出版時間:2010-4 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:比當(dāng)古 頁數(shù):678
This text is intended as a general introduction to plasma physics and was designed with the main purpose of presenting a comprehensive,logical, and unified treatment of the fundamentals of plasma physics based on statistical kinetic theory. It should be useful primarily for advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students meeting the subject of plasma physics for the first time and presupposes only a basic elementary knowledge of vector analysis, differential equations, and complex variables, as well as courses on classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory beyond sophomore level. Some effort has been made to make the book self-contained by including in the text developments of fluid mechanics and kinetic theory that are needed. Throughout the text the emphasis is on clarity, rather than formality.The various derivations are explained in detail and, wherever possible,the physical interpretations are emphasized. The equations are presented in such a way that they connect together, without requiring the reader to do extensive algebra to bridge the gap. The features of clarity and completeness make the book suitable for self-learning and for self-paced courses. The structure of this book is as follows.Chapter I consists of a basic introduction to plasma physics, at a descriptive level, intended to give the reader an overall view of the subject. The motion of charged particles under the influence of specified electric and magnetic fields is treated in detail in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. In the next five chapters the fundamental equations necessary for an elementary description of plasma phenomena are developed. Chapter 5 introduces the concepts of phase space and distribution function, and derives the basic differential kinetic equation that governs the evolution of the distribution function in phasespace. The definitions of the macroscopic variables in terms of the phase space distribution function are presented in Chapter 6 and their physical interpretations are discussed. The Maxweil-Boltzmann equilibriumdistribution function is introduced in Chapter 7, as the equilibrium solution of the Boltzmann equation, and its kinetic properties are analyzed in some detail. In Chapter 8 the macroscopic transport equations for a plasma considered as a mixture of various interpenetrating.fluids are derived, whereas the macroscopic transport equations for the whole plasma as a single conducting fluid are developed in Chapter 9. The remainder of the book is devoted to applications of these basic equations in the description of a variety of important phenomena in plasmas. The problems of electrical conductivity and diffusion in plasmas are analyzed in Chapter 10, and other basic plasma phenomena, such as electron plasma oscillations and Debye shielding, are treated in Chapter 11.Simple applications of the magnetohydrodynamic equations, such as in plasma confinement by magnetic fields and the pinch effect, are presented in Chapters 12 and 13. The subject of wave phenomena in plasmas is organized in the next six chapters. A review of the basic concepts related to electromagnetic wave propagation in free space is given in Chapter 14.The propagation of very low frequency waves in a highly conducting fluid is analyzed in Chapter 15, under the title of magnetohydrodynamic waves.The various modes of wave propagation in cold and warm plasmas are considered in Chapters 16 and 17, respectively. In Chapters 18 and 19 the various properties of wave propagation in hot nonmagnetized plasmas and in hot magnetized plasmas, respectively, are analyzed. Collisional phenomena in plasmas are treated in Chapter 20, and the derivations of the Boltzmann collision integral and of the Fokker-Planck collision term are presented in Chapter 21. Finally, in Chapter 22 some applications of the Boltzmann equation to the analysis of transport phenomena in plasmas are presented. Problems are provided at the end of each chapter, which illustrate additional applications of the theory and supplement the textual material.Most of the problems are designed in such a way as to provide a guideline for the student, including intermediate steps and answers in their statements. The numbering of the equations, within each chapter, starts over again at each section. When reference is made to an equation using three numbers, the first number indicates the chapter and the last two numbers indicate the section and the equation, respectively. Within the same chapter the first number is omitted. Vector quantities are represented by boldface type letters (such as r) and unit vectors by a circumflex above the corresponding letter (such as r). Dyadic and triadic quantities are represented by calligraphic type letters (such as Q). The system of units used in this text is the rationalized MKSA. This system is based on four primary quantities: length, mass, time, and current. Its name derives from the units meter (m), kilogram (kg), second (s), and ampere (A). The book contains more material than what can normally be covered in one semester. This permits some freedom in the selection of topics depending on the level and desired emphasis of the course, and on the interests of the students. The whole text can also be adequately covered within two semesters. In this, as in any introductory book, the topics included clearly do not cover all areas of plasma physics. No attempt was made to present the experimental aspects of the subject. Moreover, there are some important theoretical topics that are covered only very briefly and some that have been left for more advanced courses on plasma physics, such as plasma instabilities, plasma radiation, nonlinear plasma theory, and plasma turbulence. I am grateful to the many people who contributed to this book, both directly and indirectly, and especially to the many students to whom I had the opportunity to test my ideas in the various courses I taught over the last twenty-five years. The amount of digitalized information in a book such as this is truly enormous, and some errors may be bound to occur.Further feedback from readers will be appreciated. I wish to thank the many professors, students, and researchers who have used the first two editions of this book, all over the world, and contributed to its improvement.
