出版時間:2009-10 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:鮑丁 頁數(shù):166 譯者:羅慕謙
希臘神話故事恐怕是世人傳述最頻繁、也聽得最津津有味的故事了。幾千年來,這些故事為男女老少、凡夫智者、為所有為神秘、美麗和宏偉事物著迷思索的人們帶來無窮的歡樂。希臘神話故事已經(jīng)融入我們的語言和思想,與我們的文學緊密交織在一起,成為我們心中無法割舍的一部分。它們是遠古時代遺留下來的文化遺產(chǎn),在現(xiàn)代知性生活當中所占的重要性恐怕與當時并無二致。 我在書里敘述朱比特與眾神的故事,還有其他希臘英雄的故事,我說的就是故事,僅此而已。我很小心避免暗示任何闡釋意義,因為意圖分析和解釋,最后只會破壞讀者看故事的興致?! 》磸蛷娬{(diào)這些故事只不過是以敘事體或詩體描述某些自然現(xiàn)象,只會奪走故事的魅力,就如同把珍貴的黃金變成了實用的錢,把浪漫的傳奇變成枯燥的科學論文。
全書以英文呈現(xiàn)完整故事。附有全篇中文翻譯,增加文章理解度。書中標示重點單詞,附IPA音標、英英注釋及單詞解釋。精美插圖搭配文字,豐富閱讀層次。隨書附贈MP3,熟悉故事內(nèi)容。 回到古希臘的傳說,探訪諸神的神話故事 在宙斯統(tǒng)治的天界中,邂逅銀弓之王阿波羅、智慧女神雅典娜。打開潘多拉的盒子,發(fā)現(xiàn)忌妒、驕傲、仇恨、悲傷與恐懼。從神話的源頭,看見愛情、勇敢、犧牲,與宿命交錯。 綺麗、美麗而動人的希臘神話,傳承先人的智慧與思想,帶給后世無窮的歡樂與想像。
1 The Story of Perseus 柏修斯的故事 1.Danae and the Golden Shower 黛妮和黃金雨 2.The Wooden Chest and Exile 木箱和流放 3.The Quest of Medusa'S Head 尋找梅杜莎的頭 4.Mercury's Winged Slippers 墨丘利的神奇涼鞋 5.The Gray Sisters:With One Eye and One Tooth 單眼獨牙的格雷三姊妹 6.The Western Maidens and the Tree of Golden Apples 西方三少女和金蘋果樹 7.The Dreadful Gorgons 可怕的蛇發(fā)三女妖 8.Andromeda and the Sea Beast 安德柔美妲和海怪 9.Medusa's Head and Turning Into Stone 看到梅杜莎的頭,變成石頭 10.The Death of Grandfather 誤殺祖父2 The Origins of Athens 雅典城的由來 1.King of Athens:Cecrops 雅典的國王凱克羅普斯 2.Athena Named Her City:Athens 雅典娜為雅典城命名3 The Adventures of Theseus(1) 鐵修斯的歷險記(1) 1.Unstable Athens 政局不安的雅典城 2.Theseus Lifting the Stone 鐵修斯舉起重石 3.The Robber Giant:Club.Carrier 鐵棒巨人 4.Pine.Bender:Sinis 彎松巨人西尼斯 5.Perigune and Asparagus 派瑞金和蘆筍 6.Vile Sciron 被大海與大地唾棄的斯克戎 7.Wrestler of Wrong-Doe 愛摔跤的壞國王 8.The Stretcher:Procrustes 鐵床拉人魔 9.Returning Home 歸鄉(xiāng) 10.The Wicked Witch:Medea 邪惡女巫梅黛亞4 The Wondeful Artisan 神奇的工匠 1.Perdix and Partridge 佩狄克斯和鷓鴣 2.The King of Crete:Minos 克里特國王:米諾斯 3.Minotaur and Labyrinth 米諾陶和迷宮 4.Daedalus Wings 人類的雙翅 5.The Fall of Icarus and Icarian Sea 伊卡洛斯的墜海和伊卡里亞海5 The Adventures of Theseus(Ⅱ) 鐵修斯的歷險記(Ⅱ) 1.The CruelTribute 殘忍的貢品 2.Bound for Crete 前往克里特島 3.The Princess:Ariadne 亞莉阿德妮公主 4.The Labyrinth and theAegean Sea 迷宮和愛琴海Transiation 譯文
But Perseus had not forgotten his mother; and so, one fine summer day, he and Andromeda sailed in a beautiful ship to his own home. Now, the wicked king of that land had never ceased trying to persuade Danae to become his wife. At last when he found that she could not be made to have him, he declared that he would kill her. So, as Perseus and Andromeda came into the town, whom should they meet but his mother fleeing to the altar of Jupiter, and the king following after, intent on killing her? Danae was so frightened that she did not see Perseus, but ran right on towards the only place of safety. For it was a law of that land that not even the king should be allowed to harm any one who took refuge on the altar of Jupiter. When Perseus saw the king rushing like a madman after his mother, he threw himself before him and bade him stop. But the king struck at him furiously with his sword. Perseus caught the blow on his shield, and at the same moment took the head of Medusa from his magic pouch.
您聽過金蘋果、黃金雨或迷宮嗎?您知道「梅杜莎」會讓人變成石頭嗎?您知道可怕的蛇發(fā)三女妖嗎?您知道雅典、希臘或歐洲的名稱是怎麼來的嗎?您知道孔雀、蜘蛛或鷓鴣的由來嗎?您知道烏鴉為什么是黑的嗎? 古希臘神話是西方文明的搖籃,也是英語詞匯的重要來源之一,因此邂逅希臘神話,將能引領您深入英語的語言及文化的殿堂! 本書精選您不可不知的經(jīng)典希臘神話,全書并穿插經(jīng)典的世界名畫插圖,帶您盡情徜徉諸神的世界! 書中標示重點單字,附IPA音標、英英注釋及單字解釋,書后附中文翻譯,并附贈「全文朗讀MP3」,讓您同時提升英語閱讀及英聽能力!