
出版時(shí)間:2010-1  出版社:Martinson、張曉燕、 張萍 經(jīng)濟(jì)管理出版社 (2010-01出版)  作者:Martinson 著  頁數(shù):210  




  《旅游英語口語》語言地道:本套叢書所采用的對(duì)話和句子都盡量保持原裝口語的習(xí)慣和語音口吻,讓廣大讀者聽起來身臨其境,學(xué)起來瑯瑯上口。舉一反三:本套叢書中采用的都是在相關(guān)內(nèi)容中使用頻率高、適用范圍廣的范句。讓讀者學(xué)起來舉一反三,隨心所欲換句子,秀口語?! ?shí)用性強(qiáng):本套叢書中的對(duì)話內(nèi)容涉及面非常廣泛,包含了旅游、娛樂休閑、社交、情景、商務(wù)等社會(huì)生活和工作的各個(gè)方面。不論您是在職人員還是在校學(xué)生,或者是居家人士,只要您有學(xué)習(xí)英語口語的熱情。這套叢書就能提供您需要的資料?! 『唵我讓W(xué):掌本套叢書中的模擬會(huì)話中所選用的對(duì)話通俗易懂,能更好地供讀者進(jìn)行模仿練習(xí),每段英文會(huì)話后面都帶有相應(yīng)的中文翻譯,而且在會(huì)話結(jié)束還有從對(duì)話中選取出來的新鮮詞匯,為廣大讀者掃除學(xué)習(xí)障礙。


編者:張曉燕 張萍 合著者:(美國)Martinson


Part 1 Ready to goUnit One The plan of Traveling Unit Two Consulting the Travel AgencyUnit Three Passport and Visa Unit Four Room Reservations Unit Five Booking Airline TicketsUnit Six Changing Money Unit Seven Checking LuggageUnit Eight Going Through the Customs Part 2 Choosing a Means of TransportUnit One Private Car Unit Two By Train Unit Three By Plane Unit Four By Bus Unit Five Traveling by SubwayUnit Six Taking a TaxiUnit Seven By Ship Unit Eight Renting a CarPart 3 AccommodationUnit One Check in Unit Two Ushering a Guest into th RoonUnit Three Special Services Unit Four Call Transfer Unit Five Laundry Service Unit Six Complaints ServicesUnit Seven Maintenance ServiceUnit Eight Settle Accounts  Part 4 Internal Tourism Unit One A Visit to Tian' anmen and the Imperial PalaceUnit Two A Trip to the Great Wall. the Summer Palace and the Ming TombsUnit Three A Trip to Shanghai Unit Four A Trip to Suhang Unit Five A Trip to Famous MountainUnit Six A Visit to Temples Unit Seven A Visit to the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Qin Shi Huang' s Mausoleum and Terracotta ArmyUnit Eight Folk Customs  Part 5 International Tourism Unit One A Tour Guide in Asian Unit Two A Tour Guide in Africa Unit Three A Tour Guide in EuropeUnit Four A Tour Guide in AmericaUnit Five A Tour Guide in Australia Unit Six A Visit to Disneyland and New YorkUnit Seven Visiting Niagara Falls and Trafalgar Square in LondonUnit Eight Foreignism   Part 6 For Travel Unit One Calling Unit Two Asking the Way Unit Three At the Restaurant Unit Four At the Post Office Unit Five Dress Unit Six Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Unit Seven Making Bargains Unit Eight Dealing With Trouble


