
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:China Intercontinental Press  作者:中國日報特稿部  頁數(shù):262  


To all the contributors who have shared their wonderful experiences withChina Daily's readers.     To Ji Tao, Raymond Zhou, Erik Nilsson, Patrick Whiteley, and many otherswho have written stories and helped uphold the level of the Hotpot column.


I GENERALLY SPEAKING1. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE WEIRD KIND1 CEO soaks it in ... 12 Dealing with the Devils ...33 Thrill of being a fugitive ...54 Slithering out of darkness ...75 Bumps in the road ... 106 Touts turn out to be friendly ... 137 Stone phone calls through the ages ... 168 The big smile said it all ... 199 Porn dated at explicit exhibition ...2110 Age no bar at Chinese clubs ...2411  It's all downhill from here ...2712 Reality check on a dream journey ...3013 Beihai and I come of age ...332. FUNNY BUSINESS14 Peddlers pack a punch ...3515 Priceless joys of bargaining ...3816 Cost in translation ...4117 Making deals and friends ...4418 Where you shop 'til you drop ...4619 When money-hungry restaurateurs smell prey ...4820 Fishing for the real deal ...503. ON THE RORD21 Murphy's Law drives me crazy ...5222 What the beep are you saying? ...5523 Driven mad in a cab ...5724 Getting a fix on happening Beijing ...5925 Changing gears on life's road ...624. CHEW ON THIS26 Serving up the table talk ._6427 When Beijing sounds out ...6628 Meetings with famous meats ...6929 Steeped in culture, table talk brews ...7230 Smoke in mirrors ...7431 Superstition makes for hairy experience ...7732 Surgical precision at the hospital ...7933 Facing the music ...8234 Now, KTV's music to my ears ...8535 Dude, where's my phone? ...8836 Buy, buy, buy, cell, cell cell ...91II. Culture vultures1. IN PLRIN LRNGURGE37 Studying more to learn less ...9338  Competition makes me feel small ...9639  When babbling makes sense...9940  Express route to my Mandarin misunderstandings... 10241  Discovering a language like Indiana Jones... 10542  More to language than just words... 10743 A hellish contest with Devil Judge... / 102. you NRME IT44  In the name of the emperor... 11345  The name's Bong, James Bong... 11546  Rewriting the name game... 11747 What's in a name, anyway?... 1193. LRBORS OF LOVE48  Getting married for the mob... 12149  The formula for love... 12450 Till death do us part... 12751  Love's priceless, but weddings are expensive... 13052  Putting love to the test... 13253 A picture-perfect bride and groom... 13454  Marital bliss is free and invaluable... 1374. CELEBRRTE GOOD TIMES, C'MONI55 The boogiemen's bash on Fright Night... 13956  Santa Clause is limping to town... 14257  Good trip, no fall... 14558  Go gently into the New Year... 14859  Celebrating a festival without festivities... 15160  Love wrapped up in dumpling dough... 15461  Dumplings stuffed with memories... 15762  Having a blast during Spring Festival... 16063  Swept up in family matters... 16364  Remembering people and traditions lost... 1665. MEETING THE RERL CHINESE65  Learning life's lessons... 16966 The godfather's not Marlin Brando... 17267  Singing the Super Girl's praises... 17568  Look behind to find kind folks... 17869  He's gone in a puff of smoke... 18170 Xi Shi is a cut above... 18371  The impossible dream of Beijing's new red chambers... 18572  Hearts warm the winter chill... 18773  Mr Makeover colors our lives... 18974 A finely wrought story... 19275  Digging in on Labor Day... 19576 Same old village, brand new livelihoods... 19777  Saying goodbye at a traditional funeral...2006. SURPRISE, SURPRISE78 Tipping me over the edge...20379  Honestly, try fibbing some time...20680  Swimming with the Beijing icebergs...20981  Blessing of the Golden Flower...21182 What the fengshuimaster revealed...21383  Losing a perfect job opportunity...21584 "Chi fan le ma"- always a safe question ...21785 Mechanics of the bare-belly radiator ...22086 The good news of rediscovering ritual ...22287 How trinkets tell 10-second stories ...2257. THE FUNNY THING IS88 Jokes are a funny way to learn ...22789 Chinese know no humor ...22990 Why Chinese humor is so funny ...2318. THINK RBOUT IT91 Ancient wisdom for modern life ...23392 Waiting for the white rabbit ...23693 Lessons from the old wise guys ...23894 Stories that pack a powerful punch ...24095 Hugging the boundaries of personal space ...2439. R CLRSS OF THEIR OWN96 My meter-high bilingual master ...24697 Life with ducks, chickens and woodpeckers ...24998 Double trouble for bicultural twins ...25299 Fueling the fire of tot's desire ...255100 What's the rush, ent-boy? ...257EPILOGUE101 Trapped in the revolving door ...260


China Daily's Hot Pot column is funny and hits home with expatriates who have spent enough time in the country to take delight in cultural differences and frustrations. The community of these 'friends of China' is just fluent enough in the rhythms of Chinese life to get comfortable, but still delighted by this country's capacity to modernize furiously yet remain true to itself. Deep chuckles and loud laughs await, and will make you want to stay just a few years longer.




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