出版時間:2005年2月1日 出版社:中國社會出版社 作者:肖嬋 頁數(shù):406 字數(shù):300000
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1. Happiness2. The English Character3. Exercise4. Olympic Games5. The American Obsession:Fast Food6. Come as You Are7. An lrish Wedding8. Challenges of School9. Building Bridges10. Stuggling in America11. Comments on the American Dream12. Medicine for a Broken Heart13. Hong Kong Ousts Tokyo as Most Expensive City14. To Do or Not to Do?The Answer Is a Click Away15. About Streaking16. Loving and Learning-A Good Match17. Leisure and Boredom18. The Boredom19. Austalia:A Land of Exceptional Beauty20. Every Living Person Has Problems21. Cokies22. English as a Crazy Language23. Oh,babies!24. Butterfly's Wings25. Difference between Cultures26. Friendship27. Encouragement28. Schooling and Education29. Children's Numerical Skills30. Modern American Universities31. The Origin of the Refrigerators32. Truancy in Universities-an Analysis33. My Perfect Wife34. Ode to Cigarettes35. Types of University Students36. The History of Thanksgiving Day37. Christmas Carols38. Taking Children to College39. Pub-talk40. Feather in the Wind41. Problems and Opportunities42. Everything Is to Be Paid for43. Mom's Little Guide44. What Happened to Suday?45. Old Couple at McDonald's46. Paper Still Has Weight47. Dating with My Mother48. Cat with a Phone Number49. Vancouver:A World-Famous Port City50. How to Win Frends and influence People51. Stress52. Companionship of Books53. Disney World54. Humor55. Passing on Small Change56. The Power of Beauty57. Examinations-a Necessary Evil58. Building Your Own House59. The Success Personality……