本書系統(tǒng)地介紹了等離子體物理學(xué)的基本理論及其在很多重要等離子體現(xiàn)象中的應(yīng)用。本書內(nèi)容全面,結(jié)構(gòu)合理,闡述清晰。作者注重表達的簡潔性,沒有拘泥于形式,對自學(xué)和進階很有好處。從統(tǒng)計動力學(xué)討論等離子體現(xiàn)象是本書的一大特色。另外,作者對數(shù)學(xué)處理技巧說明得非常詳細,列舉了數(shù)學(xué)推導(dǎo)的中間步驟,這些通常是留給讀者自己完成的,同時強調(diào)了這些公式的物理解釋,幫助讀者獲得更深入的理解。書中設(shè)計的習(xí)題是內(nèi)容的重要組成部分,也是進一步提高的出發(fā)點。閱讀本書需要經(jīng)典力學(xué)和電動力學(xué)的基本知識?! ”緯m合于初次學(xué)習(xí)等離子體物理的高年級本科生和一年級研究生,同時也適用于對等離子體現(xiàn)象以及相關(guān)領(lǐng)域諸如空間物理和應(yīng)用電磁學(xué)等感興趣的研究人員。目次:簡介;穩(wěn)恒和均勻電磁場中的帶電粒子運動;非均勻靜磁場中的帶電粒子運動;隨時間變化的電磁場中的帶電粒子運動;等離子體動力學(xué)理論基礎(chǔ);平均值和宏觀變量;平衡態(tài);宏觀輸運方程;導(dǎo)電流體的宏觀方程;等離子體電導(dǎo)率和擴散;若干基本等離子體現(xiàn)象;磁流體動力學(xué)的簡單應(yīng)用;縮聚效應(yīng);自由空間電磁波;磁流體動力學(xué)波;冷等離子體波;暖等離子體波;熱各向同性等離子體波;熱磁化等離子體波;等離子體中粒子間相互作用;波爾茲曼和佛克爾—普朗克方程;等離子體中的輸運過程;附錄A:常用的矢量關(guān)系;附錄B:迪卡爾坐標(biāo)和曲線坐標(biāo)中的常用關(guān)系;附錄C:物理常數(shù):附錄D:物理單位間的換算因子;附錄E:部分重要的等離子體參數(shù);附錄F:若干典型等離子體的近似量極;索引?! ∽x者對象:物理,化學(xué)和材料專業(yè)的高年級本科生、研究生和相關(guān)專業(yè)的科研人員。
PREFACE 1.INTRODUCTION 1.General Properties of Plasmas 2.Criteria for the Definition of a Plasma 3.The Occurrence of Plasmas in Nature 4.Applications of Plasma Physics 5.Theoretical Description of Plasma Phenomena Problems 2.CHARGED PARTIE MOTION IN CONSTANT AND UNIFORM UNIFORM ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 1.Introduction 2.Energy Conservation 3.Uniform Electrostatic Field 4.Uniform Magnetostatic Field 5.Uniform Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Fields 6.Drift Due to an External Force Problems 3.CHARGED PARTICLE MOTION IN NONUNIFORM MAGNETOSTATIA FIELDS 1.Introduction 2.Spatial Variation of the Magnetic Field 3.Equation of Motionin the First-Order Approximation 4.Average Force Over One Gyration Period 5.Gradient Drift 6.Parallel Acceleration of the Guiding Center 7.Curvature Drift 8.Combined Gradient-Curvature Drift Problems 4.CHARGED PARTICLE MOTION IN TIME-VARYING ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 1.Introduction 2.Slowly Time-Varying Electric Field 3.Electric Field with Arbitrary Time Variation 4.Time-Varying Magnetic Field and Space-Varying Electric Field 5.Summary of Guiding Center Drifts and Current Densities Problems 5.ELEMENTS OF PLASMA KINETIC THEORY 1.Introduction 2.Phase Space 3.Distribution Function 4.Number Density and Average Velocity 5.The Boltzmann Equation 6.Relaxation Model for the Collision Term 7.The Vlasov Equation Problems 6.AVERAGE VALUES AND MACROSCOPIC VARIABLES 1.Average Value of a Physical Quantity 2.Average Velocity and Peculiar Velocity 3.Flux 4.Particle Current Density 5.Momentum Flow Dyad or Tensor 6.Pressure Dyad or Tensor 7.Heat Flow Vector 8.Heat Flow Triad 9.Total Energy Flux Triad 10.Higher Moments of the Distribution Function Problems 7.THE EQUILIBRIUM STATE 1.The Equilibrium State Distribution Function 2.The Most Probable Distribution 3.Mixture of Various Particle Species 4.Properties of the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Function 5.Equilibrium in the Presence of an External Force 6.Degree of Ionization in Equilibrium and the Saha Equation Problems 8.MACROSCOPIC TRANSPSRT EQUATIONS 1.Moments of the Boltzmann Equation 2.General Transport Equation 3.Conservation of Mass 4.Conservation of Momentum Conservation of Energy 6.The Cold Plasma Model 7.The Warm Plasma Model Problems 1.Macroscopic Variables for a Plasma as a Conducting Fluid 2.Continuity Equation 3.Equation of Motion 4.Energy Equation 5.Elect rodynamic Equations for a Conducting Fluid 6.Simplified Magnetohydrodynamic Equations Problems 1.Introduction 