
出版時間:2011-4  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:哈茨霍恩  頁數(shù):526  




chapter 1. euclid's geometry
 1. a first look at euclid's elements
 2. ruler and compass constructions
 3. euclid's axiomatic method
 4. construction of the regular pentagon
 5. some newer results
chapter 2. hilbert's axioms
 6. axioms of incidence
 7. axioms of betweenness
 8. axioms of congruence for line segments
 9. axioms of congruence for angles
 10. hilbert planes
 11. intersection of lines and circles
 12. euclidean planes
chapter 3. geometry over fields
 13. the real cartesian plane
 14. abstract fields and incidence
 15. ordered fields and betweenness
 16. congruence of segments and angles
 17. rigid motions and sas
 18. non-archimedean geometry
chapter 4. segment arithmetic
 19. addition and multiplication of line segments
 20. similar triangles
 21. introduction of coordinates
chapter 5. area
 22. area in euclid's geometry
 23. measure of area functions
 24. dissection
 25. quadrature circuli
 26. euclid's theory of volume
 27. hilbert's third problem
chapter 6. construction problems and field extensions
 28. three famous problems
 29. the regular 17-sided polygon
 30. constructions with compass and marked ruler
 31. cubic and quartic equations
 32. appendix: finite field extensions
chapter 7. non-euclidean geometry
 33. history of the parallel postulate
 34. neutral geometry
 35. archimedean neutral geometry
 36. non-euclidean area
 37. circular inversion
 38. digression: circles determined by three conditions
 39. the poincare model
 40. hyperbolic geometry
 41. hilbert's arithmetic of ends
 42. hyperbolic trigonometry
 43. characterization of hilbert planes
chapter 8. polyhedra
 44. the five regular solids
 45. euler's and cauchy's theorems
 46. semiregular and face-regular polyhedra
 47. symmetry groups of polyhedra
appendix: brief euclid
list of axioms
index of euclid's propositions




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  •   大牛寫的很基礎的書,很適合高中生讀一讀
  •   Robin Hartshorne is a Mathesmatician.So it is all I can say.
  •   本書寫的是歐幾里德初等幾何,例如從尺規(guī)作圖方面講授它的原理,當然還包括些歷史。淺顯易懂,且世圖比較少這種書,所以算比較稀罕的。

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