
出版時(shí)間:2012-8  出版社:中國(guó)環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社  作者:閔慶文,白艷瑩,焦雯珺 編  頁(yè)數(shù):333  




Part Ⅰ ArticlesChina‘s Ecological Agriculture: Progress and Pe pectivesEcoagriculture in China: A Systems ApproachCo ervation and Adaptive Management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)Agricultural Heritage Research in China: Progresses and Pe pectivesGIAHS Project and Its Implementation in ChinaEcological Mechanisms Underlying the Sustainability of the Agricultural Heritage Rice-fish Coculture SystemEcosystem Service Tradeoff between Traditional and Modern Agriculture: A Case Study in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province, ChinaTourism Potential of Agricultural Heritage Systems The Categories and Benefit-sharing of Traditional Knowledge Associated with Biodive ityCo ervation of Traditional Rice Varieties in a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS): Rice-fish Co-cultureComparison of Agronomic Traits between Rice Landraces and Modern Varieties at Different Altitude in Paddy Field of Yuanyang Terrace,Yunnan ProvinceThe Exploitation of Agricultural Civilization Heritages of Minority Community in Guangxi--A Case Study of Longsheng Dragon Back TerraceThe Value of the Miao People’s Traditional Ecological Knowledge for a Solution to Rocky Desertification in MashanTerraced Landscapes as a Cultural and Natural Heritage ResourcePart Ⅱ AbstractsAgricultural Heritage Co ervation: New Opportunity for Developing Eco-agricultureDevelopment of the Agricultural History Subject and Evolution of a Concept “Agricultural Heritage Systems”On the Value and Descending Routes of Farming CultureOn Special Value of the Agricultural Heritage of Ethnic Groups in ChinaFrom Traditional Agriculture to Low-Carbon Agriculture:Policies and Implicatio  in Developed CountriesOn the Value, Co ervation and Sustainable Development of GIAHS Pilot Sites in ChinaOn the Co ervation of China‘s Agricultural Heritage SystemsControl of Diseases, Pests and Weeds in Traditional Rice-fish Ecosystem in Zhejiang, ChinaEcological Control Effects on Pest, Pathogen and Weed of Multiple Species Coexistence in Paddy Fields in Traditional Agricultural RegioMechanical Stimulation of Duck on Rice Phyto-morphology in Rice-duck Farming SystemEcological Control of Rice Pest/Disease and Applicationin Southwest ChinaThe Influence of Rice-duck Integrated Farming on RiceGrowth and Yield CharacteristicsA Study on the Assessment Index ofAgrobiodive ity: ACase on Congjiang County in Guizhou ProvinceEcological Studies on the Food Web Structures and TrophicRelatio hips of Multiple。 Species Coexistence in PaddyFields Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen IsotopesEffects of Different Rice Farming Systems on Paddy FieldWeed CommunityThe Value and Utilization of Mulberry- Dike-Fish-Pond inthe Pearl River Delta in Pe pective of the AgriculturalHeritageEstimation of Ecological Services Value for the Rice-DuckFanning SystemMeasurement of Ecosystem Services Co umption: A CaseStudy of the Traditional Agricultural Area in CongjiangCounty of Guizhou ProvinceComparison of Ecosystem Services of Rice-fish Agriculturein Qingtian and CongjiangStandards of Payments for Paddy Ecosystem Services: UsingHani Terrace as Case StudyNitrogen Loss Characteristics via Runoff in Typical Rice Planting Area in Northeast China under Different Planting……


  Agriculture experienced the development process from the slash and bum, autarkic individual agriculture to modem agriculture, is the basis of the national economy. Through the progress of science and technology and the intensive utilization ofland, the great achievements have been made in agriculture. However, some agro-ecological and environmental problems are rising (11 2008). People have begun to reflect on agricultural development policies, patterns and technologies,and put forward new thoughts for agricultural development in succession,such as organic agriculture, biological agriculture, natural agriculture,integrated agriculture, cycling agriculture, ecological agriculture and sustainable agriculture (Cheng et al. 1997). The names and meaning of these terms vary, but all reflect the ecological thought and the strong need and desire to explore sustainable agriculture. There is growing awareness that the development of agriculture is not only the increase of the amount of food and agricultural products but also the improvement of product quality, insurance of food safety, exertion of ecosystem functions and maintenance and restoration of the ecological environment.   The long history of intensive cultivation customscombined with a vast expanse and extremely complex geography provides unusual social and technical conditions in the development of low input and highly intensive agriculture in China (Lu0 2007). However, characteristics such as a large population, land scarcity, water resource shortages, environmental vulnerability and complicated natural conditions, large ecological deficits, and rural poverty mean that it is very difficult to nationally popularize the patterns adopted by developed countries. It is necessary to explore a modern agriculture development route with Chinese characteristics (11 2004). In the late 20th century China's ecologists and agronomists co-sponsored the concept of ecological agriculture with Chinese characteristics: "The ecological agriculture is deriving from systematic thoughts, according to the principles of ecology,economics, and ecological economics, with the application of modern scientific and technological achievements and modern management tools,as well as the effective experiences of traditional agriculture. It is the modern agricultural development model to obtain a higher economic profit, ecological and social benefits." (Ma 1997; Ye 1998). Its essence includes a series of concepts such as integration, coordination,circulation, and regeneration.   ……





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