Conversation 1A:When are you going to take your year’s vacation?B:I’ve got a ten—day vacation starting July 25.A:Where areyougoing?B:Hawaii.A:That sounds like a good place.Is your whole family going?B:Yes.We plan to climb the mountains,go fishing,and wind surfing,but most of all,relaxing.My wife is taking a whole pile of books to read.A:Your children must be all excited about it.B:Yes,they are.They’re already crossing out the days on the calendar.Are you going to Europe again this summer?A:No.not this time.We’re going to visit some old friends in New York.B:Are you driving or taking at rain?A:Driving.We’ll need a car there.A:你打算什么時(shí)候休年假?B:從7月25日起,我有10天的假。A:你要去哪里度假?B:夏威夷。A:這地方很不錯(cuò)。你們?nèi)胰硕家?B:是的。我們計(jì)劃去爬山、釣魚、玩風(fēng)浪板,但最主要是輕松一下。我太太要帶一大堆書去看。A:你的孩子們一定都非常興奮。B:是啊,他們很興奮。他們已經(jīng)在日歷上標(biāo)出日期了。今年夏天你還要去歐洲嗎?A:不,這次不去了。我們打算去紐約看看老朋友。B:你開車去還是坐火車去?A:開車去。在那邊我們會(huì)用到車子的。Conversation 2A:No pressure.No work.No worries.Just the pure fun!B:Yes,the vacation is coming now!Where do you intend to spend it,Angela?A:I don’t know.Maybe I’ll stay together with my parents.B:Don’t you want to go out?You know I’ve got a new car.A:Please don’t brag about your new car!You are so great.OK?B:What do you mean by that?I invite you just because I view you as my friend.A:I’m sorry.I misunderstand you.Thank you for sharing everything with me.B:That’S OK.How about traveling around with me?A:Where do you want to go?B:How about San ya?There we can visit the“End of The Earth”.A:I know it's a famous coast resort.But is it too far away?B:Just think about the palm trees,sunshine,beach and blue waves…Don’t miss the chance!A:OK.I’ll go with you.But I just want to enjoy the clean air there.B:I’m sure you will like it! It’ll be a nice change from the crowded and polluted city.A:沒有壓力,沒有工作,也不用再操心,只有純粹的歡樂!B:是啊,假期終于來了!安吉拉,你打算去哪兒玩?A:不知道呢。可能會(huì)待在家里陪父母。B:你不想出去玩玩嗎?你知道的,我買了輛新車。A:別再顯擺你的車了!你真了不起,行了吧?B:你這么說是什么意思?正是因?yàn)橐暷銥榕笥眩也叛?qǐng)你的。A:對(duì)不起,是我誤解你了。謝謝你喜歡和我分享一切。B:沒事兒。那和我一起去旅游怎么樣?A:你打算去哪兒?B:三亞怎么樣?在那我們能參觀“天涯海角”。A:我知道那是著名的海濱勝地。但那里是不是太遠(yuǎn)了?B:想想那椰樹、陽光、海灘、碧浪……別錯(cuò)過好機(jī)會(huì)!A:好吧,那我陪你去。不過我只想去那呼吸一下新鮮空氣而已。B:我保證你會(huì)喜歡那里的!相比起人群擁堵、污染嚴(yán)重的城市,那里真是個(gè)不賴的去處!   Conversation 3A:When do you plan to leave?B:Well,I prefer a package tour.A:OK,we’ll have a tour a week later.B:A boat trip?A:Yes,sir.You don’t have to worry about accommodation and meals.B:That sounds nice.A:So,what’s the schedule?B:It’s two nights in the hotel,June 2nd and 3rd,but three days altogether.A:I see.We arrive early in the second,and we leave at 9 P.m.on the fourth.B:That’s correct.There would be plenty of time for shopping and sightseeing.A:I think that’ll work out fine.I hope I’ll be able to sleep in the train.A:你打算什么時(shí)候走?B:嗯,我想?yún)⒓勇眯袌F(tuán)。A:沒問題,我們一周后有一個(gè)團(tuán)。B:是乘船游覽嗎?A:沒錯(cuò),先生。您還不必?fù)?dān)心食宿問題。B:聽上去不錯(cuò)。A:那么,日程怎樣安排?B:總共3天,6月2號(hào)和3號(hào)兩天晚上住在賓館里。A:我明白了,我們2號(hào)早上到,4號(hào)晚上9點(diǎn)走。B:是的。你們有足夠的時(shí)間購物和觀光。A:這樣安排挺不錯(cuò)。我希望能夠在火車上睡一覺。Conversation 4    A:I’m thinking of visiting Yellow Stone this summer.Do you think I should join a tour or go by myself?B:To tell you the truth.I don’t like package tours.I’d rather wander around with a camera by myself.A:I know what you mean.Last time 1 was on a package tour,we had to get up at 4:30 in the morning and hurry to a lot of places during the day.I don’t even remember what I saw.B:That’s why I don’t like package tours.You don’t have any freedom.You don’t feel you  are on holiday.The schedule is even tighter than my work schedule.A:But if I g0 by myself,I have to worry about accommodation,transportation and travel routes.B:I’ve got all idea for you.You Can go to Yellow Stone on your own,but you Call join a guided tour in the park.A:This is a great idea! I won’t miss the great sights and I Can learn more about the park.A:今年夏天我想去黃石公園看看。你看我是跟團(tuán)去呢,還是自己去?B:說實(shí)話,我不喜歡跟團(tuán)旅游。我寧愿帶著相機(jī)自己逛。A:我明白你的意思。上次我跟團(tuán)去旅游,早上4點(diǎn)半就得起床,白天要趕去很多景點(diǎn),到頭來我都不記得自己看了些什么。B:所以我不喜歡跟團(tuán),一點(diǎn)自由都沒有。你都不覺得自己是在度假,旅行團(tuán)的行程安排比上班的日程安排還要緊張。A:可是,如果我自己去的話,就得操心住宿、乘車和旅行線路這些問題。B:我倒有個(gè)主意,你可以自己去黃石,等到了園區(qū)內(nèi),你再找個(gè)導(dǎo)游帶你走。A:這真是個(gè)好主意!我不僅不會(huì)錯(cuò)過最美的景點(diǎn),而且還可以學(xué)到更多有關(guān)公園的知識(shí)。


《旅游英語口語》:營造身臨其境的交流氛圍突破語言習(xí)慣的思維禁錮搭建起流利口語必備的知識(shí)框架提供交流場(chǎng)景中可能用到的多種經(jīng)典句型系統(tǒng)全面,即學(xué)即用;隨地練習(xí),自在表達(dá)舉一反三  偱序漸進(jìn)  即學(xué)即用  通俗詳盡



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