走進上海 暢游中國

出版時間:2010-9  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:曾憲玲 編  頁數(shù):378  




PrefaceForeword前言Part Ⅰ The Brief History of Shanghai  上海簡史Part Ⅱ  Wold Expo 2010 Shanghai China  中國上海2010年世界覽會Part Ⅲ  Tourist Guide  1. Popular Scenic Sites  2. Suggested Itineraries  3. A Travel MapPart Ⅳ  Learning Chinese  1. Basic Sentence Patterns    Common Phrases    Greetings    Gratitude / Appreciation    Good Wishes    Apology    Consent    Disagreement    Advice    Asking favors     Suggestions  2. Conversations about Daily Life    Asking Directions    Going by Subway    Making a Telephone Call    Going Shopping    At the Post Office    At the Hotel    At the Bank    At a Restaurant    At the Airport    Making New Friends    At the Railway Station    Sightseeing    Renting a House    Talking about Hobbies    At the Barbershop    At the Hairdresser's    At a Foreign Book Store    At the Laundry    Taking a Taxi    Taking a Bus    Talking about Family    Talking about Activities    Saying Goodbye    Receiving Visitors    Talking about Seasons and Weather    Visiting Doctors    Going to a Show    Going to ChurchPart Ⅴ Chinese History and Culture  1. China from Ancient Dynasties to Modern Times  2. The Great Thinkers in Chinese History  3. Religion in China  4. Chinese Opera  5. Famous Painters of Modern Times  6. Ancient Popular Poets and Calligraphers  7. Special RegionaiFoods  8. Traditional Chinese Medicine  9. The History of the Great Wall  10. Chinese Legends and Folklore  11. Duan Wu Jie: Dragon Boat Race and Rice Dumpling  12. Culture Differences between East and West  13. Tips for Tourists  14. Bargaining in Chinapart  Ⅵ Appendices  1. Chinese Festivals  2. Auspicious Characters, Phrases and Traditional Meaning for Flowers and Animals  3. Numbers  4. Chinese Horoscope  5. Understanding Pinyin  6. China's Provinces and Municipalities Directly Under the Central GovernmentPart Ⅶ Basic Dictionary



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