出版時間:2012-4 出版社:社會科學(xué)文獻出版社 作者:王小林,王立敏,王燕 頁數(shù):149
lt has taken world leaders a long time to recognize that the quality. of economic growth is critical to sustaining progress on the planet. The publication of The Quality of Growth(2000) signaled the huge cost to society of grow thpatterns that ignore distribution of opportunities and cause environmental destruction. And now The Quality of Growth and Poverty Reduction in China provides a critical message from China, one of the most.important emerging powers with a far reaching impact on climate change and structural trans for ma tion. The book, a result of a country owned process and led by International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC), emphasizes pro-poor growth, equal opportunities, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and environment protection, and is a must read.
Five factors are broadlyconsidered to be the key determinants of China's phenomenal grow thper for mance.Economic reform policies. China's economic reform policies have been the key impetus behind the country's sustained growth. Overa span of 30 years, China's highly distorted and inefficient centrally planned economy was gradually transformed into an economic system that depends, to a great extent, on market forces to allocate resources,enforces private property rights, and operates with/n a set of relativelydeve loped regulatory institutions. The reform process started in the eady 1980s in the agficulturalsect Of through the introduction of household responsibility system and endorsement of TVEs, replaang the rural collective system. The decision of the 14th Party Congtess in 1993 to establish a "socialist matket economy" paved the way for the next stage of reforms in State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and the financial sector. The reform of SOEs involved devolution of management and control from the central government to managers of local enterprises, and privatization of the majority of SOEs through the transfer of ownership of state assets. In the early 1990s, many SOEs were listed on the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges. As SOEs reform deepens, the private sector has become an increasingly dominant force in contributing to industrial output, with the private sector share of to talindustrial output rising from 6% in 1998 to about 52% in 2009 (China Statistical Year Books 2010). ……
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