
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:李莎  頁數(shù):99  


  Do me a favor, be happy in China!  This is the best I can wish for you and for China.


Carducci has been - cumulatively - a student for 21 years, a
language teacher for 30 years, a journalist for 20, but a writer
for her all life. Author of 67 books and 3,000 articles in a
variety of languages, she has written mostly about China and the
Chinese after she established in this country in 1991, following
two visits in 1985 and 1989. Born in Canada, she majored in
Linguistics at the University of Montreal. In China she taught
French and Italian in a Beijing university, worked with China
Central Television (overseas service), and later with Beijing
Review.Besides her career as a writer, she is an autodidact
artist,with 20 exhibitions at her credit.
In 2001, Lisa Carducci was granted the
Friendship Award of the People's Republic of China "for her
outstanding contribution to the international friendship and her
enthusiastic support to the construction of a modern China."In
2005, she was one of the first foreigners in China to be awarded
the permanent residence in the PRC.
Several of her publications were awarded


Chapter 1Basic secrets
Chapter 2Isn't that odd?
Chapter 3We also act strangely in their eyes
Chapter 4How do the Chinese see us?
Chapter 5It was a good time after all...
Chapter 6Is there anything wrong?
Chapter 7Is integration a kind of cultural


  In May 2009, the Association of Italian Women of Beijing invited the author to deliver a lecture on this topic.Among the members of the audience were all kinds of non-Chinese: those who wanted to melt into Chinese society and didn't know how, as well as those who were just crossing off an X on their calendars, counting down the days that remained in their suffering.This is when I decided that this little "manual of the newcomer" needed to be written.




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