
出版時(shí)間:2010-3  出版社:中國環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社  作者:中國環(huán)境與發(fā)展國際合作委員會秘書處 編  頁數(shù):263  字?jǐn)?shù):300000  


  The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) was established in 1992 with the approval of the Chinese Government, as a high-profile advisory body consisting of senior international and Chinese experts on environment and development. Its mandate is to conduct research into environment and development issues in China, and to provide policy recommendations to the Government of China that will support scientific decision making processes towards the development of a resource saving and environmentfriendly society.  During 2007-2009, the CCICED operated against the background of the international financial crisis, the challenges of climate change, and efforts by China to realize energy savings and emission reductions and to achieve a green transformation. The Council focused its efforts on such relevant key issues as innovation and environment-friendly society, institutional innovation and harmonious development, and energy, environment and development. During the first three years of the Fourth Phase of CCICED (2007-2011), the Council organized a total of 12 task forces and 5 special policy research programs and put forward policy recommendations to the Chinese Government covering such fields as low carbon economy, rural energy, economic instruments, urban energy, innovation, and the sustainable use of coal. The Councils findings and policy recommendations are highly relevant to the environment and development of China and have attracted the attention of the national departments concerned. CCICED Phase IV also sought to combine policy research with local practice and carried out local a demonstration project on energy and environment policies. This further expands the role of CCICED in facilitating local governments efforts to adjust their policies on environment and development.




Part  I  CClCED Policy Recommendations Submitted to the Government of China  CCICED Policy Recommendations Submitted to the Government of China (2007)  CCICED Policy Recommendations Submitted to the Government of China (2008)  CCICED Policy Recommendations Submitted to the Government of China (2009)Part II  CCICED Issues Paper Innovation for an Environment-Friendly Society (2007) Environment and Development for a Harmonious Society (2008) China's Green Prosperity Future-Environment, Energy and Economy  (2009)Part III Reports on the Progress on Environment and Development Policies in China Report on Progress on Environment and Development Policies in China (2007-2008)   Report on Progress on Environment and Development Policies in China (2008-2009)


  End-of-pipe pollution control approach is necessary but not sufficient to deal with the growing volume of pollution in China. What is needed is an effective total emissions control (TEC) approach that controls both the volume and concentration of pollution. More emphasis should be put on cost-effective approaches such as washing coal, structural adjustment in the energy and industrial sectors, and removing incentives such as favourable financial conditions that foster excessive investment in polluting industries like coke and steel. Greater use of market instruments is needed to provide continuous incentives to find cost-effective approaches to pollution prevention and control, including innovation. This can include cap and trade market-based systems. Energy conservation and new processes that eliminate pollution production can help. Other economic instruments and strict enforcement of regulations are needed so that it is no longer cheaper to pollute than to clean up.  It is vital that environmental management systems within government be made much more functional, with clearly understood responsibilities and accountability at each level. The performance assessment of local political leaders should place greater emphasis on their environmental performance. Failure to do so results in economic considerations overriding environmental policy objectives.  Therefore, we recommend:  1) Adopting a new "Five Shifts" approach and examining how it could be implemented not only in the 11th, but also the 12~ and 13th Five-Year Plans: (1) Move to a focus on reducing total emissions and specific improvements in environmental quality; (2) Move from an over-reliance on reducing pollution from selected industries to reducing pollution from all industries; (3) Move from total control of single pollutants to the coordinated control of many pollutants; (4) Move from increasing the number of pollution reduction projects to increasing their quality;



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