
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:喬治·賀瑞斯·洛里默  頁數(shù):190  






1.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicageo,to his son,Pierrepint,at Harvard University,Cambridge,Mass2.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicageo,to his son,Pierrepint,at Harvard University.3.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicageo,to his son,Pierrepint,at Harvard University.4.From John Graham,head of the house of Graham & Co.,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son,Pierrepont Graham,at the Waldorf-Astoria,in New York.5.From John Graham,head of the house of Graham & Co.,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son,Pierrepont Graham,at Lake Moosgatchemawamuc,in the Maine woods.6.From John Graham,en route to Texas,to Pierrepont Graham,care of Graham & Co.,Union Stock Yards,Chicago.7.From John Graham,at the Omaha Branch of Graham & Co.,to Pierrepont Graham,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.8.From John Graham,at Hot Springs,Arkansas,to his son,Pierrepint,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.9.From John Graham,at Hot Springs,Arkansas,to his son,Pierrepint,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.10.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at the Commercial House,Jeffersonville,Indiana.11.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at The Planters' Palace Hotel,at Big Gap,Kentucky.12.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at Little Delmonico's,Piairie Centre,Indiana.13.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,care of The Hoosier Grocery Co.,Indianapolis,Indiana.14.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at The Travelers'Rest,New Albany,Indiana.15.From John Graham,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago,to his son,Pierrepint,at The Scrub Oaks,Spring Lake,Michigan.16.From John Graham,at the Schweitzerkasenhof,Karlsbad,Austria,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards,Chicago.17.From John Graham,at the London House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.18.From John Graham,at the London House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.19.From John Graham,at the New Youk House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.20.From John Graham,at the Boston House of Graham & Co.,to his son,Pierrepont,at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.



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  •   好書,紙質(zhì)不錯,字體清晰,中英文對照,有利于提高英文水平。
  •   非常有意思的一本英文勵志圖書
  •   樹皮有點磨了,不過還好,做活動很實惠。
  •   是的,只有讀書時沒有阻攔的,做其他事都有競爭者
  •   清爽雅致的封面。內(nèi)容言簡意賅。無論是孩子還是成年人,都值得一讀。感悟那個時代的舔犢情深,融入現(xiàn)代的教子之道。成人讀之會別有一番感觸。
  •   挺喜歡這本書,適合孩子看。
  •   我買這本書主要是看看能看能不,單個句子的意思還可以,但是看完一封信就不知道他表達的什么意思了

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