
出版時間:2011-3  出版社:海豚  作者:(美)艾瑞克//杰西卡//方振宇//王玲//王雄  頁數(shù):582  




【美】艾瑞克(Eric Wayne Fink)
【美】杰西卡(Jesscia Dawn Brosius)


Chapter 1 紐約來客New YorkerSection 1 購買機票Flight Ticket Re ServationSection 2 檢票登機Check In and BoardingSection 3 在飛機上On the PlaneSection 4 行李提取Retrieving the LuggageSection 5 通關(guān)檢查 Security CheckSection 6 問路指路Directions InquirySection 7 坐公交Take a BusSection 8 坐地鐵Take a SubwaySection 9 坐出租車Take a TaxiSection 10 自駕車Drive a CarSection 11 騎自行車Ride a BicycleChapter 2 你好,buddy(基本社交)Basic CommunicationSection 1 見面問候GreetingsSection 2 介紹與回應(yīng)介紹Introductions and ReplySection 3 感謝與回謝Gratitude and ReplySection 4 道歉與回應(yīng)Apologize and ReplySection 5 邀請與回應(yīng)Invitation and ReplySection 6 接打電話Answering the PhoneSection 7 天氣WeatherSection 8 時間與日期Time and DateSection 9 告別FarewellChapter 3 想念溫暖的家(家庭生活)FamilySection 1 家人團聚ReunionSection 2 家的模樣HomeSection 3 睡覺起床Sleeping and Waking upSection 4 一日三餐MealsSection 5 花銷儲蓄Spending and Saving MoneySection 6 看望親朋Visiting FriendsChapter 4 唐人街美食(吃)Eating OutSection 1 商定餐館Where to EatSection 2 點餐Ordering FoodSection 3 上菜用餐EatingSection 4 討論飯菜Discussing your foodSection 5 買單PayingSection 6 喝咖啡Getting CoffeeSection 7 去酒吧Going to the BarChapter 5 購物在99美分店(購物)ShoppingSection 1 百貨商店Department StoresSection 2 商品式樣品牌Different Styles and BrandsSection 3 討價還價Bargaining at the MarketSection 4 尋找減價商品 Searching for SalesSection 5 售后服務(wù)Customer  ServiceChapter 6 Kevin的態(tài)度觀點Attitude and MindSection 1 喜歡與討厭Like and DislikeSection 2 同意與分歧Agreement and DisagreementSection 3 信任與懷疑Trust and DoubtSection 4 接受與拒絕Accept and Refu SeSection 5 猶豫與后悔Hesitate and RegretSection 6 建議與忠告Suggestion and PersuadeSection 7 關(guān)心與冷漠Care and IndifferentSection 8 責(zé)備與提醒Scold and RemindSection 9 催促與安撫Urge and ConciliateSection 10 支持與鼓勵Support and EncourageSection 11 討論與決定Discussion and DecisionChapter 7 今天心情不錯(情緒)Under a Good MoodSection 1 高興與難過Happy and SadSection 2 驚訝與欣喜Surpri Se and PleasantSection 3 激動與憤怒Excited and AngerSection 4 樂觀與悲觀Optimistic and PessimisticSection 5 抑郁與沮喪Depres Sed and DesperateSection 6 耐心與不耐煩Patient and ImpatientSection 7 擔(dān)心與憂慮Worry and Stres SedSection 8 期望與失望Promising and DisappointmentChapter 8 愛上哈佛(學(xué))StudySection 1 熟悉校園和同學(xué)Getting FamiliarSection 2 學(xué)校課程CurriculumSection 3 聽講座LectureSection 4 在圖書館At the LibrarySection 5 考試測驗TestsSection 6 獎學(xué)金ScholarshipSection 7 社團協(xié)會School AssociationSection 8 宿舍花絮DormSection 9 校園兼職Part-time JobSection 10 畢業(yè)舞會Graduation and PromSection 11 出國留學(xué)Studying