出版時間:2010-5 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫 頁數(shù):538
世界文學(xué)名著表現(xiàn)了作者描述的特定時代的文化。閱讀這些名著可以領(lǐng)略著者流暢的文筆、逼真的描述、詳細的刻畫,讓讀者如同置身當(dāng)時的歷史文化之中。為此,我們將這套精心編輯的“名著典藏”奉獻給廣大讀者。 我們找來了專門研究西方歷史、西方文化的專家學(xué)者,請教了專業(yè)的翻譯人員,精心挑選了這些可以代表西方文學(xué)的著作,并聽取了一些國外專門研究文學(xué)的朋友的建議,不刪節(jié)、不做任何人為改動,嚴格按照原著的風(fēng)格,提供原汁原味的西方名著,讓讀者能享受純正的英文名著。 隨著閱讀的展開,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的英語水平無形中有了大幅提高,并且對西方歷史文化的了解也日益深入廣闊。 送您一套經(jīng)典,讓您受益永遠!
英國女作家弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫的文學(xué)評論集《普通讀者》及其續(xù)編當(dāng)中選譯出的文章?!镀胀ㄗx者》向我們介紹了英國一批著名作家和一些我們還不怎么熟悉的作家的生平、作品、寫作生涯、遺聞軼事等,我們讀來饒有興味,有助于我們對這些作家的進一步了解。 本書為《普通讀者》的英文版,供廣大讀者閱讀學(xué)習(xí)。
THE COMMON READER(First Series 1925)THE COMMON READER(Second Series 1935)
That is the quality that first strikes us in Greek literature, thelightning-quick, sneering, out-of-doors manner. It is apparent in themost august as well as in the most trivial places. Queens andPrincesses in this very tragedy by Sophocles stand at the doorbandying words like village women, with a tendency, as one mightexpect, to rejoice in language, to split phrases into slices, to be intenton verbal victory. The humour of the people was not good-natured likethat of our postmen and cab-drivers. The taunts of men lounging at thestreet corners had something cruel in them as well as witty. There is acruelty in Greek tragedy which is quite unlike our English brutality. Isnot Pentheus, for example, that highly respectable man, maderidiculous in the Bacchae before he is destroyed? In fact, of course,these Queens and Princesses were out of doors, with the bees buzzingpast them, shadows crossing them, and the wind taking their draperies.They were speaking to an enormous audience rayed round them on oneof those brilliant southern days when the sun is so hot and yet the air soexciting. The poet, therefore, had to bethink him, not of some themewhich could be read for hours by people in privacy, but of somethingemphatic, familiar, brief, that would carry, instantly and directly, to anaudience of seventeen thousand people perhaps, with ears and eyeseager and attentive, with bodies whose muscles would grow stiff ifthey sat too long without diversion.