2.The Langevin Equation 3.Linearization of the Langevin Equation 4.DC Conductivity and Electron Mobility 5.AC Conductivity and Electron Mobility 6.Conductivity with Ion Motion 7.Plasma as a Dielectric Medium 8. Free Electron Diffusion 9.Electron Diffusion in a Magnetic Field 10.Ambipolar Diffusion 11.Diffusion in a Fully Ionized Plasma Problems 1.Electron Plasma Oscillations 2.The Debye Shielding Problem 3.Debye Shielding Using the Vlasov Equation 4.Plasma Sheath 5.Plasma Probe Problems 1.Fundamental Equations of Magnetohydrodynamics 2.Magnetic Viscosity and Reynolds Number 3.Diffusion of Magnetic Field Lines 4.Freezing of Magnetic Field Lines to the Plasma 5.Magnetic Pressure 6.Isobaric Surfaces 7.Plasma Confinement in a Magnetic Field Problems 14.WLWCTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN FREE SPACE 1.Introduction 2.The Equilibrium Pinch 3.The Bennett Pinch 4.Dynamic Model of the Pinch 5.Instabilities in a Pinched Plasma Column 6.The Sausage Instability 7.The Kink Instability 8.Convex Field Configurations Problems 15.MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC WAVES 1.The Wave Equation 2.Solution in Plane Waves 3.Harmonic Waves 4.Polarization 5.Energy Flow 6.Wave Packets and Group Velocity Problems 16.WAVES IN COLD PLASMAS 1.Introduction 2.MHD Equations for a Compressible 3.Propagation Perpendicular to the Magnetic Field 4.Propagation Parallel to the Magnetic Field 5.Propagation at Arbitrary Directions 6.Effect of Displacement Current 7.Damping of MHD Waves Problems 5.Wave Propagation in Magnetized Cold Plasmas 6.Propagation Parallel to Bo 7.Propagation Perpendicular to Bo 8.Propagation at Arbitrary Directions 9.Some Special Wave Phenomena in Cold Plasmas Problems 17.WSVES IN WARM PLASMAS 1.Introduction 2.Waves in a Fully Ionized Isotropic Warm Plasma 3.Basic Equations for Waves in a Warm Magnetoplasma 4.Waves in a Warm Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field 5.Waves in a Fully Ionized Warm Magnetoplasma 6.Summary Problems 18.WSVES IN HOT ISOTROPIC PLASMAN 1.Introduction 2.Basic Equations 3.General Results for a Plane Wave 4.Electrostatic Longitudinal Wave in a Hot Isotropic Plasma 5.Transverse Wave in a Hot Isotropic Plasma 6.The Two-Stream Instability 7.Summary Problems 19.WAVES IN HOT MAGNETIZED PLASMAS 1.Introduction 2.Wave Propagation Along the Magnetostatic Field in a Hot Plasma 3.Wave Propagation Across the Magnetostatic Field in a Hot Plasma 4.Summary Problems 20.PARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN PLASMAS 1.Introduction 2.Binary Collisions 3.Dynamics of Binary Collisions 4.Evaluation of the Scattering Angle 5.Cross Sections 6.Cross Sections for the Hard Sphere Model 7.Cross Sections for the Coulomb Potential 8.Screening of the Coulomb Potential Problems 21.THE BOL TZMANN AND THE FOKKER-PLANCK EQUATIONS 1.Introduction 2.The Boltzmann Equation 3.The Boltzmann's H Function 4.Boltzmann Collision Term for a Weakly Ionized Plasma 5.The Fokker-Planck Equation Problems 22.TPANSPORT PROCESSES IN PLASMAS 1.Introduction 2.Electric Conductivity in a Nonmagnetized Plasma 3.Electric Conductivity in a Magnetized Plasma 4.Free Diffusion 5.Diffusion in a Magnetic Field 6.Heat Flow Problems APPENDIX A Useful Vector Relations APPENDIX B Useful Relations in Cartesian and in Curvilinear Coordinates APPENDIX C Physical Constants (MKSA) APPENDIX D Conversion Factors for Physical Units APPENDIX E Some Important Plasma Parameters APPENDIX F Approximate Magnitudes in Some Typical Plasmas INDEX