出版時間:2010-4 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:(丹麥)裴特生 著,(美)John Webster Spargo 譯,錢軍 導讀 頁數(shù):358 字數(shù):401000 譯者:John Webster Spargo
FOR the most part this work is a translation of Professor Pedersen's Sp-rogvide~kaben i det Nittende Aarhundrede: Metoder og Resultater, Copenhagen, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1924, which appeared as Volume XV of Det Nittende Aarhundrede, an imposing series edited by Aage Friis and designed to present the cultural history of the nineteenth century in all its aspects. The relatively unimportant deviations from the original have been made either by the author or with his advice and consent. Scholarly works which have appeared since 1924, and are of such a nature as to affect the conclusions expressed in the original text, have been mentioned by the author in the translation; other changes include occasional amplification of a statement or the use of different examples. Word-forms thoroughly familiar to the Scandinavian reader might not be illuminating to the reader of an English translation, and therefore more appropriate examples have been selected in place of those on page 272, the first paragraph of page 273, and most of the first paragraph of page 274 of the Danish text. The way of the translator is hard, as any one knows who has gone that way; especially hard when a work of a scholarly nature is involved, where extreme fidelity in translation is imperative. That way would not have been trod in the present instance if the translator had not thought he saw in the original certain cardinal virtues which would make the hook a desirable addition to the English literature of linguistics. The problems, as well as the accomplishments, of the study of linguistics during this most important of centuries are faithfully and clearly recorded. Before each step in advance is described, the need for this step is pointed out, so that we have not merely adry recital of events, hut a story which gives us a series of living pictures of these pioneering intellects actually at work wrestling with problems the solution of which constitutes one chapter of the most stirring history we know, the history of the achievements of the human spirit in winning new knowledge.
本書詳盡地介紹了西方比較語言學的興起和發(fā)展,對于近代歐洲語言科學的發(fā)展、方法和成果做了綜合的敘述。介紹了歐洲古典時代、中世紀以及16,17,18世紀的語言學的演進,敘述了印歐語系各個語支以及世界各個語系的研究情形,并從碑銘與考古的發(fā)現(xiàn)情況對文字史進行了探討,最后還討論了比較語言學的方法論及其演進過程。 著名語言學家朱德熙先生稱本書為“最好的一本介紹歷史比較方法的書”。
裴特生(Holger Pedersen),丹麥人,著名比較語言學家。1867年生于丹麥西部的Gelballe鎮(zhèn),早年曾跟隨杰出的比較語言學家、新語法學派創(chuàng)始人卡爾·勃魯格曼(Karl Brugmann)赴希臘西海岸與阿爾巴尼亞隔海相對的科孚島(Corfu島,現(xiàn)名克基拉島)收集阿爾巴尼亞語材料。1897年獲
導讀 英譯者序 原書目錄 引論 (一)無宗教的古代?。ǘ┗浇?。中古時期?。ㄈ?6和17世紀 (四)18世紀?。ㄎ澹?9世紀第一章 印度和伊朗古代文學語言的發(fā)展?。ㄒ唬┯《日Z?。ǘ┮晾收Z 第二章近代歐洲諸大語群:日耳曼語、斯拉夫語、克爾特語?。ㄒ唬┤斩Z?。ǘ┧估蛘Z?。ㄈ┛藸柼卣Z第三章立陶宛語、阿爾巴尼亞語、阿爾明尼亞語 (一)立陶宛語?。ǘ┌柊湍醽喺Z (三)阿爾明尼亞語第四章古希臘拉丁語研究的繼續(xù)?。ㄒ唬┕诺湔Z文學 (二)希臘語?。ㄈ├≌Z第五章非印歐的諸語系的研究?。ㄒ唬W洲四圍的外系語言?。ǘ┯《人膰怯W系的諸語群 (三)更遠的非印歐系的諸語群第六章 銘文和考古發(fā)現(xiàn)文字史的研究?。ㄒ唬┬ㄐ毋懳乃淼闹T語言 (二)象形文字的領域?。ㄈ╅W語字母 (四)閃語字母較遠的支裔?。ㄎ澹┦褂孟ED字母的一些國家 1.希臘古文字的發(fā)現(xiàn) 2.其他民族采用的希臘字母?。├∽帜傅闹б岬谄哒? 比較語言學的方法?。ㄒ唬┓椒ǖ陌l(fā)展概況?。ǘ┰缙诘谋容^語言學?。ㄈ┍容^語言學的新時期第八章 印歐人的語言親屬關系、家鄉(xiāng)和文化索引 通用索引 詞匯索引
In the Introduction we have seen how the opportunities of surveying a greater and greater linguistic territory increased fromone period to the next, until, in recent times, after the resumptionof the study of Greek, the linguistic horizon of the ancients wascombined with that of the Middle Ages in one great survey. Thissurvey produced in itself the need for method, the need for aprinciple of rational classification of this vast material. In spite of its very different appearance, the linguistic science ofthe nineteenth century carries on logically from the earlierdeve opment: the butterfly bursts forth from its cocoon as the resultof the growth it has experienced within its winter shelter. The nineteenth century created the method which the previousdevelopment called for, and still further increased the materialavailable for study. This new material was not the least importantfactor in revolutionizing the whole conception of language. Theknowledge of the language.~ of ancient India was a genuinerevelation, not only because of its great age and transparentmorphology, which unexpectedly cast new light upon the relatedEuropean languages, but also because European scholars herebecame acquainted with a highly developed linguistic science whichhad other points of departure and another evolution than thelinguistic science of the Greeks. Moreover, it was distinguishsd bythe very thing so lacking in Greek linguistics m systematic, rationalanalysis of the forms of speech. But this was not the only addition toprevious knowledge. Everywhere linguistic material from older timeswas brought to light which made an historical treatment of languagepossible —— in distant Iran as well as in the regions of Europe knownin ancient times, among the Slavs, the Germans, the Celts. Thus inevery way the study of the Indo-European family of languages wasbroadened. Of this family, whose existence was first recognized atthe beginning of the century, even the least-known members weredrawn into the circle of investigation: first ithuanian, the great ageof whose forms became evident in the new light of linguisticcomparison, and attracted attention early. ……