
出版時(shí)間:2008-12  出版社:社會(huì)科學(xué)文獻(xiàn)出版社  作者:《旅游學(xué)刊》編輯部 編  頁數(shù):296  


很高興,《中國旅游研究年刊·2008》和大家見面了。這是我們繼2005、2006年編輯出版《中國旅游研究年刊》的第三本中國旅游研究的優(yōu)秀論文集。本書這里收入的20篇中國旅游研究的學(xué)術(shù)論文,是從《旅游學(xué)刊》2006、2007年發(fā)表的中國作者的近400篇論文中精選出來的。  《旅游學(xué)刊》創(chuàng)刊至今已經(jīng)20多年了,一直是讀者公認(rèn)的中國最早的海內(nèi)外公開發(fā)行的旅游科學(xué)的專業(yè)性學(xué)術(shù)期刊。盡管近10余年中國的旅游類刊物已雨后春筍般地大量出現(xiàn),但在中國圖書信息系統(tǒng)的近10余年連續(xù)4次的全國“中文核心期刊”的鄭重評(píng)定中,《旅游學(xué)刊》卻是中國唯一的連續(xù)4次獲得“中文核心期刊”榮譽(yù)的旅游類期刊。所以在中國,在中國的學(xué)術(shù)界和中國的旅游業(yè)者中,以及在部分海外地區(qū)的讀者中,《旅游學(xué)刊》已經(jīng)是人們一致公認(rèn)的最具權(quán)威性的刊物。20多年來,中國的旅游科學(xué)研究已經(jīng)取得了十分可觀的成績,為了有利于全球的這一領(lǐng)域的學(xué)術(shù)交流,在海外朋友們的建議下,我們特意對(duì)《旅游學(xué)刊》進(jìn)行精選,并安排隔年連續(xù)出版英譯本《中國旅游研究年刊》。參與本書遴選的專家在推薦和挑選論文時(shí),既注意了論文在學(xué)科成就方面的代表性,注意了全部論文所形成的對(duì)中國旅游研究的覆蓋面,而且也注意入選論著的作者的一定代表性和在中國各地的覆蓋面,因?yàn)樗麄兌际置靼状藭庉嫵霭娴囊饬x和價(jià)值。






1.1 Single-factor based evaluation and analysisSingle-factor based evaluation and analysis is the method that takes one factor as evaluation index to reflect competition situation of research objects.Representative methods and indexes are as follow: profitability, market share,output capacity, export & import data, etc.When competitiveness evaluated by single-factor based methods, on account of less related data, it's simple and easy to handle. But for competitiveness is a capacity system, the single-factor evaluation method is lack of comprehensiveness.1.2 Multi-factor based evaluation and analysisFor competitiveness is evaluated by combined factors, the method also is called comprehensive approach. For example, World Competitiveness Year Book (WCY) released by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), mainly uses comprehensive approach to evaluate competitiveness.Michael E. Porter's evaluation of industry competitiveness and enterprises competitiveness also is a comprehensive evaluation method which takes macro environmental factors, industry & policy conditions and government & enterprise factors into account. Many China's domestic scholars who also take the method, such as Zheng Gang & Jiang Chunlin use for reference of domestic & overseas advanced theories and measures to build a systematic evaluation index that includes obvious competitive capacity, potential competitive capacity,competition environment and competition situation.On the other hand, some guilds and consulting companies take surveyor's pole approach to evaluate and judge competitiveness, actually, the method is a multifactor evaluation approach. Generally, the method firstly locates key factors to competitiveness and then, probes the factors' best usage for compared nations or enterprises. At last, taking the object compared with the world wide best practice and thus shows the competitiveness gap.The advantage of multi-factor based analysis is that it can be as comprehensive as possible, however, the method needs get factors combined to educe competitive situation. When the approach is carried out, weighing to the factors will affect the final results.





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