出版時(shí)間:2012-3 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:Jacob N. Israelachvili 頁(yè)數(shù):674
preface to the third edition xvii
preface to the second edition xix
preface to the fit edition xxi
part one the forces between atoms and molecules
1. historical pepective
2. thermodynamic and statistical aspects of intermolecular forces
3. strong intermolecular forces: covalentand coulomb interactio
4. interactio involving polar molecules
5. interactio involving the polarization of molecules
6. van der waals forces
7. repulsive steric forces, total intermolecular pair potentials,
and liquid structure
8. special interactio: hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic and
hydrophilic interactio
9. nonequilibrium and time-dependent interactio
part two the forces between particles and surfaces
10. unifying concepts in intermolecular andinterparticle forces
11. contrasts between intermolecular, interparticle,and
inteurface forces
12. force-measuring techniques
13. van der waals forces between particles and surfaces
14. electrostatic forces between surfaces in liquids
15. solvation, structural, and hydration forces
16. steric (polymer-mediated) and thermal fluctuation forces
17. adhesion and wetting phenomena
18. friction and lubrication forces
part three self-assembling structures and biological systems
19. thermodynamic principles of self-assembly
20. soft and biological structures
21. interactio of biological membranes and structures
22. dynamic biointeractio
problems and discussion topics
版權(quán)頁(yè): 插圖: Much of the published literature and equations on intermolecular and surface forces are basedon the CGS system of units.In this book the Système International(SI)is used.In this systemthe basic units are the kilogram(kg)for mass,the meter(m)for length,the second(s)for time.the kelvin(K)for temperature,the ampére(A)for electrical quantities,and the mole(mol)forquantity of mass.Some old units such as gramme(19m=1g=10—3 kg),centimeter(1 cm=10—2m),(a)ngstrom(1 (A)=10—10 m)and degree centigrade(℃)are still commonly used,although they are not part of the SI system.The SI system has many advantages over the CGS,not least when it comes to forces.For example,force iS expressed in newtons(N)withoutreference to the acceleration due to the earth’s gravitation.which is implicit in some formulaebased on the CGS system.Note that units,prefixes,words,and abbreviations are usuallyunitalicized—that is,in text format(e.g., J,K,m,N,volts V),whereas variables are italicized(e.g.,stiffness K, mass m,number N,maximum number Nmax,velocity or volume V).