
出版時間:2013-1  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:Timothy Gowers,June Barrow-Green,Imre Leader  頁數(shù):1034  


《數(shù)學(xué)指南》編著者Timothy Gowers、June
Barrow-Green、Imre Leader 。


作者:(美國)格沃斯(Cowers T.)


Part Ⅰ Introduction
Part ⅡThe Origi of Modern Mathematics
Part Ⅲ MathemaUcal Concepts
Part Ⅳ Branches of Mathematics
Part Ⅴ Theorems and Problems
part Ⅵ Mathematicia
Part Ⅶ The Influence of Mathematics
Part Ⅷ Final Pepectives


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:   1 Introduction It is a remarkable phenomenon that children can learn to speak without ever being consciously aware of the sophisticated grammar they are using.Indeed,adults too can live a perfectly satisfactory life without ever thinking about ideas such as parts of speech,subjects,predicates,or subordinate clauses.Both children and adults can easily recognize ungrammatical sentences,at least if the mistake is not too subtle,and to do this it is not necessary to be able to explain the rules thathave been violated.Nevertheless,there is no doubt that one's understanding of language is hugely enhanced by a knowledge of basic grammar,and this understanding is essential for anybody who wants to do more with language than use it unreflectingly as a means to a nonlinguistic end. The same is true of mathematical language.Up to a point,one can do and speak mathematics without knowing how to classify the different sorts of words one is using,but many of the sentences of advanced mathematics have a complicated structure that is much easier to understand if one knows a few basic terms of mathematical grammar.The object of this section is to explain the most important mathematical "parts of speech," some of which are similar to those of natural languages and others quite different.These are normally taught right at the beginning of a university course in mathematics.Much of The Companion can be understood without a precise knowledge of mathematical grammar,but a careful reading of this article will help the reader who wishes to follow some of the later,more advanced parts of the book. The main reason for using mathematical grammar is that the statements of mathematics are supposed to be completely precise,and it is not possible to achieve complete precision unless the language one uses is free of many of the vaguenesses and ambiguities of ordinary speech.Mathemalcal sentences can also be highly cornpie.x: if the parts that made them up were not clear and simple,then the unclarities would rapidly accumulate and render the sentences unintelligible.






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用戶評論 (總計7條)


  •   數(shù)學(xué)是自然科學(xué)的女王,但是很多人不理解數(shù)學(xué),甚至有人說取消數(shù)學(xué),這只能說你對數(shù)學(xué)還缺乏了解。這本書就能彌補(bǔ)之一缺憾,本書的作者是菲爾茲獎得主高爾斯的,眾所周知菲爾茲獎是國家數(shù)學(xué)家大會上辦法的,沒4年一次,其獲獎難度超過諾貝爾獎,這樣的作者寫的書怎能不讀。這是一本縱覽全局的圖書,相當(dāng)于一本百科辭典,但又不完全是,這本書不是面面俱到,而是有所側(cè)重,讀者在讀時會感覺到,總體來說,這本書強(qiáng)帶了當(dāng)前數(shù)學(xué)的主流。
  •   但是全英文,死啦厚。各種看不完
  •   很不好很不好!
  •   從實(shí)用角度去考察這類書,這種行為本身就是不“實(shí)用”的。這樣的書對于提高一個人的數(shù)學(xué)素養(yǎng)和見識很有幫助,而不是讓你從中真的掌握什么技術(shù)或查詢什么公式。書的印刷質(zhì)量還行,但太厚了,膠裝有裂脊的風(fēng)險。運(yùn)輸包裝不行,書角已有折損。amazon你們在盒子里哪怕放兩張廢報紙來填充就這么難么?
  •   洋洋灑灑一大本書,觀賞性很強(qiáng),實(shí)用性很差。中間有幾個大牛對于年輕數(shù)學(xué)家的建議,可以一看。其他的,只能隨便翻翻了。這已經(jīng)不是一個萬金油的時代了。出一本所謂的“全集”已經(jīng)太勉強(qiáng)了。
  •   書雖厚 但許多內(nèi)容是一些基礎(chǔ)的數(shù)學(xué)概念(如數(shù) 函數(shù))及數(shù)學(xué)家傳記等主要內(nèi)容在三四五部分質(zhì)量參差不齊 少部分文章寫得不錯 很詳細(xì)而有啟發(fā)性 這也是我沒有給一星的原因大部分文章都很一般 比如貝葉斯定理 伽羅瓦群 范疇論等 寫得很粗淺 個人認(rèn)為還不如維基百科另外網(wǎng)上可以找到電子版 比如在愛問共享資料 絕對是正版電子書 有目錄 可以復(fù)制文字的 不是掃描的 我只是因為搞活動才買的……
  •   沒看什么,但是一百來塊錢1千頁,每頁也就1毛錢~

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
