
出版時間:2011-7  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:劉建飛  頁數(shù):178  譯者:羅紅云  


  Removing the undemocratic label attached to China Presenting the achievements in construction of democratic politics of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


Chapter 1 Introduction to Democratic China and the World: China's Construction of Democratic Politics and Its International Strategic Significance1.1 Globalization and the Third Wave of Democratization1.2 Influence of Democracy on International Relations1.3 China as an Advocate and Builder of Democracy1.4 Three Types of Political Democracy in China1.5 Challenges to Democracy in China1.6 Democracy and Sino-American Relations1.7 Two Possibilities for Sino-American Relations1.8 Potential for Sino-American CooperationChapter 2 Following the Trend: Practice and Theory of China's Construction of Democratic Politics2.1 Theoretical Foundations of China's Democratic Politics2.2 Democratic Practice of the Communist Party of China2.3 Democratic Politics with Chinese Characteristics2.4 .ConclusionChapter 3 Taking the Chance of Reform: New Achievements of China's Construction of Democratic Politics3.1 Economic Democracy and Social Democracy3.2 Constitutional Democracy3.3 Grassroots Democracy3.4 Inner-Party Democracy3.5 Consultative Democracy3.6 ConclusionChapter 4 Tomorrow Will Be Better: Prospects of China's Construction of Democratic Politics4.1 The Main Issues of China's Construction of Democratic Politics4.2 Appraisal of Conditions of China's Construction of Democratic Politics4.3 Bright Prospects for China's Construction of Democratic Politics4.4 ConclusionChapter 5 The Gap Remains Unchanged: The Influence of China's Construction of Democratic Politics on Sino-American Relations5.1 The Influence of the Issue of Democracy on American Strategies Toward China5.2 Democratic Issues Hinder the Establishment of the Strategic Mutual Trust of China and the United States5.3 ConclusionChapter 6 Narrowing the Gap: Cooperative Potential for China and the United States on the Issue of Democracy6.1 Significance of Sino-American Cooperation on the Issue of Democracy6.2 Major Foundations of Sino-American Cooperation in China's Construction of Democratic Politics6.3 Main Fields of Cooperation for China and the United States on the Issue of Democracy6.4 Major Problems of Cooperation on the Issue of Democracy for China and the United States6.5 Suggestions on Policies of Promoting Benign Interaction Between China's Construction of Democratic Politics and Sino-American Relations


  China's party system and the govemance of the Communist Party of Chinaprovide special significance for inner-party democracy in the construction ofdemocratic politics in China. Multiparty cooperation and political consultationled by the Communist Party are part of the basic political system of modemCluna. In the practice of govemance for more than 60 years, the party hasformed a series ofideas ofits own for democratic govemance and establishedsystems and institutions for it.The party is actively exploring new approachesand methods for democratic govemance. Besides reforming leadership andwork systems, the most important way for the party to ctuD out the concept ofdemocratic govemance is to develop inner-party democracy, which means estab-lishing a system to guarantee the democratic rights ofparty members,improvingthe party's congress system, giving full play to the function of plenary partycommittee sessions, reforming the inner-party election system, and improvingthe inner-party supervision system. Of them, perfecting the congress systemreceives the most attention. The Commurust Party of China establishes congresssystems in organizations at levels of county or above, and a party congress isheld once every five years. The Party Constitution stipulates that congressesat all levels and the corresponding conuruttees elected by them are the leadingbodies ofthe party.   When a congress is in session, it usually serves as a leadingbody; when it is in recess, committees at alllevels exercise leadership functions.Deputies to a party congress at alllevels can play their roles when the congressis in session but not during recess. To deal with this, the party has experimentedwith a permanent system ofparty congresses and made significant achievements in 12 municipalities, counties and districts of five provinces since the late 1980s.Jiaojiang District of Taizhou Municipality in Zhejiang Province shows typical significance in carrying out the permanent system of its party congress. The expression of "expanding experimental units of the permanent system of theparty congress in municipalities and counties and exploring ways to maintainthe function of deputies when the party congress is in recess" was written intothe political report at the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in November 2002. After the 16th National Congress, all parts of the country initiated this reform.   ......


  When it comes to the topic of China's Democratic Politics and Sino-American Relationship, some people say it issensitive, and some say it has no solution However, Professor Liu Jianfei tells us, democracy is exactly the meeting point of the interests of China and the US, because China wants to develop its democracy while the USintends to promote its democracy, and the two countries are divided only on the specific issues on how to builddemocracy. "Turning the gully of divergence into a channel of communication" should be the attitude and thestrategy to be adopted by both parties. And what is done by this book is just exemplary of this saying.  ——Li Junru, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, former vice-president of the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC    Associating China's construction of democratic politics with international strategy in thinking has pioneeringsignificance that is exciting and thought-provoking in terms of both academic study and policy-making thinking.  ——Wang Jisi, dean of the Peking University School of International Studies     In the "global village" era, China's construction of socialist democratic politics calls for not only favorable internalconditions but also an ideal external environment, including the coordinated balance and healthy interactionbetween democracy and Sino-American relationship. With a keen vision of his research field and efforts of hisin-depth study and thinking for more than a decade, Professor Liu has done a serious piece of research on the important topic of "China's Democratic Politics and Sino-American Relationship," made admirable achievements,and put forward many academically valuable ideas.  ——Ji Zhengju, director of the Central Compilation & Translation Bureau Research Institute for World Socialism and editor-in. chief of the magazine of Contemporary World and Soc/a/ism





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