
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:莫哈帕特拉  頁數(shù):421  


The new millennium has brought new hope and vigor to particle physics.The menacing clouds of despair and discontent that enveloped the fieldfollowing the collapse of SSC have all but vanished. The discovery of neu-trino mass has brought the first light of new physics beyond the standardmodel. The LEP-SLC data has given strong hints of a light Higgs boson,which is widely hoped, will be discovered soon either at the Tevatron of LHC. LEP may quite possibly have missed it by a hair. Many neutrinoexperiments are either underway or are in the planning stages, and a roughoutline of neutrino mixing is appearing on the horizon. There are discussions of pulling resources internationally to build a linear collider after theLHC. Many major breakthroughs in the sister discipline of cosmology havelightened up the sky. Even the job situation in the field is showing signs of improvement after a long plateau.All this hope and optimism about a bright future for the field seem tobe resting on two ideas: unification and supersymmetry. The first is based on the amazing success of the standard model, giving credence to the possibility that the final theory of particle physics could come from gaugetheories and string theory, from which the gauge symmetries follow. The belief in supersymmetry arises not only from its beauty and elegance and its ability to truly unify matter and forces but also from the way it em- braces gravity into the fold of particle physics. Its hold on the field is almost as pervasive as that of gauge theories. Even though there are many other competing ideas vying for the attention of theorists, the general direction seems to be largely set towards supersymmetry, supergravity, and super- strings.




作者:(美國)莫哈帕特拉(Rabindra N.Mohapatra)


Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition 1 Important Basic Concepts in Particle Physics   1.1 Introduction   1.2 Symmetries and Currents   1.3 Local Symmetries and Yang-Mills Fields   1.4 Quantum Chromodynamic Theory of Strong Interactions   1.5 Hidden Symmetries of Weak Interactions   References 2 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking   2.1 Symmetries and Their Realizations   2.2 Nambu-Goldstone Bosons for an Arbitrary Non-Abelian Group   2.3 Some Properties of Nambu-Goldstone Bosons   2.4 Phenomenology of Massless and Near-Massless Spin-0 Bosons   2.5 The Higgs-Kibble Mechanism in Gauge Theories   2.6 Group Theory of the Higgs Phenomenon   2.7 Renormalizability and Triangle Anomalies   References 3 The SU(2)L x U(1) Model   3.1 The SU(2)L x U(1) Model of Glashow, Weinberg, and Salam   3.2 Neutral-Current Interactions   3.3 Masses and Decay Properties of W and Z Bosons   3.4 Fermion Masses and Mixing   3.5 Higher-Order-Induced Flavor-Changing Neutral-Current Effects   3.6 The Higgs Bosons   3.7 SU(2)L x U(1) Model with Two Higgs Doublets   3.8 Puzzles of the Standard Model   3.9 Outline of the Various Scenarios   3.10 Beyond the Standard Model   References 4 CP Violation: Weak and Strong   4.1 CP Violation in Weak Interactions   4.2 CP Violation in Gauge Models: Generalities   4.3 The Kobayashi-Maskawa Model   4.4 Left-Right Symmetric Models of CP Violation   4.5 The Higgs Exchange Models   4.6 Strong CP Violation and the 0-Problem   4.7 Solutions to the Strong CP Problem without the Axion   4.8 Summary   References 5 Grand Unification and the SU(5) Model   5.1 The Hypothesis of Grand Unification   5.2 SU(N) Grand Unification   5.3 Sin2 Ow in Grand Unified Theories (GUT)   5.4 SU(5)   5.5 Grand Unification Mass Scale and Sin2θw at Low Energies   5.6 Detailed Predictions of the SU(5) Model for Proton Decay   5.7 Some Other Aspects of the SU(5) Model   5.8 Gauge Coupling Unification with Intermediate Scales before Grand Unification   References 6 Symmetric Models of Weak Interactions and Massive Neutrinos   6.1 Why Left-Right Symmetry?   6.2 The Model, Symmetry Breaking, and Gauge Boson Masses   6.3 Limits on MzR and rnwR from Charged-Current Weak Interactions   6.4 Properties of Neutrinos and Lepton-Number-Violating Processes   6.5 Baryon Number Nonconservation and Higher Unification   6.6 Sin2θw and the Scale of Partial Unification   6.7 Left-Right Symmetry--An Alternative Formulation   6.8 Higher Order Effects   6.9 Conclusions   References 7 SO(10) Grand Unification   7.1 Introduction   7.2 SO(2N) in an SU(N) Basis [3]   7.3 Fermion Masses and the "Charge Conjugation" Operator   7.4 Symmetry-Breaking Patterns and Intermediate Mass Scales   7.5 Decoupling Parity and SU(2)R Breaking Scales   7.6 Second Z' Boson   References 8 Technicolor and Compositeness   8.1 Why Compositeness?   8.2 Technicolor and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking   8.3 Techni-Composite Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons   8.4 Fermion Masses   8.5 Composite Quarks and Leptons   8.6 Light Quarks and Leptons and 't Hooft Anomaly Matching   8.7 Examples of 't Hooft Anomaly Matching   8.8 Some Dynamical Constraints on Composite Models   8.9 Other Aspects of Composite Models   8.10 Symmetry Breaking via Top-Quark Condensate   References 9 Global Supersymmetry   9.1 Supersymmetry   9.2 A Supersymmetric Field Theory   9.3 Two-Component Notation   9.4 Superfields   9.5 Vector and Chiral Superfields   References 10 Field Theories with Global Supersymmetry   10.1 Supersymmetry Action   10.2 Supersymmetric Gauge Invariant Lagrangian   10.3 Feynman Rules for Supersymmetric Theories [3]   10.4 Allowed Soft-Breaking Terms   References 11 Broken Supersymmetry and Application to Particle Physics   11.1 Spontaneous Breaking of Supersymmetry   11.2 Supersymmetric Analog of the Goldberger Treiman Relation   11.3 D-Type Breaking of Supersymmetry   11.4 O'Raifeartaigh Mechanism or F-Type Breaking of Supersymmetry   11.5 A Mass Formula for Supersymmetric Theories and the Need for Soft Breaking   References 12 Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model   12.1 Introduction, Field Content and the Lagrangian   12.2 Constraints on the Masses of Superparticles   12.3 Other Effects of Superparticles   12.4 Why Go beyond the MSSM?   12.5 Mechanisms for Supersymmetry Breaking   12.6 Renormalization of Soft Supersymmetry-Breaking Parameters   12.7 Supersymmetric Left-Right Model   References 13 Supersymmetric Grand Unification 14 Local Supersymmetry (N = 1) 15 Application of Supergravity (N = 1) to Particle Physics 16 Beyond N = 1 Supergravity 17 Superstrings and Quark-Lepton Physics  Index