AbroadSection 12 簽證與護照Visa and PassportChapter 9 Kevin的愛情LoveSection 1 約會DatingSection 2 愛戀Falling in LoveSection 3 求婚Marriage ProposalSection 4 婚禮WeddingSection 5 爭吵分手Break-upChapter 10 Kevin侃大山Free TalkSection 1 買房還是租房To Buy or to RentSection 2 買車Buying a CarSection 3 股票基金Trading StocksSection 4 報刊雜志Newspapers and MagazinesSection 5 閃婚Flash MarriageSection 6 享受單身Enjoying SingleSection 7 中性美女TomboySection 8 月光族Paycheck to PaycheckSection 9 節(jié)假日HolidaysSection 10 網(wǎng)上購物Online ShoppingSection 11 博客BlogSection 12 秘密 SecretSection 13 友誼FriendshipSection 14 環(huán)境EnvironmentSection 15 IQ與EQ IQ and EQSection 16 創(chuàng)業(yè)Starting a BusinessSection 17 激情NBA National SportsSection 18 運動健身Exerci Se and FitnessSection 19 減肥Lo Se WeightChapter 11 好萊塢的夢想(娛樂)EntertainmentSection 1 音樂的狂想MusicSection 2 電影的魅力MoviesSection 3 沙發(fā)土豆TVSection 4 散步星光大道Hollywood Walk of FameChapter 12 打拼在華爾街(職)The Job MarketSection 1 求職應(yīng)聘Job HuntingSection 2 面試進行時InterviewSection 3 上班第一天First DaySection 4 職場培訓(xùn)TrainingSection 5 出勤與遲到Arriving at Work LateSection 6 請假Taking a LeaveSection 7 調(diào)班加班Shifts and OverworkSection 8 升職加薪Promotion and Getting a Rai SeSection 9 工作壓力Work PressureSection 10 解聘與辭職Quitting/ResignationChapter 13 Kevin出游TravelSection 1 旅游計劃Travel PlanningSection 2 選擇旅行社Choo Se the Travel AgencySection 3 參觀游覽Sight Seeing TourSection 4 旅途遇到麻煩TroubleSection 5 拍照留戀Photo TakingSection 6 買紀(jì)念品Buying SouvenirsSection 7 入住賓館HotelSection 8 旅行歸來Back From the TripChapter 14 生病怎么辦?SicknessSection 1 感冒發(fā)燒Suffering from a FeverSection 2 預(yù)約醫(yī)生Doctor AppointmentSection 3 去醫(yī)院Going to the HospitalSection 4 手術(shù)及護理Operation and CareSection 5 住院出院Living in the HospitalSection 6 醫(yī)療保險Medical InsuranceChapter 15 享受公共服務(wù)Public  ServiceSection 1 郵局Post OfficeSection 2 銀行BankSection 3 博物館Mu SeumSection 4 電話亭Telephone Booth/Collect CallingSection 5 社區(qū)居委會Neighborhood CommunitySection 6 警察局Police StationSection 7 理發(fā)店Hair SalonSection 8 洗衣房Laundromat


  《就這900句,玩轉(zhuǎn)口語(隨書贈送同步純正MP3聽力光盤一張)》是美國人日常生活中的話語記錄,是一本來自美國本土的新鮮語言!本書通過人物主角Kevin的一系列活動,把我們?nèi)谌氲矫恳粋€話題場景,環(huán)環(huán)相扣,節(jié)節(jié)相連。15類主題,129個話題,引領(lǐng)現(xiàn)代生活、工作、學(xué)習(xí)等各種場景,語言地道鮮活。900個經(jīng)典句型,8650個常用口語句子,匯聚各種地道表達,設(shè)置各種場景的問答,讓你說英語滔滔不絕。文化穿越補充每個話題涉及的美國本土文化,擴充知識面,讓你跨文化交際不再有障礙。本書針對具體場景配備美國本土拍攝的精美實物圖片,讓你多視角感受地道美語?!  毒瓦@900句,玩轉(zhuǎn)口語(隨書贈送同步純正MP3聽力光盤一張)》是一本真正意義上讓你交流無障礙的口語手冊!是一本精挑細(xì)選最常用場景即學(xué)即用的地道口語寶典!只要大膽說,你的口語提升之路不會太遙遠(yuǎn)!




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