出版時間:2009-10 出版社:中國法制出版社 作者:法律英語證書 編 頁數(shù):234
涉外法律實踐要求從業(yè)人員將談判、咨詢、法律研究以及辯論的能力整合在一起,而有一種能力是以上所有能力的基礎(chǔ),這就是高效的法律英語寫作能力。法律文書應(yīng)當是十分清楚、精準、全面而且通俗易懂的,但是,涉外法律文書種類的紛繁復(fù)雜給我國涉外法律從業(yè)人員的工作帶來極大的障礙。為了方便涉外法律從業(yè)人員學習法律英語寫作,本書詳細介紹了幾種重要、實用的法律文書的寫作方法?! ”緯卜譃槿糠?,第一部分為律師信函,詳盡介紹了幾種常用信函的寫法。與當事人的溝通信函的主要目的是與當事人明確溝通,因此一般使用通俗易懂的非法律語言,注重的是語言技巧,這是涉外法律從業(yè)人員必須輕松掌握并熟練運用的。與對方當事人或其代理律師的溝通信函多是與訴訟相關(guān)的信函,涉及大量法律術(shù)語,這是希望在法律英語方面提升自己的讀者應(yīng)當重點學習的內(nèi)容。律師處理日常事務(wù)的信函也很有特點,通過本章的介紹可使欲從事涉外法律事務(wù)的人士在處理日常事務(wù)時有章可循。 第二部分介紹了案件法律分析報告(Law Office Memo)的寫法。在英美法系國家,案件法律分析報告由初級律師撰寫,由高級律師最終確定,其內(nèi)容是通過對案件的客觀分析,預(yù)測出適用相關(guān)的法律將對其當事人產(chǎn)生的影響。本書該部分內(nèi)容主要介紹了概括事實的方法、提出案件主要爭議點的技巧以及案件剖析討論的寫作方式?! “讣q論書(Brief)在法律英語寫作中占有相當重要的地位。盡管案件辯論書在許多方面與案件法律分析報告相似,但兩者在本質(zhì)上是不同的。案件法律分析報告是客觀的分析究竟哪方當事人的理由更加充分,并且一般要在分析的最后階段才能得出結(jié)論;而案件辯論書的撰寫人在寫作之前已經(jīng)知道了基本結(jié)論,其主要任務(wù)是為結(jié)論尋找支持的依據(jù),并極力證明他的當事人的理由更加充分,應(yīng)當?shù)玫椒ㄔ旱闹С?。因此在寫作方法上,案件辯論書也有別于案件法律分析報告。我國從事涉外法律服務(wù)人員應(yīng)當特別注意,在法律英語寫作中,向初審法院和向上訴法院提交的訴狀、答辯狀等法律文書的要求是不同的,寫作方法也是不同的。本書在第三部分著重介紹向初審法院提交的案件辯論書的寫作方法和向上訴法院提交的案件辯論書的寫作方法?! 》捎⒄Z證書(Legal Endi8h Certificate,簡稱LEC)全國統(tǒng)一考試旨在為國家機關(guān)、涉外企事業(yè)單位、律師事務(wù)所等提供招募國際性人才的客觀標準,同時督促國內(nèi)法律從業(yè)人員提高專業(yè)英語水平。LEC考試的題型、考查內(nèi)容與美國律師資格考試相近,同時又突出了法律英語語言運用特色。并結(jié)合中國實際增加了法律英語翻譯測試。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Legal WritingChapter 2 Writing LettersChapter 3 Law Office Memorandum WritingChapter 4 Basics of Writing BriefsChapter 5 Briefs to a Trial CourtChapter 6 Briefs to an Appellate CourtChapter 7 Effective Advocacy in Brief WritingChapter 8 Legal CitationsReferences
Dear Mike, I write this letter in a11 attempt to bring closure to the disputes between Dr.Gallegos andthe ECISD.As you know,Dr.Gallegos has sued the ECISD to prevent the release of certainconfidential,educational records to the public. Further more.it is my understanding that certain members of the ECISD board have voiceddisputes and concerns about Dr.Gallegos;particularly a concem about whether Dr.Gallegos’criticism of the ECISD District plan and its authors was warranted.In defending the ECISD Dis.trict plan and its authors,certain board members publicly lashed out at Dr.Gallegos,arguablydefaming him in the process.Furthermore,the ECISD District plan authors filed an employment evance against Dr.Gallegos,asking that he be fired.As you know,Dr.Gallegos’assertions were proven correct in that that ECISD District plan was shown to have been plagiarized from the Georgetown ISD District plan,and one of the authors of the ECISD District plan has now resigned because of this fact.Certain members of the ECISD board have publicly accused Dr.Gallegos of passing a fraudulent plan,in order to provide unwarranted political cover for the true perpetrators of the fraudulent plan.But for Dr.Gallegos,ECISD would not be aware today that it had passed a copy of a plan developed specifically for Georgetown ISD.Although certain boardmembers publicly criticized Dr.Gallegos,it remains uncertain whether the general public is aware that Dr.Gallegos is responsible for shining light on this unseemly transaction and that he should be commended’not criticized.Dr.GaUegos is anxious for the general public to under-stand his role in these events and to clear his narfle. Also,earlier this year,the ECISD board passed a motion to evaluate Dr.Gallegos this Sep.tember.This motion is out of order,in that the board cannot evaluate staff other than the super.intendent,and it changes an evaluation document without seeking staff in put Dr.Gallegos hascharged me with investigating the possibility of filing a declaratory judgment action against the ECISD to determine whether the actions of the board are in contravention of other board policy and or state law.