插圖:three-quark bound states, whereas meson spectroscopy arises from nonrela tivistic quark-antiquark bound states. Accepting quarks as the constituents of hadrons, we have to search for a field theory that provides the bindingforce between the quarks.In trying to understand the Fermi statistics for baryons (such as ), itbecame clear that if they are S-wave bound states, then the space part oftheir wave function is totally symmetric; since a particle such as  consists of three strange quarks, and has spin 3/2, the spin part of its wave functionis symmetric. If there were no other degree of freedom, this would be indisagreement with the required Fermi statistics. A simple way to resolvethis problem is to introduce [11] a threefold degree of freedom for quarks,called color (quarks being color triplets) and assume that all known baryonsare singlet under this new SU(3). Since an SU(3)c-singlet constructed outof three triplets is antisymmetric in the interchange of indices (quarks), thetotal baryon wave function is antisymmetric in the interchange of any twoconstituents as required by Fermi statistics.It is now tempting to introduce strong forces by making SU(3)c into alocal symmetry. In fact, if this is done, we can show that exchange of theassociated gauge bosons provides a force for which the SU(3)c color singletis the lowest-lying state; and triplet, sextet, and octet states all have highermass. By choosing this mass gap large, we can understand why excitedstates corresponding to the color degree of freedom have not been found.While this argument in favor of an SU(3)c gauge theory of strong inter-action was attractive, it was not conclusive. The most convincing argumentin favor of SU(3)c gauge theory came from the experimental studies of deepinelastic neutrino and electron scattering off nucleons. These experimentsinvolved the scattering of very-high-energy (E) electronsand neutrinoswith the exchange of very high momentum transfers (i.e., q2 large). It wasfound that the structure functions, which are analogs of form factors forlarge q2 and E, instead of falling with q2, became scale-invariant functionsdepending only on the ratio q2/2mE. This was known as the phenomenonof scaling [12]. Two different theoretical approaches were developed to un-derstand this problem. The first was an intuitive picture called the partonmodel suggested by Feynman [13] and developed by Bjorken and Paschos[14], where it was assumed that, at very high energies, the nucleon can bethought of as consisting of free pointlike constituents. The experimentalresults also showed that these pointlike constituents were spin-l/2 objects,like quarks, and the scaling function was simply the momentum distri-bution function for the partons inside the nucleon. These partons couldbe identified with quarks, thus providing a unified description of the nu-cleon as consisting of quarks at low, as well as at high, energies. The maindistinction between these two energy regimes uncovered by deep inelas-tic scattering experiments is that at low energies the forces between thequarks are strong, whereas at high energies the forces vanish letting thequarks float freely inside the nucleons.






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