
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:卡達  頁數:320  


統(tǒng)計物理是利用物質基本組成成份來研究物質的整體性質,它在量子力學發(fā)展中發(fā)揮了重要的作用。本書根據作者20多年來在麻省理工學院講授粒子統(tǒng)計物理的課程講義編寫而成,主要講解統(tǒng)計物理學的基本概念和處理實際問題的方法。在講述完熱力學基礎后,作者專門講解了常用數學工具如概率論和中心極限定理。本書內容還包括相互作用粒子,van der Waals方程及其推導,經典和量子統(tǒng)計力學以及信息論中的相關問題。本書附有習題,并在全書結尾處給出部分答案。閱讀本書時可以參考作者的另外一本專著《場的統(tǒng)計物理》,主要介紹利用重整化群等非平均場方法研究標度律和臨界現象。目次:熱力學;概率論;氣體動力學理論;經典統(tǒng)計力學;相互作用的粒子;量子統(tǒng)計力學;理想量子氣體;部分習題解答;索引。


MEHRAN KARDAR is Professor of Physics at MIT, where he has taught and researched in the field of statistical physics for the past 20 years. He received his B.A. at Cambridge, and gained his Ph.D. at MIT. Professor Kardar has held research and visiting pos


Preface 1 Thermodynamics   1.1 Introduction   1.2 The zeroth law   1.3 The first law   1.4 The second law   1.5 Carnot engines   1.6 Entropy   1.7 Approach to equilibrium and thermodynamic potentials   1.8 Useful mathematical results   1.9 Stability conditions   1.10 The third law   Problems 2 Probability   2.1 General definitions   2.2 One random variable   2.3 Some important probability distributions   2.4 Many random variables   2.5 Sums of random variables and the central limit theorem   2.6 Rules for large numbers   2.7 Information, entropy, and estimation   Problems 3 Kinetic theory of gases   3.1 General definitions   3.2 Liouville's theorem   3.3 The Bogoliubov-Born--Green-Kirkwood-Yvon hierarchy   3.4 The Boltzmann equation   3.5 The H-theorem and irreversibility   3.6 Equilibrium properties   3.7 Conservation laws   3.8 Zeroth-order hydrodynamics   3.9 First-order hydrodynamics   Problems 4 Classical statistical mechanics   4.1 General definitions   4.2 The microcanonical ensemble   4.3 Two-level systems   4.4 The ideal gas   4.5 Mixing entropy and the Gibbs paradox   4.6 The canonical ensemble   4.7 Canonical examples   4.8 The Gibbs canonical ensemble   4.9 The grand canonical ensemble   Problems 5 Intenmeting particles   5.1 The cumulant expansion   5.2 The cluster expansion   5.3 The second virial coefficient and van der Waals equation   5.4 Breakdown of the van der Waals equation   5.5 Mean-field theory of condensation   5.6 Variational methods   5.7 Corresponding states   5.8 Critical point behavior   Problems 6 Quantum statistical mechanics   6.1 Dilute polyatomic gases   6.2 Vibrations of a solid   6.3 Black-body radiation   6.4 Quantum microstates   6.5 Quantum macrostates   Problems 7 Ideal quantum gases   7.1 Hilbert space of identical particles   7.2 Canonical formulation   7.3 Grand canonical formulation   7.4 Non-relativistic gas   7.5 The degenerate fermi gas   7.6 The degenerate bose gas   7.7 Superfiuid Hen   Problems Solutions to selected problems   Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Index




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  •   粒子統(tǒng)計物理,國內也有過中文版的李政道院士的專著:粒子物理和場論簡引,建議結合閱讀.但,世界圖書出版公司太不注意印刷和裝幀質量,搞得象盜版書,和原版書比較,差距太大.也許世界圖書出版公司的領導們認為我們中國讀者就該讀這種粗制濫造的書?
  •   因為是新書所以有很多待改進的地方,第二章非常不詳細,第三章有些晦澀,后面的內容總體上不錯,習題也質量比較高。在統(tǒng)計部分入手的方法和國內教材常見的最可幾分布法不同,直接從系宗理論開始。
  •   本書作者是MIT的專家,書中講解深入淺出,符合一般讀者的接受規(guī)律。是為經典。
  •   微觀統(tǒng)計。
  •   老師的推薦,確實是很好的書!比較有層次和難度。
  •   相當經典,涵蓋了很基礎的知識,每讀一點都很受益。

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