出版時(shí)間:2009-12 出版社:魏昕、李少白、馬紅軍、 胡曉凱 新世界出版社 (2009-12出版) 作者:李少白,魏昕 著 頁數(shù):131
The Wall we see today is but one tenth of the total length of the walls ever constructed over succeeding dynasties of China The bests erved sections refer to the wall built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), from Shan hai guan in the east to Jia yuguan In the West.Approximately 5,130 km (3,188 miles) in length, the Ming Wall was built under the most difficult conditions, across some of the most dangerous terrains, but with the most popular tourist attractions as well. Traditionally known to the Chineseas the"Long Wall of TenThousand", the massive structure takes advantage of the natural terrain for defensive purposes following the highest points and clinging to ridges. Like a majes dragon, these fortifications offer truly breathtaking views, enhanced by its mountain passes castle gates,and thousands of watch towers and signal beacons along the wall. Justification of the World Heritage Committee: In 220 B.C., under the reign of Qin Shi Huang, sections of earlier fortifications werejoined together to form a united defense system against invasions from the north.Construction continued up to the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), when the Great Wall be came the world s largest military structure. Its historic and strategic importance is matched by its architectural significance.
Introduction and OverviewHistory and TimelineConstruction and StructureNotable AreasThe Great Wall Culture
插圖:To defend the Hans from nomadic invasion, thousands of soldiers, peasants and prisoners were sent to "Heaven's edge" to construct the Wall. From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period to Qin's reunification of China to the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty to the Great Ming Empire, streams of builders were flowing to the northern borders.It was the invasion and plunder of the nomadic tribes in the north beyond the Wall thatthey were trying to prevent; it was their own homeland and their own countrymen, women andchildren that they were trying to defend and protect.Most of the ancient nomadic barbarians migrated on horseback from place to place,seeking pasture for herds of grazing animals. Back then, the animals were everything tothem: they rode horses; they ate milk and meat from their own herds; they wore animal hides; they lived in yurts made out of animal skins; and they burned animal dung, the onlyfuel available, for cooking and warmth. The nomadic forces combined mobility, discipline,strength and endurance in direct battle with hit-and-run tactics, incessantly harassing thefrontiers of the Central Plains of China.Attacks by the nomadic tribes on the sedentary farming peoples usually resulted from natural disasters or battles between the nomads themselves. Having lost most of their herds,the starving tribesmen would invade the agrarian civilization for survival, and plunder their way to the Central Plains. Their cavalry's superior mobility enabled them to bring war trophies back home to the northern deserts like a whirlwind.