出版時間:2009-11 出版社:付升旗 世界圖書出版公司 (2009-11出版) 作者:付升旗
《全國高等醫(yī)藥院校教材?人體斷層解剖學(xué)》主要內(nèi)容包括:Introduction;Scope of the human sectional anatomy;Relationship between the systematic, regional anatomy and the sectional anatomy;Brief history of the human sectional anatomy;Commonly used approaches of the human sectional anatomy等。
Introduction1.Scope of the human sectional anatomy2.Relationship between the systematic, regional anatomy and the sectional anatomy3.Brief history of the human sectional anatomy4.Commonly used approaches of the human sectional anatomy5.Terminology of the human sectional anatomy6.Learning methods of the human sectional anatomyChapter 1The HeadSection 1 Introduction1.Boundaries and divisions2.Anatomical landmarks3.Commonly basal line in sectional anatomy of the headSection 2 Brain and its Meninges1.Applied anatomy of the brain2.Ventricular system3.Meninges and cistern4.Character of the brain and its meninges in transverse section5.Serial transverse section of the brain and its meninges6.Serial sagittal section of the brain and its meninges7.Serial coronal section of the brain and its meningesSection 3 Cerebral Vessels1.Character of vascular supply of the brain2.Arteries of the brain3.Veins of the brain4.MRA of the cerebral vesselsChapter 2 The NeckSection 1 Introduction1.Boundaries and divisions2.Anatomical landmarks3.Character of distribution of the cervical structuresSection 2 Applied Anatomy of the Neck1.Pharynx2.Larynx3.Thyroid gland4.Cervical fascia and fascial spaces5.Root of the neckSection 3 Character of the Sectional Anatomy of the NeckSection 4 Serial transverse section of the neckChapter 3 The ThoraxSection 1 Introduction1.Boundaries and divisions2.Anatomical landmarks3.Character of distribution of the thoracic structuresSection 2 The Mediastinum1.Position of the mediastinum2.Divisions of the mediastinum3.Distribution of the mediastinal structures4.Pericardial sinus and pericardial recess5.Mediastinal space6.Mediastinal lymph nodes7.Character of the mediastinal structures in transverse section8.Serial transverse section of the mediastinumSection 3 The Lungs1.External shape of the lung2.Pulmonary fissures and pulmonary surfaces3.Pulmonary conduits4.Division of the pulmonary segment5.Character of the lung in transverse section6.Serial transverse section of the hilum of lung and the pulmonary segmentSection 4 The Pleurae1.Distribution of the pleurae2.Pleural cavity and pleural recess3.Surface projection of the reflection of pleurae4.Pulmonary ligament5.Pleural line6.Transverse section of the pleuraeChapter 4 The AbdomenSection 1 Introduction1.Boundaries and divisions2.Anatomical landmarks3.Character of distribution of the abdominal structuresSection 2 The Liver1.External shape of the liver2.External shape and divisions of the caudate lobe3.Conduits of the liver4.Division of the hepatic segment5.Character of the liver in transverse section6.Serial transverse section of the liverSection 3 Pancreas, Biliary Ducts and Portocaval Space1.External shape and divisions of the pancreas and biliary ducts2.Pancreatic duct and accessory pancreatic duct3.Development and types of the pancreas and annual pancreas4.Measurement of the pancreas5.Character of the pancreas in transverse section6.Character of the biliary ducts in transverse section7.Portocaval space8.Serial transverse section of the pancreas, biliary ducts and portocaval spaceSection 4 Kidney, Suprarenal Gland and Spleen1.Position and shape of the kidney, suprarenal gland and spleen2.Renal vessels and renal segment3 Splenic vessels and splenic segments4.Measurement of the suprarenal gland and spleen5.Character of the kidney in transverse section6.Character of the suprarenal gland in transverse section7.Character of the spleen in transverse section8.Transverse section of the kidney, suprarenal gland and spleenSection 5 Retroperitoneal Space1.Position and contents of the retroperitonea] space2.Coverings of the kidney3.Divisions of the retroperitoneal space4.Extension of the retroperitoneal space5.Position relationship of the kidney and ascending colon, descending colon, retroperitoneal recess6.Clinical application of the retroperitoneal spaceChapter 5 The Pelvis and PerineumSection 1 Introduction1.Boundaries and divisions2.Anatomical landmarks3.Character of distribution of the pelvis and perineumSection 2 Internal Genital Organs of the Male1.Composition and position of the internal genital organs2.Shape and adjacent structures of the prostate3.Divisions of the prostate4.Shape and adjacent structures of the seminal vesicle and ampulla of deferent duct5.Character of the prostate in section6.Character of the seminal vesicles in transverse section7.Divisions and distribution of the male pelvis and perineum in transverse section8.Serial transverse section of the male pelvis and perineumSection 3 Internal Genital Organs of the Female1.Composition and position of the internal genital organs2.Applied anatomy of the uterus3.Applied anatomy of the ovary4.Character of the uterus in transverse section5.Character of the ovary in transverse section6.Divisions and distribution of the female pelvis and perineum in transverse section7.Serial transverse section of the female pelvisSection 4 Pelvic fascia and fascial space1.Pelvic fascia2.Pelvic fascial spacesSection 5 The Perineum1.Architecture of the anal region and urogenital region2.Fascial space of the urogenital region and anal region3.Perineal central tendon4.Recognization of the perineal structures in transverse section5.CT imaging of the urinary infiltration after urethral injury of the maleChapter 6 The Vertebral RegionSection 1 Introduction1.Boundaries and divisions2.Anatomical landmarks3.Character of distribution of the vertebral regionSection 2 Applied Anatomy of the Vertebral Region1.Vertebrae ant] its articulations2.Vertebral canal and its contents3.Intervertebral foramen or canal and spinal nervous root4.Vertebral venous system5.Paravertebral soft tissue6.Articulations of the atlas, axis and occipital boneSection 3 Character of Sectional Anatomy of the Vertebral RegionSection 4 Sectional Anatomy of the Vertebral Region1.Sectional anatomy of the cervical part of vertebral region2.Sectional anatomy of the thoracic part of vertebral region3.Sectional anatomy of the lumbar part of vertebral region4.Sectional anatomy of the sacral and coccygeal parts of vertebral regionSection 5 Vertebral Region of the Children1.Vertebral column2.Vertebral canal3.Spinal cordChapter 7 The LimbsSection 1 Introduction1.Boundaries and divisions2.Anatomical landmarks3.Character of distribution of the limbsSection 2 Applied Anatomy of the Limbs1.Shoulder region2.Elbow region3.Hand4.Gluteal region5.Knee region6.FootSection 3 Character of the joints of limbs in sectional anatomySection 4 Sectional Anatomy of the Joints of Limbs1.Transverse section of the shoulder joint2.Transverse section of the elbow joint3.Transverse section of articulations of the hand4.Transverse section of the hip joint5.Transverse section of the knee joint6.Sagittal section of the knee joint7.Coronal section of the knee joint8.Transverse section of the ankle joint