出版時間:2011-9 出版社:中國法制 作者:法律英語證書(LEC)全國統(tǒng)一考試指導(dǎo)委員會 編 頁數(shù):217
Unit 1 Introduction to Legal Reading Skills
Unit 2 Administrative Law
Unit 3 Antitrust Law
Unit 4 Banking and Finance Law
Unit 5 Civil Procedure
Unit 6 Constitutiongal Law
Unit 7 Contract Law
Unit 8 Corporation Law
Unit 9 Criminal Law
Unit 10 Criminal Procedure
Unit 11 Employment Law
Unit 12 EnvironmentalLaw
Unit 13 Evidence Law
Unit 14 Family Law
Unit 15 Intellectual Property Law
Unit 16 Property Law
Unit 17 Torts
Appendix Ⅰ key to Exeercises
Appendix Ⅱ 常用拉丁語法律詞匯
Sources of Reading Materals Used in this Book
版權(quán)頁:插圖:Civil cases typically involve disputes between individuals or groups of individuals. Thethree major areas of civil litigation are domestic relations law ( e. g. , divorce and childcustody) ,tort law ( e. g. ,personal injury,property damage,or product liability) ,and contractlaw ( e. g. ,written and oral agreements). The following is an overview of the court proceduresfor civil cases.Pretrial ProceduresA civil action is commenced by one party filing a petition.ln most cases,this party isreferred to as the plaintiff.ln domestic relation cases, the person filing the petition is thepetitioner. In the petition,the plaintiff sets forth the parties involved,the theories of recovery,and the relief sought. The petition is filed in district court and served or delivered to theopposing party. Generally,the opposing party is the defendant. In domestic relation cases,theopposing party is called the respondent The defendant then will file pre-answer motions or ananswer, An answer is a document denying or admitting liability.After the initial petition,the parties may file pretrial motions. These motions may requestthe court to dismiss the entire lawsuit,dismiss a claim or party,or limit the evidence to bepresented at trial. The parties may also engage in discovery,a process to obtain information fromthe opposing party. A party may file interrogatories,which are written questions to be answeredby the other party. A party may also take depositions,or ask oral questions,of a witness after thewitness has taken an oath to tell the truth. Parties often reach a settlement or an agreement toresolve the lawsuit during this process.After the completion of the discovery process and the filing of any pretrial motions,thecourt will schedule a pretrial conference unless the parties have reached a settlement. Duringthe pretrial conference,a judge and the lawyers for the parties discuss a wide variety of trialtopics and the judge will set a trial date.