
出版時間:2010-4  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:降邊嘉措,吳偉 著  頁數(shù):277  


  The long historical novel The 13th Dalai Lama——Gyangze Battle of 1904 was writtenin the early 1980s, a period when the Chinese Government had just started to put in placethe reform and opening-up policy. It was published by the China Federation of Literary andArt Publishing Corporation in 1985.


  Gyanpian Gyamco, of the Tibetan ethnic group, was born inBatang County of the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture ofSichuan Province in 1938. He joined the PLA in 1950 and heworked for the Ethnic Publishing House from 1956 to 1980.Beginning in 1981, he was transferred to work for the EthnicLiterature Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of SocialSciences, engaging exclusively in the research into King Gesar.His works include A Probe Into King Gesar, Biography of KingGesar, Historical Fate of Gesar, Gesar and Tibetan Culture, OnGesar, Approaching Gesar, Galsang Medo, The 13th Dalai Lama,Master Panchen Erdeni, Snowland General Tan Guansan andBiography of Li Jue.  Wu Wei graduated from the Graduate School of the ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences with an MA degree in 1988. Sheengaged in the publishing business as an editor and manager forprolonged period of time.


Foreword of Second EditionBuddha of the Land of SnowsThe Tent Shrouded in ShadowA New Star Rises in the Northeast Qoini Makes a DivinationThe New Qing High Commissioner for Tibet Smoke Rings Signal Deep Emotion Francis Younghusband's DreamFear and WorryA Flock of Sheep at the Foot of the MountainThe Lute of a Buddhist GuardianThe Nanyi Monastery Meets With CatastropheThe Barkor Street CornerThe Silence of Norbu LingkaEbullient LhasaMysterious Mongolian LamasThe Small Monastery on the MountainBy the Holy LakeCheerful Laughter under the Walls of the Ancient Castle Stranded in Parlha VillageTowering Copper TowerThe God of Fire Shows His PowerA Fearful PlaceThe Austere Yamun Guarded by Stone LionsWater Is as Precious as BloodHe Belongs to This LandThe Moment of TruthEternal Starlight


  "Yes, Tibet. Because it borders India, it is vital for us to control Tibet."Younghusband drank a mouthful of water and continued, "But we are not in a positionyet to control Tibet. We have signed treaties with the Chinese Government, butthe local government of Tibet refuses to recognize them, or accept the obligationsstipulated in the treaties. They opened Yadong as a commercial port but only in thenarrowest sense. Of course this is insufficient for our needs. Still, we gained a loteven from the restricted opening ofYadong. The price of sheep and goats in Tibet isone third of the price in India, and the price of leather is only one tenth of the pricein India. The Russians too are not ignorant of these potential benefits. They havemade us an offer: as long as we allow them some concessions in Tibet, they wouldnot oppose our interests in Egypt. In this way, Tibet has become a vitally importantbargaining chip in the Great diplomatic Game between us and the Russians. Doyou understand? Only if we truly have total control over Tibet, can we fully utilizethis bargaining chip and advance our interests in places like Egypt, Persia andAfghanistan."


  After conquering and occupying India and making ,it the fewel in the Crown"of their great Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries,the British colonialists,utilizing the subterfuge of a nominal trading company,the notorious East India Company, to plan aggressive incursions into neighboring Tibet. During the period from the late 18th to the early 19th century, the British colonialists gained control of vast areas to the south of the Himalayas including Nepal, Bhutan, Dremojong (Sikkim) and kadakh. Dremojong(Sikkim), Ladakh and Bhutan had been previously a part of the Tibet kingdom and thus a part of China. However, the British colonialists cared nothing for such facts. After bringing Nepal and Bhutan under their control they tried to invade Tibet.  In 1904, a British expeditionary arm,/crossed the Himalayas and invaded Tibet for the second time. The Tibetan people, led by the 13th Dalai Lama Tabdain Gvamco, who was then aged only 28, bravely beat back the British invaders. In conditions of extreme hardship, the Tibetan people conducted a guerilla struggle against with the British colonialists which lasted over a year. They fought to maintain the unity of the nation and the territorial integrity of the motherland. The stirring story of the Battle of zongshan Hill in Gvangze is enough to move any proud Tibetan to tears. Hopelessly interior to the invading forces in terms of arms, the Tibetan fighters used the most primitive weapons against the British. They declared defiantly that the,/would fight to the very last man, to "kill all the foreign invaders and defend the territorial integrity of the nation." This battier following the Opium War led by Lin Zexu, marked a critical new chapter in the holy struggle of the Chinese nation against imperialist aggression as they sought to defend the territorial integrity of the motherland and maintain nati.ona[ sovereignty and ethnic dignity. The Book The 13th Dalai Lama-1904 Battle of Gyangze which deals with the events of the famous Battle of Gyangze,in a work of fiction reproduces the brave and solemn history of this historical event. It brings to life the characters and heroes such as the I3th Dalai Lama Tubdain Gyamco, Lhatin5 Deboin (Reglment Commander),Zeling Deboin(Regiment Commander), Lhodain, Kezhol Wangqug, Geleg,Qoini Sammo and Rinsai.



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