出版時(shí)間:2010-3 出版社:中國(guó)環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社 作者:中國(guó)環(huán)境與發(fā)展國(guó)際合作委員會(huì) 編 頁(yè)數(shù):309 字?jǐn)?shù):420000
The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) was established with the approval of the Chinese government in 1992. Consisting of senior Chinese and international officials and experts, it serves as a high-level advisory body with a mandate to conduct research and to provide policy recommendations to the Government of China on China's environment and development. The Council reports to the State Council and each year meets with a senior leader to discuss its recommendations.Over the past 18 years, CCICED has witnessed significant change and marked progress in China in the field of environment and development policy. Over the Council's tenure, is sues have evolved in number, complexity and significance from those discussed at the 1992 Rio UN Conference on Environment and Development to those environmental challenges such as climate change, which have become mainstream economic and political concerns throughout the world. CCICED continues to be a unique body, highly relevant to China's domestic needs and to fostering a better international understanding of China's contributions to global environment and development.With ongoing support from the Chinese government, the governments of many other countries, and international agencies, CCICED has completed three phases. Phase I (1992- 1996) carried out initial policy studies and research on key issues in the field of environment and development and disseminated and exchanged international experiences and information on successful policies. Phase II (1997-2001) shifted the focus from policy research to policy and project demonstrations. Phase III (2002-2006) was established with broader priorities and a number of major policy studies were conducted. Based on the successful experience of previous phases, Phase IV (2007-2011) has drawn support from a larger number of donors and has focused concerted attention on issues that will determine China's success in be- coming regarded as an environmentally friendly society. Indeed, China has entered into a new era, and CCICED will play a major role in promoting China's strategic transformation on environment and development.2009 was a difficult year for China as the global economic crisis developed with severe consequences for China and the world. China implemented one of the world's largest economic stimulus and industrial restructuring programs. The Government also invested heavily in environmental protection.
The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED)carded out a series of policy research studies on relevant issues of energy andenvironment in 2009 with strong support of CCICED Chinese and International Members, experts,and scholars as well as partners.Reports on and recommendation from these studies were presented to the CCICED Annual General Meeting in November 2009.An Issues Paper was also submitted.which summarized current issues related to environment and development in China.Based on these documents.Policy Recommendations were prepared by the Council’S scientifie advisors and approved by the Council for submission to the Government of China.These documents ale contained as chapters in this current volume.
Chapter 1 Policy Recommendations to the Government of ChinaChapter 2 China's Green Prosperity Future--Environment, Energy and Economy Executive Summary 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Stimulus and Environmental Performance 2.3.Sustainable Consumption and Green Growth 2.4 Energy, Environment and Climate Change 2.5 Looking Ahead 2.6 Conclusion-Prospects for a Green Prosperity FutureChapter 3 China's Pathway Towards a Low Carbon Economy 3.1 Preface 3.2 Global Shift to a Low Carbon Economy 3.3 Necessity and Urgency of Developing a Low Carbon Economy in China 3.4 Understanding Challenges and Opporttmities 3.5 Scenarios for Low Carbon Economy up to 2050 3.6 Roadmap for China's Low Carbon Development-Based on Five Pillars and Three Bases 3.7 Policy RecommendationsChapter 4 Economic Instruments for Energy Efficiency and the Environment 4.1 Preface 4.2 Environmental Taxation and Energy Efficiency 4.3 Green Credit 4.4 Environmental Pollution Liability InsuranceChapter 5 Energy Efficiency and Urban Development--the building sector and the transport sector 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Controlling Urban-life Energy Consumption: a Priority 5.3 Decoupling urban-life energy use from income level increases in China 5.4 Policy RecommendationsChapter 6 Rural Development and its Energy, Environment and Climate Change Adaptation 6.1 Preface 6.2 An Overview of Rural Energy, Environment, and Adaptation to Climate Change 6.3 Trends and Challenges in Rural Energy Use 6.4 The Environmental Effects of Rural Energy Use 6.5 Intemational Experiences in Rural Energy, Environment, and Adaptation to Climate Change 6.6 Policy and Funding Options for Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change in Rural Areas 6.7 Case Studies: How Rural China is Conserving Energy, Improving the Enviro and Tackling Climate Change while Addressing Rural Poverty 6.8 Policy RecommendationsChapter 7 Sustainable Use of Coal and Pollution Control Policy in China 7.1 Status and Prospects of the Development and Utilization of Coal Resources in China 7.2 Strategic Targets and Constraints of Sustainable Use of Coal 7.3 Resources and Environmental Protection Strategies for Sustainable Coal Development in China 7.4 Strategies for Efficient and Cleaner Coal Utilization in China 7.5 Environmental Protection Strategies for Sustainable coal Utilization in China 7.6 Main Research Findings 7.7 Policy RecommendationsAppendix I Progress on Environment and Development Policies in China (2008--2009)Appendix II Name List of Council Members
插圖:(5) Improve and enforce standards associated with processing and use of coal. Additional attention to environmental man- agement is required along the entire coal value chain. Key areas for improvement of standards include: coal mine closure and land-subsidence management and land and water contamination, proper recovery and use of fly ash and gangue, and other valuable byproducts; coal washing in relation to thermal coal specifications; extension of existing emissions standards in power plants to include mercury, and volatile organic com- pounds (VOCS). As well there is a need to establish local carrying capacity assessments that may lead to restrictions on coal mining or use based on water conditions, and to set out regional caps on air pollutants.(6) In heavily polluting situations, and based on the requirement of total emission control, estabfish pilot efforts for regional controls on total coal consumption, and strengthen pollution supervision for coal- fired power plants. China should develop coal consumption assessment standards based on regional environmental capacity, and implement total allowable coal consumption adjustment based on the requirement of total emission control in areas with significant air pollution, such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Beijing TianjinHebei region; implement simultaneous control of multiple pollutants, based on establishing systematic and scientific air quality standards and emission standards; develop a national clean air action plan, focusing on main issues in the next 20-30 years such as urban air quality, combined air pollution, regional air pollution and GHG emissions, etc.; strength- en enforcement of desulphurization in coal- fired power plants, and promote application of denitrification technology and improve emission standards; further reform and im- prove the pollution fee system and environ- mental subsidies for the price of electrical power; implement a user pay system based on emission indicators, and initiate an emissions trading pilot scheme for the power sector.(7) Encourage technical innovation and promote technologies related to the sustainable use of coal. Actively promote technologies related to green mining and clean coal technologies. Develop CO2 capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology suitable to China's situation and needs. Strengthen international cooperation for joint development of technologies and for transfer of technologies; and develop demonstration technology suitable to China's situation of widespread coal availability and use. 1.4 Take more innovative approaches to address the key en- ergy and environment issues in urban development.