出版時間:2011-11 出版社:五洲傳播出版社 作者:吳偉 等 譯 頁數(shù):253
King Gesar is an epic from Tibet based on Tibetan folktales, legends, folk songs and proverbs. Representing the highestachievement of ancient Tibetan culture, it has been in circulationfor centuries. It is an encyclopedia-like masterpiece reflecting thehistory of the ancient Tibetan society. Compared with the world's other famous heroic epics, KingGesar has two outstanding characteristics. First, it has been passed down orally and musically from onegeneration to the next. Even today the epic is still widespreadamong the Tibetan people, especially among farmers andherdsmen. It is a "living" heroic epic and belongs to the Tibetancultural heritage. Second, it is the longest heroic epic in the world. It is animmense work, with more than 1 million verses, which would fill120-plus volumes if written down. The State of Ling generally refers to the ancient Tibetan-inhabited areas. In the light of its structural order, we selected thehigh spot of this epic to entertain readers at home and abroad. Wehope our readers, through reading King Gesar, will get to knowand love both this great epic and the Tibetan culture.
GYANPIAN GYAMCO Gyanpian Gyamco, of the Tibetan ethnic group, was born in Batang County of the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province in 1938. He joined the PLA in 1950. He worked for the Ethnic Publishing House from 1956 to 1980.Beginning in 1981, he was transferred to work for the Ethnic Literature Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Socal Sciences, engaging exclusively in the research into King Gesar. His works include A Probe Into King Gesar, Biography of King Gesar,Historical Fate of Gesar, Gesar and Tibetan Culture, On Gesar,Approaching Gesar, Galsang Medo, The 13th Dalai Lama, Master Panchen Erdeni, Snowland General Tan Guansan and Biography oF Li Jue. WU WEI Wu Wei graduated from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences with an MA degree in 1988. She engaged in the publishing business as an editor and manager forprolonged period of time. Her works include Biography of King Gesar, Figures in King Gesar, The 13th Dalai Lama and Tibetan Literature. She now works for China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation.
PrefaceChapter IDemons Emerge and the Goddess of Mercy Comes to the RescueChapter IIGod Son ls Born in Ling and Zhaotoin Works Against Choru Chapter IIIZhaotoin Casts Greedy Eyes on the Throne of the Ling Tribe,and Gormo Manases to Capture the Heavenly Horse Chapter IVChoru Fulfills His Wishes with Flying Colors,and Zhaotoin Depresses with All Hopes Dashed to Pieces Chapter VAn Expedition to Kill the Devil and to Save Gesar's Concubine Chapter VIThe State of Hor Kidnaps Cholmo by Force and King Bacham is Killed as a Punishment Chapter VIIThe State of Chain Fights for the Salt Lake and the Ling King Slays King Sadain of Chain Chapter VIIILing Attacks Moinyo upon Hearing a Prophesy, and the Four Demons Surrender and the Ling Troops Return TriumphantlyChapter IXLing Brings an Army to Chayo to Open the Treasure-House for the Benefit of the People Chapter XThe Lion King and His Officials Burn a Demon's Body, and Gesar Selects a Wife for the Prince Chapter XILion King Rescues Mother from Hell and Rongcha Chageng Passes Away Chapter XIIPrince Zhalha Ascends the Throne to Become the King of Ling and the Lion King Returns to Heaven Together with His Wives Postscript
The Dragon King took out a Good Wish Pearl and spoke to Meto Natse:“My daughter, do not blame your father the king. This is your destiny. You are now living with a happy family Chatsa Shigar treats you as his real other. Later on you will have your own son. I give you a Good Wish Pearl. You will get whatever you wish. Remember: always keep the pearl by your side before your son is born.” After saying this, the Dragon King went into the water and disappeared. The Dragon daughter felt warm and comfortable with the Good Wish Pearl in her hand. She then fell into a deep sleep. A white cloud came from the southwest. A deity was standing on the cloud. He came to Meto Natse and placed a five-pointed golden Diamond Club on her head: “Woman of good fortune, I never left you. It is time for you to bring goodto the people in Tibet.” Ihe deity then said: “Remember: the eighth day of the third month this year is the time for the son of the deities to be reborn. He is the ferocious god that will subjugate all evil spirits. He will be the king of the black-haired Tibetans.” “Also, remember that when the son ofthe deities is born, you need to apply longlife liquid on his upper jaw. He must use the top ofhis head to eat when he has food for the first time. Meanwhile, Deity Pamlha should be worshiped.This fierce god will help him to dress up for the first time. He should worship the Heavens before he fights with any enemies. You must always bear in mind what I have said.” ……