出版時間:2012-2 出版社:中國商務(wù)出版社 作者:丁溪 頁數(shù):287
Chapter 1 International BusinessSection A IntroductionSection B Scope of International Business ActivitiesSection C International Business ManagementChapter2 InternationaI TradeSection A IntroductionSection B Performance of International TradeSection C Export and Import DocumentationChapter 3 International MarketingSection A Introduction Section B Marketing StrategiesSection C Marketing ResearchChapter 4 International Law and PracticesSection A IntroductionSection B International Business LawSection C Introduction to the Law of WTOChapter 5 International TransportationSection A IntroductionSection B Choice of Modes and Intermodal TransportationSection C Transportation DocumentationChapter 6 ContractSection A IntroductionSection B Terms of the ContractSect.ion C Contractual TheoryChapter 7 International Business CorrespondenceSection A IntroductionSection B Writing Principles of the Business LettersSection C Ways to Write International Business CorrespondenceChapter 8 International TourismSection A IntroductionSection B Tourism MarketingSection C Economic Impact of TourismChapter 9 InternationallnvestmentSection A IntroductionSection B Investment RisksSection C Investment ManagementChapter 10 International SettlementSection A IntroductionSection B Remittance and CollectionSection C Letter of Credit and GuaranteeChapter 11 EcommerceSection A IntroductionSection B Introduction of Credit CardsSection C How to Create an Online StoreTranslationKey to ExercisesTestKey to TestReferences