出版時(shí)間:2008 出版社:社會(huì)科學(xué)文獻(xiàn)出版社 作者:何明升,主編 頁(yè)數(shù):580
As today's high-tech develops, society changes accordingly. The book is a collectionof English papers in social engineering field. The authors are scholars and studentsfrom Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University and State Universityof Management, Moscow. The English papers, which follow four themes of socialengineering, focus on the impact of developing high-tech on the social system, aswell as the future developing orientation of social system under the influence of high-tech. This book represents the forefront of social engineering and reflects the ideasand processes of study.
High Technology and Society: from Bilateral Construction to System Integration1 Relation Evolution of Technology and Society 2 System Integration of High-tech and Society and Its EngineeringImplication3 Research on High-tech and Society in the Field ofSystem IntegrationStrategy Development: Challenge and New VisionDefinition and Analysis of Social Engneering Problem1 Social Problem is the Starting Point of SocialEngineering Activity2 The Social Engineering Problem is the ProblemBrings out Social Problem3 The Thought and Method of Social Engineering Problem4 The Structural Discrimination of Policy Engineering Problem 5 The Deep-seated ProblemsSection 1The View of the General Characteristics of Social Engineering from"The Roosevelt New Deal1 Introduction2 The Social Engineering is the Unification of " the Passivity" and "the Initiative"3 The Social Engineering is the Unification of "the Design" and "the Strain"4 The Social Engineering is the Unification of "the Effectiveness Term" and "the Long Term"Thoughts on the Value of Soaal Engineering1 Analyze Social Engineering Value from the Angle of Social Engineering Ontology2 Social Engineering: Analyze Social Engineering Value from Epistemology Angle3 Analyze Value of Social Engineering from Methodology Angle of Social Engineering4 Social Engineering Relating to the Significant Action of National Economy and People's LivelihoodThe Relation of Soaal Engjneering and NatureEngineering1 The Fundamental Connotation of Social Engineering2 The Special Relation between Social Engineering and Nature Engineering3 Basic Differences between Social Engineering and Natural EngineeringProduaion and Vicissitude of Soaal Engneering and Soaal Struaure1 Social Engineering and Social Structure's Production2 Social Engineering and Social Structure's Vicissitude3 Social Engineering and the Construction of SocialismHarmonious Society……Section 2Section 3Section 4Section 5
The DBT first selects a salient topic-one that of social concern, pertinent to upcoming parliamentary deliberations, then chooses a steering committee to oversee the organization of the conference. With the topic in hand and the teering committee, the DBT advertises in local newspapers through hout Denmark for participants. Candidates must send a one-page letter describing their backgrounds and their reasons for participating. The board chooses a panel of about 15 people who roughly represent the Danish population. There are two weekend preparatory meetings before the formal conference.At the first preparatory weekend meeting, the public group, with the help of a skilled facilitator, discusses an expert background paper, and at the second preparatory weekend meeting, the public group, again with the help of the skilled facilitator, discusses more background readings provided by the steering committee, propose questions and refine their questions. The following public conference usually lasts for four days. On the first day, the experts discuss the problems proposed by the public group members. On the second day, the public group publicly cross-examines the expert panel. On the third day, the public group prepares its report, summarizing the issues on which it could reach consensus and identifying and remaining points of disagreement. On the final day, the expert group has a brief statement tocorrect misstatements of the public group's report, but not otherwise tocomment on the document's substance. Afterward, the public group directlypresents its report at a national press conference in order to encourage furtherdiscuss. The efforts made by DBT certainly promote the understanding of the publicto scientific and technological issues. The consensus conferences held in1980s influenced the legislation of Danish parliamentary. At the same time,the manufacturers of technological production also get the report of the consensus conference and benefit from it so that they can modify theirproduction. ……
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