出版時間:2011-1 出版社:Feng Ge 五洲傳播出版社 (2011-01出版) 作者:Feng Ge 頁數(shù):156
Now again as in the past when China was in its prime, the world find itimpossible to overlook China and its people. However, for its many sufferings in pre-modern and modern history ofsocial unrest and setbacks, natural disasters and social misfortunes, Chinahas for a long time remained relatively backward, listed as a "developingcountry" of the world. And for the same reason, The Chinese people andtheir civilization have been neglected in the developed countries, and whatis now known of China to quite many people in the West remains to bewhat it was 30 or 50 years ago.
IntroductionPart 1 Traditional Chinese Rites and Rituals Chapter One Rites and Rituals in Daily Life Daily Life Meeting Rites Residence Costume Family Rituals Chapter Two Social Rituals Entertainment Congratulation and Condolence Feasting Gift Sending Chapter Three The Rites of Passage Birth Coming of age Marriage Funerals Chapter Four Seasonal and Production Rituals Seasonal Rituals Production Rites Rites in Different professions Chapter Five National Rites Goodness Rites Rites of Festival Celebrations Rites of Guest Receptions Military RitePart 2 Modern Chinese Rites and Rituals Chapter Six Daily Life Modern Behaviors Modern Costume Chapter Seven Important Events' in Modern Life Rites of Birth and Death Marital Rituals Miscellaneous Rituals Chapter Eight Public Affairs Business Rites National Affairs National Symbols Diplomatic Protocol
Clothes are mainly used to cover thebody, for decoration and against thecold. But the gorgeous ancient Chinesecostume also embodied the ritual sys-tem of life with its strict hierarchy andstrong spirit of unification. In the pastdynasties definite and strict regula-tions were provided for the costumeof people ranging from emperors andofficials to ordinary persons. Everyoneshould be dressed in conformity withhis own status and so it would be easyto distinguish, from the costume, mon-arch and subject, the male and thefemale, master and servant, and offi-cials and common people. Therefore,to Chinese people, clothing could alsobe taken as a ritual expression ratherthan the mere embodiment of freedomand comfort. Generally speaking, thedistinction between common peopleand the aristocracy was reflected bythe length of clothes. Laborers woreshorter clothes with simple colors anddecorative patterns, while nobles werein richly ornamented long clothing,graceful and poised. It was forbiddento wear clothes unsuitable for one'sown sex. The Chinese costume system expe-rienced a dear evolution and appeareddifferently in each period of history. As early as in the times of the Yel-low Emperor, the clothing systemcame into being. The combination ofthe dark upper garment and the yel-low lower one was the emblem ofheaven and earth, for the heavens aredark before dawn and the earth wasyellow. Rooted in nature-worship, thisconcept had a profound impact on thesubsequent clothing system. After theclass society began, with the formationand establishment of PatriarchalThe costume of the emperors of Qing Dynasty, inyellow color and dragon designs that are exclusivelyused.
華夏字禮俗綿延千古,神州雅風流芳萬年。 定民之序,開國之疆。天地同祀,鬼神齊饗?;突椭腥A,禮儀之邦。 禮法的秩序,禮教的禁錮,禮俗的傳承,千年延續(xù)…… 周公制禮定國干,孔圣好學問老聃。節(jié)俗風情傳黎庶,帝王灑酒祭蒼天。 馮鴿所著的《中國的禮儀(英文版)》揭開一個偉大古國的神秘面紗,對傳統(tǒng)禮儀文化追根溯源。