出版時(shí)間:2013-1 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:Walter Appel 頁數(shù):642
There is a fairly fasbionable current of thought that bolds that the use of advanced mathematics is of little real use in physics, and goes sometimes as far as to say that knowing convinced that matbematics is stikll a parecious source of insight, not for students of physics, but also for researchers. Many only see mathematics as a tool-and of course, it is part a tool, but they should be reminded that, as Galileo said, the book of Nature is written in give examples that knowing mathematics provides the means to understand precise physical notions, to use them more easily, to establish them on a sure foundation, and even more importantly, to discover new ones.
作者:(法國)阿培(Appel W.)
A book's apology
Index of notation
1 Reminders:convergence of sequences and series
2 Measure theory and the Lebesgue integral
3 Integral calculus
4 Complex Analysis Ⅰ
5 Complex Analysis Ⅱ
6 Conformal maps
7 Distributions
8 Distributions Ⅱ
9 Hilbert spaces;Foruier series
10 Fourier transform of functions
11 Fourier ransform of distributions
12 The Laplace transform
13 Physical applications of the Fourier transform
14 Bras,kets,and thatsort of thing
15 Green functions
16 Tebsirs
17 Dufferebtual forms
18 Groups and group representations
19 Introduction to probability theory
20 Random variables
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: