出版時(shí)間:1970-1 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:路易莎·梅·奧爾科特 頁數(shù):388 譯者:盛世教育西方名著翻譯委員會(huì)
通過閱讀文學(xué)名著學(xué)語言,是掌握英語的絕佳方法。既可接觸原汁原味的英語,又能享受文學(xué)之美,一舉兩得,何樂不為? 對于喜歡閱讀名著的讀者,這是一個(gè)最好的時(shí)代,因?yàn)橛谐汕先f的書可以選擇;這又是一個(gè)不好的時(shí)代,因?yàn)樵诤品钡木磬?,很難找到適合自己的好書?! ∪欢?,你手中的這套叢書,值得你來信賴?! ∵@套精選的中英對照名著全譯叢書,未改編改寫、未刪節(jié)削減,且配有權(quán)威注釋、部分書中還添加了精美插圖?! ∫獙W(xué)語言、讀好書,當(dāng)讀名著原文。如習(xí)武者切磋交流,同高手過招方能漸明其間奧妙,若一味在低端徘徊,終難登堂入室。積年流傳的名著,就是書中“高手”。然而這個(gè)“高手”,卻有真假之分。初讀書時(shí),常遇到一些掛了名著名家之名改寫改編的版本,雖有助于了解基本情節(jié),然而所得只是皮毛,你何曾真的就讀過了那名著呢?一邊是窖藏了50年的女兒紅,一邊是貼了女兒紅標(biāo)簽的薄酒,那滋味,怎能一樣?“朝聞道,夕死可矣?!比松倘绯?,當(dāng)努力追求真正的美?! ”咎讌矔挠⑽陌姹?,是根據(jù)外文原版書精心挑選而來;對應(yīng)的中文譯文以直譯為主,以方便中英文對照學(xué)習(xí),譯文經(jīng)反復(fù)推敲,對忠實(shí)理解原著極有助益;在涉及到重要文化習(xí)俗之處,添加了精當(dāng)?shù)淖⑨專越庖苫?。 讀過本套叢書的原文全譯,相信你會(huì)得書之真意、語言之精髓?! ∷途伴_卷有益”之書,愿成文采斐然之人。
Chapter 1 Playing Pilgrims朝圣Chapter 2 AMerry Christmas圣誕快樂Chapter 3 The Laurence Boy勞倫斯家的男孩Chapter 4 Burdens負(fù)擔(dān)Chapter 5 Being Neighborly友鄰睦居Chapter 6 Beth Finds the Palace Beautiful貝思發(fā)現(xiàn)了美麗之宮Chapter 7 Amy’S Valley ofHumiliation艾美的恥辱谷Chapter 8 Jo Meets Apollyon喬遇上了惡魔Chapter 9 Meg Goes to Vanity Fair梅格踏足名利場Chapter 10 The P.C.and P.O匹克威克社和郵箱Chapter 11 Experiments試驗(yàn)Chapter 12 Camp Laurence勞倫斯?fàn)I地Chapter 13 Castles in the Air空中樓閣Chapter 14 Secrets秘密Chapter 15 A Telegram一封電報(bào)Chapter 16 Letters書信Chapter 17 Little Faithful忠誠的小女孩Chapter 18 Dark Days黑暗的日子Chapter 19 Amy’S Will艾美的遺囑Chapter 20 Confidential密談Chapter 21 Laurie Makes Mischief,and Jo Makes Peace勞里惡作劇,喬來講和Chapter 22 Pleasant Meadows怡人的草地Chapter 23 Aunt March Settles the Question馬奇嬸嬸解決問題
"You dont have half such a hard time as Ido," said Jo. "How would you like to beshut up for hours with a nervous, fussy oldlady, who keeps you trotting, is neversatisfied, and worries you till youre readyto fly out the window or cry?" "Its naughty to fret, but I do thinkwashing dishes and keeping things tidy isthe worst work in the world. It makes mecross, and my hands get so stiff, I cantpractice well at all." And Beth looked at herrough hands with a sigh that anyone couldhear that time. "I dont believe any of you suffer as Ido," cried Amy, "for you dont have to go toschool with impertinent girls, who plagueyou if you dont know your lessons, andlaugh at your dresses, and label your fatherif he isnt rich, and insult you when yournose isnt nice." "If you mean libel, Id say so, and nottalk about labels, as if papa was apickle-bottle," advised Jo, laughing. "I know what I mean, and you neednt bestatirical about it. Its proper to use goodwords, and improve your vocabilary,"returned Amy, with dignity.