規(guī)范理論和現(xiàn)代粒子物理導(dǎo)論 第2卷

出版時(shí)間:2010-4  出版社:世界圖書(shū)出版公司  作者:(英)李德 著  頁(yè)數(shù):431  


  For a book of its genre, our previous book, An introduction to gauge theories and the "new physics" (1982) was a great success. It was not, alas, sold in airport lounges, but it did run to two additional printings (1983, 1985), and to extensively revised editions in Russian (1990), and in Polish (1991). More importantly, it seemed to achieve the principal goal which we had set ourselves, namely, to present a pedagogical account of modern particle physics with a balance of theory and experiment, which would be intelligible and stimulating for both theoretical and experimental graduate students. We did not try to write a profound book on field theory, nor a treatise on sophisticated experimental techniques. But we did wish to stress the deep, intimate and fruitful interaction between theoretical ideas and experimental results. Indeed, for us, it is just this aspect of physics which makes it seem so much more exciting than say pure mathematics. Our greatest pleasure came from the favourable reaction of students who were working through the book and from those reviewers who caught what we hoped was its essential fiavour——the writing creates the feeling of an active progression of ideas arising from the repeated interaction of theoretical prejudice with experimental observation, unlike most textbooks, it is highly readable, and makes everything appear simple and obvious. Well, the last comment is surely an exaggeration but that was our aim.  In thinking about a second edition we were faced with a serious conceptual problem. Ten years ago we were in a state of excited expectation.A beautiful theory had been created and led, via the simplest of calculations, to absolutely dramatic experimental predictions; principally the existence and basic properties of the heavy vector bosons W+ and Z0.A host of interesting new phenomena could be studied with no more elfort than the calculation of a lowest order Born diagram. Much of the new physics could be discussed and understood from rather qualitative arguments. That idyllic situation is much changed now.  After the few years during which the experimentalists were struggling to demonstrate the very existence of these new phenomena, when the world of physics was electrified by the discovery of one single W or Z event, we have moved into an era when LEP is mass-producing millions of Z0s!


本書(shū)分為兩冊(cè),詳細(xì)地介紹了粒子物理學(xué)的現(xiàn)代理論和實(shí)驗(yàn)。條理分明,表述連貫。作者以簡(jiǎn)明直觀的方式,闡釋隱藏在實(shí)驗(yàn)現(xiàn)象背后的深刻的物理原理,同時(shí)循序漸進(jìn)地講解從事粒子物理研究用到的現(xiàn)代方法。本書(shū)收入了許多粒子物理領(lǐng)域的新成果,還有若干很有特色的議題,例如高階弱電效應(yīng),夸克混合,噴流,深度非彈性輕子—強(qiáng)子散射,簡(jiǎn)單部分子模型的量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)修正,以及量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)的非微擾理論等。本書(shū)可以作為現(xiàn)代粒子物理學(xué)方向的研究生教材,對(duì)該領(lǐng)域的科研人員也有很好的參考價(jià)值。本書(shū)第一冊(cè)主要包括電弱相互作用,新的基本粒子的探索及其物理性質(zhì)的研究,部分子的發(fā)現(xiàn),以及簡(jiǎn)單部分子模型的構(gòu)建和預(yù)測(cè)等。第二冊(cè)在介紹了CP破壞之后,主要講解量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)及其在“硬”過(guò)程中的應(yīng)用,同時(shí)也介紹了“軟”強(qiáng)子物理和非微擾量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)。目次:Kobayashi-Maskawa矩陣的確定;混合和CP破壞;正規(guī)化,重整化和重整化群簡(jiǎn)介;規(guī)范理論,量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)和重整化群;量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)重整化群應(yīng)用;量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)中的部分子模型;大 現(xiàn)象和強(qiáng)子反應(yīng)中的噴流; 物理中的噴流和強(qiáng)子;低 或者“軟”強(qiáng)子物理;規(guī)范理論的非微擾特征;標(biāo)準(zhǔn)模型之外。附錄1:場(chǎng)論基礎(chǔ);附錄2:量子電動(dòng)力學(xué),量子色動(dòng)力學(xué)和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)模型中的費(fèi)曼規(guī)則;附錄3:矢量守恒流和守恒荷;附錄4:費(fèi)曼振幅的算子形式和有效哈密頓量;附錄5:S-矩陣,T-矩陣和費(fèi)曼振幅;附錄6:矩陣元的CPT不變性及其推論;附錄7:基本部分子2→2過(guò)程的表述;附錄8:歐氏空間常用記號(hào)。讀者對(duì)象:理論物理、高能物理和場(chǎng)論等專業(yè)的高年級(jí)本科生、研究生和相關(guān)專業(yè)的科研人員。


Preface Acknowledgements Notational conventions Note added in proof: the discovery of the top quark (?) Note added in proof: the demise of the SSC 18 Determination of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix 19 Mixing and CP violation 20 Regularization, renormalization and introduction to the renormalization group 21 Gauge theories, QCD and the renormalization group 22 Applications of the QCD renormalization group 23 The parton model in QCD 24 Large Pr phenomena and jets in hadronic reactions 25 Jets and hadrons in e+e- physics 26 Low Pr or 'soft' hadronic physics 27 Some non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories 28 Beyond the standard model Appendix 1: Elements of field theory Appendix 2: Feynman rules for QED, QCD and the SM Appendix 3: Conserved vector currents and their charges Appendix 4: Operator form of Feynman amplitudes and effective Hamiltonians Appendix 5: S-matrix, T-matrix and Feynman amplitude Appendix 6: Consequences of CPT invariance for matrix elements Appendix 7: Formulae for the basic partonic 2 → 2 processes Appendix 8: Euclidean space conventions References Analytic subject index for vols. 1 and2





    規(guī)范理論和現(xiàn)代粒子物理導(dǎo)論 第2卷 PDF格式下載

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  •   這是世界圖書(shū)出版公司引進(jìn)的劍橋大學(xué)出版社的理論物理學(xué)專著,作者用規(guī)范場(chǎng)理論研究粒子物理,有創(chuàng)見(jiàn).適合理論物理研究生閱讀.
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  •   還沒(méi)讀,內(nèi)容看起來(lái)很全。
  •   從規(guī)范理論的角度看粒子物理學(xué)

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