出版時(shí)間:2011-4 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:Marcel Berger 頁(yè)數(shù):824
作者:(法國(guó))貝格(Marcel Berger)
1 Euclidean Geometry
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 Distance Geometry
1.2.1 A Basic Formula
1.2.2 The Length of a Path
1.2.3 The First Variation Formulaand Application to
1.3 Plane Curves
1.3.1 Length
1.3.2 Curvature
1.4 Global Theory of Closed Plane Curves
1.4.1 "Obvious" Truths About Curves Which are Hard
to Prove
1.4.2 The Four Vertex Theorem
1.4.3 Convexity with Respect to Arc Length
1.4.4 Umlaufsatz with Corners
1.4.5 Heat Shrinking of Plane Curves
1.4.6 ArnoFd's Revolution in Plane Curve
1.5 The Isoperimetric Inequality for Curves
1.6 The Geometry of Surfaces Before and After Gaufl
1.6.1 Inner Geometry:. a First Attempt
1.6.2 Looking for Shortest Curves: Geodesics
1.6.3 The Second Fundamental Formand Principal
1.6.4 The Meaning of the Sign of K
1.6.5 Global Surface Geometry
1.6.6 Minimal Surfaces
1.6.7 The Hartman-Nirenberg Theoremfor Inner Flat
1.6.8 The Isoperimetric Inequality in E3 ~ la
Gromov Notes
1.7 Generic Surfaces
1.8 Heat and Wave Analysis in
1.8.1 Planar Physics Bibliographical Note
版權(quán)頁(yè): 插圖: This would describe the motion of the sea,if there were nocontinents on the planet.It might not be a bad approximation,since oceansare the bulk of the Earth's surface.His first result backs intuition.Disturb the water with a big shock(a Dirac distribution,if you prefer)somewhere,say at the north pole.Then you will always find another big shock at the south pole after a time T which is no larger than 2π.But Meyer's second series of results oppose intuition: the big shock can move from the north to the south pole while remaining extremely small everywhere for all time between O and T,as in figure 1.102 on the next page.Worse some apparently moderate shocks can,with larger and larger time,be very small almost everywhere and almost all the time,but at some times and some places can be as big as desired(everything there and then will break down).Meyer's results explained the following strange observation: quite recently a tidal wave was observed at Martinique,and came back there later,this being completely unnoticed eyerywhere else in between times. 1.9.3 Billiards in Higher Dimensions The Faber-Krahn inequality extends to any dimension.Again,the proof involves the isoperimetric inequality(in any dimension).Contrarily,billiards in dimensions larger than two are still to be fully explored.There is one ex-ception: billiards in concave regions,for which we refer to Katok,Strelcyn,Ledrappier & Przytycki 1986(788).Such regions have the best possible ergodic behavior.But for nonconcave regions,even for polyhedra in three dimensional space,almost nothing is known concerning periodic motions or ergodicity,except for rectangular parallelepipeds,balls(of course)and the Berard examples mentioned above.There is an unpublished result of Katok asserting that the length counting function is subexponential.But,even in the simplest possi-ble cases,things are either not finished,or completely open.Let us mention only two cases.The first is that of the cube.Dynamics in a cube are compa-rable to dynamics in a square: a trajectory is periodic or everywhere dense.