出版時間:2009-12 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:吳中東,王品 主編 頁數(shù):304
《最新英語專業(yè)考研名校模擬題解析——基礎英語》為《北京環(huán)球時代學校英語專業(yè)考研名校模擬題圖書》之一,是專門為英語專業(yè)學生報考研究生考試而準備的,分為5個模塊:?! ∫?、北京大學模塊(模擬題1~2) 適用于北京大學、復旦大學、浙江大學、武漢大學、中山大學、廈門大學、同濟大學等?! 〔糠诌m用于南開大學、廣東外語外貿(mào)大學、上海對外貿(mào)易學院、大連海事大學、天津大學、四川大學等?! 《⑶迦A大學模塊(模擬題3) 適用于清華大學、國際關(guān)系學院、外交學院、北京語言文化大學、遼寧大學等。 部分適用于對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學、湖南大學、上海外國語大學、上海交通大學、深圳大學、南京大學、吉林大學、哈爾濱工業(yè)大學、黑龍江大學等。 三、北京外國語大學模塊(模擬題4~8) 適用于北京外國語大學、對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學、上海外國語大學、廣東外語外貿(mào)學院、北京語言文化大學等?! 〔糠诌m用于西安外國語大學、上海交通大學、同濟大學、外交學院、鄭州I大學、上海財經(jīng)大學、華中師范大學、華南師范大學、華北電力大學、中南大學等?! ∷?、北京師范大學模塊(模擬題9~13) 適用于北京師范大學、中國人民大學、首都師范大學、華東師范大學、哈爾濱師范大學、山東師范大學、陜西師范大學、東北師范大學、遼寧師范大學、湖南師范大學、湖南師范大學、西安外國語大學、四川外國語學院、洛陽解放軍外國語學院、解放軍國際關(guān)系學院、上海財經(jīng)大學、上海對外貿(mào)易大學等?! 〔糠诌m用于北京交通大學、北京理工大學、北京郵電大學、中國地質(zhì)大學、上海交通大學、復旦大學、武漢大學等。
《北京環(huán)球時代學校英語專業(yè)考研名校模擬題圖書》是集北京環(huán)球時代學校的教學課程——英語專業(yè)考研強化課程5年來教材之精華編撰而成。 目的是幫助報考英語專業(yè)研究生的學生熟悉各名校考題的考試重點、考綱、題型、出題范圍和資料來源。特別適合于經(jīng)過了基礎階段學習之后的拔高階段使用。 編撰者力圖在信度、效度、難度和權(quán)威性上貼近各??碱}的出題形式和出題內(nèi)容。本書是國內(nèi)關(guān)于英語專業(yè)考研模擬教材方面的首套教材,實屬難得。
Obama Derangement Syndrome BY MOST peoples standards Barack Obama has had an excellent week, He enjoyed a counter- Carter moment when navy commandos rescued an American hostage, leaving three kidnappers dead. He gave a measured speech on the economy. And, to cap it all, he gave his daughters a Portuguese water dog named "Bo". Whats not to like? Plenty, according to some people. Mr Obama may be widely admired both at home and abroad. But there are millions of Americans who do not like the cut of his jib——-and a few whose dislike boils over into white-hot hatred. The American Spectator, which came of age demonizing the Clintons, has run an article on its website on Mr Obama entitled "Ii Duce, Redux?" The internet crackles with comparisons between Mr Obama and various dictators (Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini) or assorted psychotics (Charles Manson and David Koresh). When Jonah Goldberg, a conservative pundit, praised Mr Obama over the dispatching of the Somali pirates, his e-mail inbox immediately overflowed, he said, with "snark and bile". A recent Pew poll showed that public opinion about Mr Obama is sharply divided along party lines. Some 88% of Democrats approve of the job that he is doing compared with only 27% of Republicans. The approval gap between the two parties is actually bigger than it was for George Bush in April 2001. Bush loyalists ,led, by Karl Rove, have duly over-interpreted this poll in order to soften their former bosss reputation as. Americas most divisive president. Todays Republican base is significantly smaller than the Democratic base, was in 300!,so surviving Republicans are more likely to have hard-coro views. But there are nevertheless enough people Out there who dislike the president to constitute a significant force in political life. As The Economist went to press, the bestselling book in the United States was Mark Levins "Liberty and Tyranny". Mr Levin frequently denounces Mr Obama on his radio show as an exponent of the second of those two qualities. The new sensation in the world of cahle is Fox Newss Glenn Beck, who has already attracted 2.2m regular viewers since his show was launched in January. Mr Beck recently apologized to his viewers for saying that Mr Obamas America is on the path to "socialism" when it is really on the march to fascism. Media Matters, a left-wing organization that monitors the media, reports that, since the inauguration, "there have been over 3,000 references to socialism, fascism or communism" in describing the president.
北京環(huán)球時代學校英語專業(yè)考研點睛圖書 實用·權(quán)威英研必備 仿真模擬,濃縮考點,權(quán)威分析,注重實戰(zhàn),注重信度,強調(diào)效度?! √貏e提示:全國英語專業(yè)考研模擬題一本通,囊括國內(nèi)名校英語專業(yè)考研題型,一線導師親自命題點撥詳解考點。