
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:沃安  頁數(shù):220  


The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas is a quick-reference aid for students and pro-fessionals in the physical sciences and engineering. It contains more than 2 000 of the mostuseful formulas and equations found in undergraduate physics courses, covering mathematics,dynamics and mechanics, quantum physics, thermodynamics, solid state physics, electromag-netism, optics, and astrophysics. An exhaustive index allows the required formulas to belocated swiftly and simply, and the unique tabular format crisply identifies all the variablesinvolved.The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas comprehensively covers the major topicsexplored in undergraduate physics courses. It is designed to be a compact, portable, referencebook suitable for everyday work, problem solving, or exam revision.  All students andprofessionals in physics, applied mathematics, engineering, and other physical sciences willwant to have this essential reference book within easy reach.


《劍橋物理公式手冊》是為物理和工程領(lǐng)域的學(xué)生及專業(yè)人士編寫的一本速查式參考書。書中包含了2000多條在大學(xué)本科物理課程中出現(xiàn)的最常用的公式和方程,涵蓋數(shù)學(xué)、動力學(xué)和力學(xué)、量子物理學(xué)、熱力學(xué)、固體物理學(xué)、電磁學(xué)、光學(xué)和天體物理學(xué)等領(lǐng)域。詳盡的索引可使你簡單而快速地找到所需的公式,而統(tǒng)一的表格版式可使你清楚地了解公式中每一個變量所代表的含義。     《劍橋物理公式手冊》詳盡地涵蓋了大學(xué)本科物理課程的主要方面。本書設(shè)計成一種緊湊、便攜的參考書形式,適于在日常工作、解題和考試復(fù)習(xí)中使用。所有物理、應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)、工程和其他自然科學(xué)各分支的學(xué)生和專業(yè)人士都會希望擁有這樣一本易查的精華型參考書。


作者:(英國)沃安(Graham Woan)


preface how to use this book 1 units, constants, and conversions   1.1 introduction  1.2 si units  1.3 physical constants  1.4 converting between units  1.5 dimensions  1.6 miscellaneous2 mathematics   2.1 notation   2.2 vectors and matrices  2.3 series, summations, and progressions  2.4 complex variables  2.5 trigonometric and hyperbolic formulas  2.6 mensuration  2.7 differentiation  2.8 integration  2.9 special functions and polynomials  2.10 roots of quadratic and cubic equations  2.11 fourier series and transforms  2.12 laplace transforms  2.13 probability and statistics  2.14 numerical methods3 dynamics and mechanics   3.1 introduction  3.2 frames of reference  3.3 gravitation  3.4 particle motion  3.5 rigid body dynamics  3.6 oscillating systems  3.7 generalised dynamics   3.8 elasticity  3.9 fluid dynamics4 quantum physics 5 thermodynamics 6 solid state physics 7 electromagnetism 8 optics 9 astrophysics index


插圖:In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking relates that he was warned against includingequations in the book because each equation, would halve the sales. Despite this direprediction there is, for a scientific audience, some attraction in doing the exact opposite.   The reader should not be misled by this exercise. Although the equations and formulascontained here underpin a good deal of physical science they are useless unless the readerunderstands them. Learning physics is not about remembering equations, it is about appreci-ating the natural structures they express. Although its format should help make some topicsclearer, this book is not designed to teach new physics; there are many excellent textbooksto help with that. it is intended to be useful rather than pedagogically complete, so thatstudents can use it for revision and for structuring their knowledge once they understandthe physics. More advanced users will benefit from having a compact, internally consistent,source of equations that can quickly deliver the relationship they require in a format thatavoids the need to sift through pages of rubric.






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用戶評論 (總計15條)


  •   很好的一本書,學(xué)習(xí)物理是參考用
  •   對我來說書很實用,很好。
  •   英文版,,一定要注意啊!不過書還是很好的.
  •   這書很好,只是紙張略差了一些。連同中譯本各買了一本送給法籍教師同事,他很是喜歡,連說好書好書!
  •   很有用很全!到的也挺快。
  •   配合中文翻譯版看起來更好
  •   對在一線的工程技術(shù)人員還是更適合看中文翻譯版本的
  •   感覺不是太全!
  •   一本很好的物理工具書
  •   書里的公式很全面,要是中英對照就好了
  •   全英文,很系統(tǒng),從公制測量單位到各種物理公式的圖解,復(fù)習(xí)英文和物理挺好.
  •   工具書,當(dāng)作手冊用~
  •   看物理類的文獻,有這個英文版的手冊還是很方便的,書很薄,紙張還不錯的
  •   如題,基本上都是普通物理的知識,學(xué)過的應(yīng)該能自己推出來,可能會對要考GRE Physics Subject的人有點用。
  •   書很好,比較適合當(dāng)手冊用

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