
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:瑞貝爾  頁數(shù):425  


  This book deals with the symbiotic relationship between  I Quarkonial decompositions of functions,on the one hand,and  Ⅱ Sharp inequalities and embeddings in function spaces, ?、?Fractal elliptic operators,  IV Regularity theory for some semi-linear equations,on the other hand.


this book is mainly based on the results of the author and his co-workers ob-tained in the last few years. we tried to present the material in such a way that the main ideas can be understood independently of the existing literature. on the other hand, after proving in chapter i that the function spaces introduced via quarkonial decompositions coincide with the well-established spaces b8pq and fspq we feel free to use known results about these spaces, especially when we have nothing new to say about the assertions used. a reader who is mostly interested in the material presented in one of the chapters ii, iii, or iv, which are largely independent of each other, may skip chapter i, at the first glance.but most of the related proofs in these chapters depend substantially on the theory developed in the first chapter.it is a pleasure to acknowledge the great help i have received from my col-laborators in jena, in particular dorothee haroske and winfried sickel, who made valuable suggestions which have been incorporated in the text. i am especially indebted to dorothee haroske for producing all the figures in this book. last, but not least, i wish to thank my friend and colleague david edmunds in brighton who looked through the whole manuscript and offered many comments.


preface i decompositions of functions 1 introduction, heuristics, and preliminaries 2 spaces on rn: the regular case 3 spaces on rn: the general case 4 an application: the fubini property 5 spaces on domains: localization and hardy inequalities 6 spaces on domains: decompositions 7 spaces on manifolds 8 taylor expansions of distributions 9 traces on sets, related function spaces and their decompositions ii sharp inequalities 10 introduction: outline of methods and results 11 classical inequalities 12 envelopes 13 the critical case 14 the super-critical case 15 the sub-critical case 16 hardy inequalities 17 complements .iii fractal elliptic operators 18 introduction 19 spectral theory for the fractal laplacian 20 the fractal dirichlet problem 21 spectral theory on manifolds 22 isotropic fractals and related function spaces 23 isotropic fractal drums iv truncations and semi-linear equations 24 introduction 25 truncations 26 the q-operator 27 semi-linear equations; the q-method references symbols index




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