) and nose picking. These two thingswork together——nose picking occurs more oftenwhen the liquid in the nose is dry. Other, lesscommon causes include injuries, Colds orc  caine use. Children may stick small objects uptheir nose. Old people may have infections orhigh blood pressure. The cause of nosebleeds isoften unknown.  ......


  書讀得越多而不加思考,你就會覺得你知道得很多;而當(dāng)你讀書思考得越多的時候,你就會越清楚地看到,你知道得還很少?!  鼱柼?/pre>





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