
出版時間:2009-2  出版社:經(jīng)濟管理  作者:孫瑩  頁數(shù):264  


我國加入世界貿(mào)易組織后,對外貿(mào)易快速發(fā)展,規(guī)模日益擴大。2007年,中國進出口貿(mào)易總額占世界貿(mào)易總額的7.7%,居世界第3位,成為名副其實的對外貿(mào)易大國。經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易的發(fā)展亟須大量的、有一定英語能力的外貿(mào)綜合型人才。編寫本書的目的在于使廣大讀者了解國際商務相關知識,掌握參與國際貿(mào)易必備的國際市場營銷分析能力與國際貿(mào)易實務操作能力,具備一定對外貿(mào)易的談判技巧。本書雖然是針對國際貿(mào)易專業(yè)的學生而編寫,但是由于內(nèi)容具有普遍性,對參加自學考試的學生和其他從事或準備從事國際貿(mào)易的學生和人員來說,都非常有參考價值。    全書共分四部分。第一部分是Introduction(緒論),主要介紹了一些國際貿(mào)易活動中常見的國際知名銀行和國際經(jīng)濟組織。第二部分是International Marketing(國際市場營銷),主要介紹了參與國際貿(mào)易必備的營銷知識。第三部分是Practice of InternationalBusiness(國際貿(mào)易實務),按國際貿(mào)易程序介紹了整個國際貿(mào)易談判磋商過程。第四部分是Business Contract Making(商務合同寫作),主要介紹商務合同及其寫作。每一部分都帶有相關的閱讀材料,供讀者閱讀,以提高閱讀能力并擴大知識面;第一部分和第二部分還附加了一些Business Tips,為讀者參與商務活動提供一定的技巧;第三部分增加了對話及口語的練習,以供讀者提高口語及應用能力;第四部分插入了詳細的機電設備進出口合同和知識產(chǎn)權許可合同文本,以供讀者參閱。    本書是在編者多年來從事教學與研究及參與國際貿(mào)易實踐活動的基礎上寫成的。


GLOBALIZATIONModule 1  INTRODUCTION Chapter 1  The World Renowned Banks  1.1 Citibank  1.2 Dai-Kahi Kangyo Bank  1.3  JPMorgan Chase  1.4  Bank of America  1.5  Barclays Bank  1.6  Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking  1.7  Bank of China  1.8  Bank of Montreal  1.9  Swiss Bank Corp  1.10  First Interstate Baneorp  Reading Material  Exercises  Business Tip: Business Meeting Chapter 2  International Economic Organizations  2.1  Comprehensive Economic Organizations  2.2  Organizations in Trade  2.3  Organization in Finance Reading Material Exercises Business Tip.- Business LunchModule 2  INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Chapter 1  Introduction to Marketing  Reading Material  Exercises  Business Tip: Making a Client Wait Chapter 2  Analysis of Market Enviranment    2.1  Background of Market Environment  2.2  Relevant Knowledge  Reading Material  Business Tip: Learn About the Art of Gifting Chapter 3  Market Research   3.1  Pre-knowledge  3.2  Theory of Marketing  Business Tip: Express Yourself through Your Business Card Chapter 4  Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning  4.1  Introduction  4.2  Relevant Knowledge  Reading Material   Exercises  Business Tip.. Negotiating Tip Chapter 5  The Marketing Mix  5.1  4P's  5.2  Promotional Mix Chapter 6  Channels of Distribution  6.1  Channels of Distribution    6.2  Wholesaling  Business Tip: Conversational Tip   Chapter 7  Marketing for E-commerce    7.1  Marketing for E-commerce  7.2  Reievant Knowledge  Reading MaterialModule 3 PRAC,nCE OFInTERNATI0NAL BUsmEss ……Module 1 BUSINESS CONTRACT MAKONG參考答案參考文獻


  Salesman:Thank you for your inquiry,Mr.Jones,Will you please tell me the quantity you require SO asto enable US to SOrt out offers?  HenryJones:OK,1willdothat.Couldyougivemeanindicationoftheprice?  Salesman:Here are our latest FOB price sheets.All the prices inthe sheets are subject to ourfinal confirmation.  Henry Jones:Forhowlongdoesyourquotationprice remainopen?  Salesman:It’Sopenforthreedays.WhenCanyoudecidethe size ofyourorder?  Henry Jones:Thatwilldependonyourprice.Ifyourpriceisreasonable andI Cangetthe commissionlwant,we cananplaceanorderimmediately.  Salesman:Inprinciple,Wedon’t allowanycommission.Butifyourorderislarge,we will take it into consideration.From the price sheets,you will find Our prices are very competitive.And heavyinquiries witness the quality ofour products.You know,the prices of materialshavegoneup sharply.Butthepricesofourproductshaven’tchanged much.  Henry Jones:I’m very pleased to hear that.How long will it take you to deliver the goods?  Salesman:Usually we deliver the goods within 3 months after receipt of the covering lettersoferexlit.  Henry Jones:Good.I Can’t make the decision by myself.I will call my head office in Spain and consider the price carefully.Ifthey think the prices are favorable,we can place orderright away.1 will come back to you tomorrow.All right?  Salesman:Right.See youtomorrow.



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